
Characters resistant/immune to telepathy?

Started by Maegawa, March 18, 2018, 11:54AM

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March 18, 2018, 11:54AM Last Edit: March 19, 2018, 11:40AM by Maegawa
Hey guys, I'm making a list of which official characters from MUA should have a resistance or immunity to Mind Control (for my Maegawa's Patch), but since I'm not much of a comics guy (all of my knowledge comes from the wiki lol), I gotta ask for those who are: From the 36 official MUA playable characters, which ones have shown a degree of telepathy resistance (or even immunity) in the comics?

Here is the list I narrowed down with the knowledge some members have provided:
:panther:: No.
:blackwidow:: No.
:blade:: No.
:capamer:: Resistant due to willpower.
:genis:: No.
:colossus:: No.
:cyclops:: Resistant due to training + experience with telepaths.
:daredevil:: Resistant due to training + own powers.
:deadpool:: Immune due to insanity + healing factor.
:doom:: Resistant due to willpower.
:strange:: No.
:elektra:: No.
:ghostr:: Resistant due to bond between two separate beings.
:hawkeye:: No.
:hulk_icon:: Immune due to inner conflict/anger.
:humant:: No.
:iceman:: No.
:iwoman:: Immune only during Fantastic Shield boost.
:stark:: Resistant due to Telepathy Inhibitor from armor.
:pman:: No.
:magneto:: Immune due to training + helmet.
:moonk:: Resistant due to multiple personalities.
:fantastic:: No.
:warbird:: No.
:nfury:: No.
:nightcrawler:: No.
:ronin:: No.
:stooth:: Resistant due to healing factor + wild nature.
:silvers:: No.
:spidergirl:: Resistant due to willpower.
:spiderwoman:: No.
:storm:: Resistant due to willpower + own powers.
:thing:: No.
:thor:: Immune due to godhood.
:venom:: Resistant due to bond between two separate minds.
:wolverine:: Resistant due to healing factor + wild nature.

I might still make further alterations lol
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Black Panther probably does, and so does Cap. I'll think on the others and see what I can come up with.

Well from the wiki:
Captain America:Indomitable Will: Rogers is a very strong-willed person. He is able to overcome most forms of temptation and resist the effects of extreme pain, drugs and toxins to a great extent. Rogers accepts his own mortality, and refuses to rob any sapient being of their freedom. During the Destiny War, he destroyed the Forever Crystal, deciding it was too dangerous to exist, despite the many benefits of its power.[172] Rogers is also capable of resisting many forms of mind control; he has succumbed to the powers of the Purple Man or the telepathic brain of Charles Xavier, but fought constantly to maintain his true senses.[173][78] "
Thor:Telepathy Immunity: Thor has the ability to resist the mental influence of powerful beings. He resisted a mind thrust attack of the Rigellians,[204] the magical music of Ares, a mental attack from Glory, Morgana le Fay's attempt to dominate his mind, resisted the power of the Eye of Horus, and the mind blast of the Super-Beast.
Wolverine: Telepathic Resistance: Due to a combination of his healing factor and psi-shields implanted by Professor Charles Xavier, Wolverine's mind is highly resistant to telepathic assault and probing.[126]
Daredevil: Telepathic Immunity: He is also skilled in being able to resist psychic intrusions to be able to prevent his mind from being read.(This is due to Training by Stick (He should also be inmune to the fear effect,g¡he is the Man without fear)
Elektra:Mind Shield: Elektra has demonstrated an ability to remain hidden and undetected by other telepaths. By using a telepathic technique that she learned during her time with the Hand, Elektra can create a mental shield around her mind keeping herself hidden from not only other psychics but mind locating machines like Cerebro
also i assume Dr. Strange is inmune due to Magical Defenses

March 18, 2018, 04:47PM #3 Last Edit: March 18, 2018, 07:16PM by BaconWizard17

  • Black Panther apparently does not
  • Black Widow (I wouldn't count this, but you do you):
    QuotePeak Mental Resistance: Natasha is extraordinarily capable at withstanding torture. She is often required to go undercover for S.H.I.E.L.D. and has been extensively trained to endure long-term inhumane interrogation methods.
    Indomitable Will: Natasha is a very strong willed woman. Her will is so strong to the point that she will never surrender to her opponents, no matter how powerful they intent to be.
  • Blade does not
  • Captain America's abilities are told by gigio8 above. I believe he should be given telepathic resistance
  • Captain Marvel does not
  • Colossus's metal form does not protect him from mental attacks
  • Cyclops should be given telepathic resistance
    QuoteTelepathic Resistance: Years of being in intimate situations with telepaths have allowed Cyclops to hone his mind to the point where he can resist telepathic intrusion and withhold certain information from high level telepaths.
  • Daredevil's abilities are told by gigio8 above. He should be given telepathic immunity
  • Deadpool should be given telepathic immunity
    QuoteTelepathic Immunity: The healing factor causes his brain to be in a constant state of flux and regeneration, rendering him immune to psychics such as Cable, Emma Frost, and the Red Onslaught. Deadpool can be looped into a telepathic psi-link to communicate with others mentally, as he did while a member of X-Force, but actually reading his mind can be confusing, even to an accomplished telepath like Psylocke.
    Possession Resistance: Similar to the telepathic immunity, Deadpool is able to remain in control of himself while supernatural beings are trying to take control of him. During Xaphan's attempt to take control of him, Wade was able to fight for control of his body. No one can touch his soul.
  • Doctor Doom should be given telepathic resistance
    QuoteIndomitable Will: Doom has a great willpower. He was able to resist psychic attacks from Emma Frost and the Purple Man using only his will, to reject the mystical armor that the Soulsword provides the wielder on sheer willpower alone and while he was tortured in Hell, he refused to let a single audible indication of pain exit his mouth
  • Doctor Strange, interestingly, does not
  • Elektra's abilities are told by gigio8 above. She should be given telepathic resistance
  • Ghost Rider, according to his wiki page, has no telepathic resistance
  • Hawkeye does not
  • Hulk should be given telepathic immunity
    QuoteTelepathic Immunity: In many instances the Hulk has demonstrated great psychic resistance as a side-effect of his innate rage and the multiple personalities inside his mind. When in ideal conditions it is practically impossible to mentally enslave Hulk. In parallel, this ability increases with his rage. This was demonstrated when Psyklop managed to enthrall the Hulk initially with his hypnotizing power, but was not able to subjugate an enraged Hulk. In an example of his mental prowess, the Hulk was even able to survive using the Ultimate Machine, which contained the collective knowledge of an entire universe. While the Leader died, despite his heightened intellect, due to being unable to process the entirety of the information and having his brain overloaded, the Hulk was able to survive using it and find out that Rick Jones was in danger, after which he removed the device and leapt away. In an astounding exhibition of his telepathic immunity, the Hulk proved to be unaffected by the Xemnu's telepathic assault, which has been powerful enough to mesmerize the entire human population, put a mental block on Doctor Strange to prevent him from using his powers, or even engage the enormously powerful Moondragon in battle. The Hulk was also the only one able to remember the Sentry after Sentry used his psionic powers to remove his memories from everyone on the planet. When highly powerful psychics, such as the Professor X, could only utilize his psionic powers to find out that their memories had been manipulated and twisted. The Hulk has withstood telepathic attacks from Professor X, Selene, Thanos, Dr. Strange, Dr. Druid, Maha Yogi, Nate Grey, Mentallo, The Ringmaster, Apocalypse, among others.
  • Human Torch does not
  • Iceman has no resistance
  • Invisible Woman's mental resistance would be better if incorporated into her shield boost
    QuoteSue's force fields have also prevented telekinesis from passing through them. This was shown when she used a force field around herself to keep Jean Grey's telekinesis from affecting her. The force field made it impossible for Jean to attack her with telekinesis. When Sue put a force field around Jean, her telekinetic attack upon various other persons in the immediate vicinity ceased. Sue also demonstrated a similar ability when facing Psi-Lord, a grown version of her son Franklin. He was unable to read her mind while her force field was up. When Sue projects her force field around the Red Ghost when he is in intangible state, he automatically becomes solid.
  • Iron Man's could go either way. Take this as you will. Also, I'm pretty sure his suit has mental resistance
    QuoteIndomitable Will: As evidenced by his two serious bouts with alcoholism and subsequent recovery, Stark is possessed of tremendous strength of will, never giving up and often emerging from defeat even stronger. It is arguable that the true "Iron Man" is not the armor, but Stark himself.
  • Luke Cage has no mental resistance
  • Magneto should be given mental immunity (due to the combination of his helmet and training)
    QuoteTelepathic Resistance: Magneto has trained himself extensively for fighting telepaths, and is resistant to telepathic attack. This training is similar to that given to the X-Men and New Mutants by Professor X, although the effects are further augmented with the aid of his helmet (see below), his strong will, and his own electromagnetic powers.
    Magneto's Helmet: Magneto's helmet is built to shield his mind from psychic probes and manipulation.
  • Moon Knight should be given mental resistance
    QuoteTelepathic Resistance: Spector's multiple personalities give him some protection against certain psychic powers such as possession or mental control.
  • Mr Fantastic has no mental resistance
  • Ms Marvel has no mental resistance
  • Nick Fury has no mental resistance
  • Nightcrawler has no mental resistance
  • The only version of Ronin with telepathic resistance is Marc Spector (assumed based off of his Moon Knight Abilities), but he's not the version the mod is based off of, right?
  • Sabretooth could be given mental resistance, but I don't think he should, since his resistance is stated to be temporary
    QuotePsionic Resistance: Sabretooth became temporarily immune to telepathic manipulation after an incident where Wolverine punctured his frontal lobe. When Elizabeth Braddock stabbed him with her psi-blade it seemingly had no effect in the sense that it should have reverted him via what he called "The Glow", which normally allowed his more reasonable side to take control over the animal, which failed. For at least a time afterward he became far more difficult to locate or read via telepathy, though this was shown to be a temporary resistance as both Jean Grey and Professor Xavier were able to eventually both locate, sense and enter his mind
  • Silver Surfer has no mental resistance
  • Spider-Man should be given mental resistance
    QuoteSpider-Man has a strong Force of Will, completely free of evil and temptation. For years, he has struggled to balance his life as a student and his superhero duties. He is able to emerge from defeat even stronger. His mental strength is also shown when he successfully wrestles control of nanobots from Doctor Octopus. Through the psychological profiles conducted by Maria Hill, she has stated that nobody has as strong as an ingrained identity as Spider-Man, further demonstrating the extent of his willpower. His willpower is so strong that he has been considered as the greatest of all the Spider-Totems in the Multiverse by Ben Reilly of Earth-94.
  • Spider-Woman has no mental resistance
  • I don't think The Thing should have mental resistance, but take this as you will
    QuoteIndomitable Will: One of Ben's remarkable qualities is his extreme willpower. Whatever obstacles may come, he would try until he overcomes them or dies. In fact, during his fight with the Champion of the universe, despite suffering severe injuries, he kept coming back, making the Champion remark that while he could break every bone in Ben's body, he could never defeat him, as he could never break Ben's spirit, and forfeited the fight so that he wouldn't be forced to hurt Ben anymore.
  • Thor's abilities are told by gigio8 above. He should be given telepathic immunity
  • Venom should be given telepathic resistance
    QuoteTelepathy Resistance: As a result of Venom being a bond between two separate minds, it takes longer than conventional for a telepath to affect his mind. This defense is not absolute, however. Additionally, attempting to telepathically incapacitate Venom by targeting the host does not prevent the symbiote from fighting back.
  • Wolverine's abilities are told by gigio8 above. He should be given telepathic resistance

You could give the X-Men characters low-level mental resistance if you wanted, but that's your call

I can vouch that :wolverine: Wolverine has some telepathic resistance. Back in Madripoor where he fought his own teammate :psylocke: Psylocke (as Lady Mandarin), she used her psychic knife on him, but his mental chaos managed to break the Hand's control of her. It also triggered a "psychic link" between the two of them that is still active to this day.  No wonder Logan and Betsy are so close.

:blade: Blade is a supernatural -- being half-vampire. I think he has some degree of mind control immunity. He may not be completely immune, but has some degree of resistance. Heck, he is even immune to vampire hypnosis.

Black Widow... I think she's kind of up in the air.

Quote from: Outsider on March 18, 2018, 05:10PM
:blade: Blade is a supernatural -- being half-vampire. I think he has some degree of mind control immunity. He may not be completely immune, but has some degree of resistance. Heck, he is even immune to vampire hypnosis.

His wiki page doesn't explicitly state that he has any mental immunity, but he could be given some low-level immunity

March 18, 2018, 06:23PM #6 Last Edit: March 18, 2018, 06:43PM by jaybird
Professor X trained the x-men to combat psychic attacks, but I recall them being taken over multiple times.It kind of changes by the writer. Also, you're missing storm.

Actually the wiki has a category for characters with telepathic inmunity.
The Characters in this category that are also official characters in MUA are:
-Moon Knight
-Colossus (But only as War, horsemen of Apocalypse)
Also Iron Man's Armor has defenses against telepathy: " The armor even has specialized circuitry that guards against telepathic attacks, Iron Man Vol 5 #9"

All right folks, first of all thank you so much all your contributions!

With that said, I narrowed the list down to 4 remaining characters: :panther: :blackwidow: :blade: :thing:
In :panther:'s case, I believe the Panther God would protect him on one side, and on another side other 3 characters come into play: I don't know if :panther:'s, :blackwidow:'s, and :thing:'s willpower could be compared to to the likes of :capamer:, :doom:, or even :spidergirl: for that matter; don't get me wrong, I simply don't know much about their willpower...
:blade: is an interesting case: his wiki page doesn't mention anything about it, but as Outsider mentioned, his half-vampire side could give him an edge in resisting mental attacks.

Regarding a few characters I decided that contradict what you guys said:
:ghostr: could be resistant for a reason similar to  :venom: (2 beings sharing a body), and immune due to that allied with the fact that he is a Spirit Of Vengeance.
:moonk:'s multiple personalities would give him an edge in being resistant, but I think Khonshu would also protect him in a similar way to how the Panther God would protect :panther:, thus making :moonk: immune.
I've read that :wolverine:'s wild nature, allied with his healing factor, gives him extra juice in resisting mental attacks. I believe the same should apply to :stooth: as well since they both tend to have these animalistic berserker rage moments...
I've also read that :silvers: has some light telepathic abilities, which I believe would grant him some kind of resistance...
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March 18, 2018, 07:57PM #10 Last Edit: March 18, 2018, 08:02PM by BaconWizard17
I don't believe that Black Widow, Blade, or Thing should have resistance. I agree with making Ghost Rider resistant, but I personally don't think he should be immune. Same for Moon Knight. Black Panther should not have mental resistance in my opinion. I agree with your decision on Wolverine and Sabretooth. Additionally, I don't think Silver Surfer should have any resistance.

If you give too many characters mental resistance, it defeats the purpose of having enemies with mental attacks. Your current list has 19/38 characters (50%) with immunity or resistance (8 immune, 11 resistant). I feel that having over 50% of the characters with mental resistance would unbalance the game.

Of course, these are just my opinions, and you can take your mods any direction you please.

Quote from: BaconWizard17 on March 18, 2018, 07:57PM
I don't believe that Black Widow, Blade, or Thing should have resistance. I agree with making Ghost Rider resistant, but I personally don't think he should be immune. Same for Moon Knight. Black Panther should not have mental resistance in my opinion. I agree with your decision on Wolverine and Sabretooth. Additionally, I don't think Silver Surfer should have any resistance.

If you give too many characters mental resistance, it defeats the purpose of having enemies with mental attacks.

Mmm, I see where you're coming from. It's probably better for the more grounded characters to not have any sort of resistance/immunity, save for a few who are very strong willed...

Well, I guess the final list has been decided, I've updated the first post based on the knowledge our fellow MarvelMods members have provided!
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March 18, 2018, 08:17PM #13 Last Edit: March 18, 2018, 08:20PM by Maegawa
I kept what BaconWizard17 said about balance in mind, and I think I'll limit immunity to 4 characters (:deadpool:, :hulk_icon:, :magneto:, :thor:, and probably remove :daredevil:'s immunity, :iwoman: is an exception), and make another selection round in order to delete some of the more grounded characters...

At the end of the day, it's a game above all, in which balance must be a priority... speaking of day, I'll stop here for today.
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Quote from: Maegawa on March 18, 2018, 08:17PM
I'll stop here for today.

I kept what BaconWizard17 said about balance in mind, and I think I'll limit immunity to 4 characters (:deadpool:, :hulk_icon:, :magneto:, :thor:, and probably remove :daredevil:'s immunity), and make another selection round in order to delete some of the more grounded characeters...

I think that if it's expressly stated that the possess mental immunity or resistance, then you should keep it. If it's ambiguous, then those are the ones that probably shouldn't have it