
My custom skins,etc: Warpath, Cyclops, Crossbones, Punisher, Magneto, Batman

Started by iammingy, May 11, 2007, 02:18PM

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awesome skins iammingy,great job.

I might just be a pothole in the road to you big guy, but it's going to be one heck of a deep pothole!

Those Punisher skins are SWEET. Thanks for releasing them and for making them in PS2 models so XML2 players can also use them.

Also, I don't want to be annoying (I know skinning and modding takes time, and you got other things to do), but did you ever get to do the Magneto costume from MUA2?

Quote from: hemlot on June 30, 2012, 12:29AM
Those Punisher skins are SWEET. Thanks for releasing them and for making them in PS2 models so XML2 players can also use them.

Also, I don't want to be annoying (I know skinning and modding takes time, and you got other things to do), but did you ever get to do the Magneto costume from MUA2?

I did make it, but I forgot about releasing it... lol
I will do it soon.

Magneto Ultimate (MUA/XML2)


I colored the PS2 model of XML2 ultimate Maggie to look like MUA2's version. The model has the cel-shade outline (white in menu, black in the game).

I have added the files for the XML1 PS2 model, cape, and the animations. Example code in herostat to use the animated cape:

      BoltOn {
      anim = cape_animation ;
      bolt = Bip01 Spine2 ;
      model = Magneto_ultimate_cape_XML1_PS2 ;
      slot = ebolton_cape ;

That's absolutely gorgeous.


I know of a way to bypass that limitation (the cel-shade). But only a hardcore cel-shade-hater should follow it, since it's long and mostly unnecessary...

You could reskin the skin into the XML1 model (which is capeless) and then add a bolton cape. I don't think there's a purple one lying around, but it should be a fairly simple reskin.

this skin is amazing!great details. :applause:

I might just be a pothole in the road to you big guy, but it's going to be one heck of a deep pothole!

Quote from: hemlot on July 01, 2012, 08:27PM
That's absolutely gorgeous.


I know of a way to bypass that limitation (the cel-shade). But only a hardcore cel-shade-hater should follow it, since it's long and mostly unnecessary...

You could reskin the skin into the XML1 model (which is capeless) and then add a bolton cape. I don't think there's a purple one lying around, but it should be a fairly simple reskin.

You should definitely share it. You'd be surprised who is interested.

Quote from: Teancum on July 02, 2012, 10:10AM
You should definitely share it. You'd be surprised who is interested.

If Iammingy allowed me, I could make the transfer for him (he could release it in this very same space as his work, it would take me about five minutes to do it). I was just wondering if anyone could send me the cape offsets from the Magneto MUA 2 skin, so the cape reskin matched the color of the skin's cape. Or the original XML2 Magneto cape offsets, so I know how to look for the new ones, I just don't get them right...

For cel-shade haters only, I have inserted the same texture on the XML1 PS2 Magneto, which is cape-less. I have also gave the animated cape-bolton the matching color. Download the package from the same link if interested.

I am actually surprised that the XML1 cape bolton is actually in higher resolution than XML2 Magneto's.

Fantastic job on your Magneto - Ultimate skin, iammingy!  Thank you.
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