
Bizarro's Hud_Heads. Marvel's Movies Project!

Started by Bizarro, July 09, 2010, 08:15AM

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July 09, 2010, 08:15AM Last Edit: July 16, 2010, 05:25PM by Bizarro
Hud_Heads for the without mods (but with skins). Some off these huds have different backgrounds to make the game more beautiful.

BlackCat: (This is a pack with 4 Huds).
Fantastic Four Movie: (This is a pack with 7 Huds, including  :silvers: - I'm doing more!) Jessica Alba is the best Invisible Women EVER!!!
Jean Grey Movie:
Nova: (This is a pack with 4 Huds).
Sentry: (This is a pack with 2 Huds).
Spider Man 2099: (This is a pack with 2 Huds).               
Weapon Omega:
Wolverine Movie: (This is a pack with 7 Huds).

Thanks... Mr. Law, WhiteKing, JeanFan321 and Jean_Grey_Phoenix!!!

Now, I will start the Marvel's movie hud heads project... I'll do huds from every movie from Marvel!!!


Hud_Heads for the without mods (but with skins). Some off these huds have different backgrounds to make the game more beautiful.  Please give your opinion about!

These huds are terrific, Bizarro!  Thanks for making them.
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July 14, 2010, 07:59AM #5 Last Edit: July 14, 2010, 08:04AM by Bizarro
Thanks guys! I'm learning with you! Thanks for the encouraging words!

Thank you!!!!

Now, I will start the Marvel's movie hud heads project... I'll do huds from every movie from Marvel!!! My first one was Jean Grey... you can see the result.

I'm learning guys!

excellent huds. beautifull work. but sadly i have a problem with the huds of the fantastic 4. they look nothing like in the pics, their huds are blue, i mean their faces are blue. any ideas ?