Halo 3 Talk

Started by jonchang, September 23, 2007, 01:40AM

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So, Halo 3's coming out on Sept. 25, same time MUA Platinum "Enhanced" is coming out. Hopefully none of those rip-offs like the PS2 had. Anyway, back to the point:

Anyone getting it soon? I'm gonna wait till the crowd mayhem settles down before getting it for my 360.

Ain't got a 360, so I'm screwed with waiting for two more years till the PC port hits the shelves. I've only recently gotten to play Halo 2 PC -- gotta say, the visuals are damn impressive, consireding this came from the X-Box 1. Especially if you play it in XP and not Vista, so you can use a lower-than-lowest-system-reqs system with maxed-out graphics settings and get FULL SPEED.

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

All I want is Halo 3 single player.  Playing a bunch of whiny, prepubescent, racist kids does not interest me in the least.  But yeah, I love the Halo story ;)

Yeah, multiplayer can be quite a hassle:

"Don't look at this screen!" "Don't look at that one!" "Which screen am I?" "Dammit, stop cheating!" "What!?!?"


QuoteBut yeah, I love the Halo story
I'm still waiting for Durandal to pop out from the woodwork somewhere. Spent a few weeks replaying the Marathon games in chronological order, and it sure brought back some fancy memories of my gaming youth, as well as a paranoid suspicion that the Halo world really IS the Marathon world.
And, well, from there it's half a leap of imagination to a guest appearance of the Pfhor.

Because if you've played Marathon, you're probably aware of how Cortana is reminiscent of Leela, Gravemind of Thoth and Master Chief - of the nameless Security guy that turned out to be the missing MJOLNIR cyborg :)

[/geek mode off]

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

once i get the money for it im getting it. my friend has it and we played it for like 3 hours, and from what i seen its pretty awesome.

Yeah, I know. With the added graphics of the 360, it's even more wikid.

Is the gameplay the same on PS2 as it is on the 360, like are there more maps or is it the same cuz he has the PS2 and I havent gotten it for the 360 yet.

The Halo series is exclusive to the Xbox and Xbox 360

Too Halo 2 only runs on Vista.......

Technically it runs on XP as well via a hack.  (Google will tell all)

How bout Halo 3? I think it's an exclusive to 360 only. Never seen anything else come out for PC or the original XBox.

wow i feel stupid, i meant the regular xbox not the ps2. my brother was playing his ps2 at the time and i guess i didnt realize the mistake. so i take it the game play for the xbox and the xbox 360 is the same?

Well, the 360's graphics are obviously much better.