
[MUA1 PC] Limit Documentation

Started by BaconWizard17, May 20, 2020, 01:55PM

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May 20, 2020, 01:55PM Last Edit: October 15, 2024, 08:07AM by BaconWizard17
MUA1 PC Limit Documentation

This is a list of all known quantifiable limits within Ultimate Alliance for PC (so anything that relates to a certain quantity; file size limits are harder to find). If anyone has any additional information or conducts any tests related to any of these limits (or other limits that may not be identified here), please feel free to comment on them! It is currently unknown which of these limits pertain to consoles.

Most of these limts can be tracked with the debug menu, which is part of the 50 roster hack. Press F6 to show the debug windows in game and arange them with the mouse to reveal the limits and current count.

  • Herostat Entries:
    • Limit: 27 (28 minus Team Character)
    • Error if exceeded: Game Crash
    • Solution: expand the limit to 50 (52 minus Defaultman and Team Character) with one of the roster hacks (actual shown characters depends on the roster hack or stage used).
  • Skins per Character:
    • Limit: 6 (herostat entries), 4 (passives)
    • Error if exceeded: Game Crash; Passives Don't Apply
    • Solution: Stick to 6, or use thetommyboy2002's solution
  • Characters with Segment Hide Codes in Herostat
    • Limit: 15 characters
    • Error if Exceeded: Segments Show Improperly
    • Solution: Minimize characters with skin segment hide codes in the herostat (temporary)
    • Quote from: BaconWizard17 on July 26, 2020, 09:54AMSo here's the rules to follow for segments:
      • If you have 15 characters with segment hide codes in their herostat, you can use them freely on your team.
      • If you have 16 characters with segment hide codes in their herostat, you can use them in the first 3 slots of your team. The character in the 4th slot will have the segments showing in hubs.
      • If you have 17 characters with segment hide codes in their herostat, you can use them in the first 2 slots of your team. The character in the 4th slot will have their segments always showing, and the character in the 3rd slot will have the segments showing in hubs.
      • If you have 18 characters with segment hide codes in their herostat, you can use them in the first slot of your team. The characters in the 3rd and 4th slot will have their segments always showing, and the character in the 2nd slot will have the segments showing in hubs.
  • Total Segment Hide Codes in Herostat
    • Limit: Unknown
    • Error if Exceeded: Segments Show Improperly (?)
    • Solution: Remove characters with lots of segment hide codes, limit segments for new characters, reduce segments for default characters (all temporary)
  • Total Stateffects entries in Herostat
    • Limit: 37 stateffects entries
    • Error if exceeded: Unknown (Stat effects stop showing up?)
    • Solution: reduce skin filters for stat effects, remove characters that have lots of stat effects (temporary)
  • Total Unique Talent Herostat Entries:
    • Limit: 70
    • Error if exceeded: Later unique talent won't load
    • Solution: Unlock all powers cheat
  • Shared Talent Entries:
    • Limit: 100
    • Error if exceeded: Later shared talent won't load
    • Solution: Don't go past 100 shared talent entries, possibly tied to herostat, npcstat
  • NPCStat Entries:
    • Limit: Unknown
    • Error if Exceeded: Unknown
    • Solution: None
  • Total Fightmoves Per Zone:
    • Limit: 380 fightmoves
    • Error if Exceeded: Power Malfunctions and Crashes
    • Solution: Use teams of 2 or 3 characters when lots of fightmoves (temporary)
    • Note: This is per zone (map), including NPC, so the character/team fightmove limit depends on the map. The count might also change while progressing on the map, especially, if movesets are used. A team might work at the start of a map, but not at the end of it or on another map. This includes saved games, so you might be able to save, but not to load, if the limits are exceeded.
  • Total Powerstyle/Fightstyle Triggers Per Zone
    • Limit: 1520 triggers
    • Error if Exceeded: Power Malfunction
    • Solution: Limit Triggers in Powerstyle, or use a team of 2 or 3 (temporary)
    • Note: This is per zone (map), including NPC, so the character/team trigger limit depends on the map. The same rules as for fightmoves apply.
  • Effect File References
    • Limit: Roughly 85 for the whole team
    • Error if Exceeded: Effects stop showing up
    • Solution: Limit total number of effects (temporary)
    • Note: This seems to be per zone (map), including NPC and possibly map effects, so the character/team effect reference limit of 85 migth depend on the map or even other factors.
  • Global Event Per Powerstyle
    • Limit: 15 skinsegment events
    • Error if Exceeded: Power Malfunction
    • Solution: Limit the amount of skinsegments or use boltons where possible. If used for one power only, declare the events inside the fightmove instead.
  • boltonactoranims.xmlb
    • Limit: 14 "actor_skin" or an unknow limit of "anim" entries, moving the not working entry at the top of the file does not help, so it must be an overall limit
    • Error if Exceeded: bolton_anim for menu won't show (example: Toad menu action in OCP 2.3, and probably since OCP 1.3)
    • Solution: limit to 14 "actor_skin", vanilla file has 8 entries, latest OCP will use 8 entries too
  • Unique Items
    • Limit: 128 (tr_item)
    • Error if Exceeded: Unknown
    • Solution: Limit Unique Items (temporary)
  • Team Bonuses
    • Limit: 32
    • Error if Exceeded: Unknown
    • Solution: Limit Team Bonuses (temporary)
  • Characters on a Team Bonus
    • Limit: 8
    • Error if Exceeded: Unknown
    • Solution: Keep 8 Characters max in each bonus (temporary)
  • Review Paths Entries
    • Limit: 64
    • Error if Exceeded: Unknown
    • Solution: Limit Review Path Entries (temporary)
  • Simulator Courses
    • Limit: 35
    • Error if Exceeded: Unknown
    • Solution: Limit simulator courses (temporary)
  • Simulator Disks in Review Menu
    • Limit: 32
    • Error if Exceeded: Others will not show
    • Solution: Limit simulator courses (temporary)
  • Loading Screens per Character Number
    • Limit: 3 (note: you can add extra loading screens to review_paths.engb and they will show up in the review menu, but they will not show up in game)
    • Error if Exceeded: Further loading screens will not show up
    • Solution: Limit Loading Screens
  • Game Stages
    • Limit: 94
    • Error if Exceeded: Further extraction points will not load. The game will just revert back to the main menu.
    • Solution: Limit Stages
    • Note: Additionally, only the first 94 stages listed in zoneinfo.engb can be saved from, have a title and working objectives, and can be a starting map ("start_game = true ;"). Using scripts to load them still works for maps that exceed the limit.
  • Extraction Points in World Map
    • Limit: 31
    • Error if Exceeded: Further extraction points will not appear on the World Map. You can still extract from them to other areas, but can't extract to them.
    • Solution: Limit Extraction Points
    • Note: Only the first 31 stages listed in zoneinfo.engb that say "extraction = true ;" will appear on the World Map that you can extract to if unlocked.
  • Script Commands per Zone
    • Limit: Unknown (~ +1 to +10% of original amount or ~ 2 to 50 additional commands)
    • Error if Exceeded: Last loaded script or command doesn't work. This is usually saving at extraction points.
    • Solution: Limit Script Code

Thank you for this documentation. This is very helpful for modders, and you see the reason why you shouldn't go over top with new mods.

when I read this post, a light went on in my head and I thought, maybe this is the reason there are several unused conversations: The game might crash upon adding too many special conversation (in some stages), and so the developers left out some in favor of stability.

I have no experience with conversation mods. Enchlore knows more about it. With enough testing this could be determinated and another limit added...

Quote from: ak2yny on June 11, 2020, 10:13PM
Thank you for this documentation. This is very helpful for modders, and you see the reason why you shouldn't go over top with new mods.

when I read this post, a light went on in my head and I thought, maybe this is the reason there are several unused conversations: The game might crash upon adding too many special conversation (in some stages), and so the developers left out some in favor of stability.

I have no experience with conversation mods. Enchlore knows more about it. With enough testing this could be determinated and another limit added...

If someone could test and determine this limit, it would certainly be helpful. However, it seems like it may be more of a file size limit rather than a specific item-based limit.

August 14, 2020, 11:17PM #3 Last Edit: September 10, 2020, 07:00AM by UltraMegaMagnus
Global Event Per Powerstyle Limit found by Rock:
Limit: 14 for skinsegment or less
Error if Exceeded: break power functionality

Rock found out that there is a limit of global event per powerstyle:
"Well then, in that case, I would like to make a statement as a result of experience and research - declaring too many events globally WILL break power functionality"
The exact value of global event in one powerstyle that breaks is unknown atm.

About Fightmove
I encourage modders to avoid the use of unique fightstyle that will probably add another powerstyle in the total limit count, mixing anim is a thing, so it's now possible to only use 2 animations set.
Maegawa also thinks that special affecters also count affect the limit, rightfully so, it adds another fightstyle file in the total limit count.

Still every causes and solution we are looking for this limitation are not 100% sure.

November 06, 2020, 09:15PM #4 Last Edit: November 06, 2020, 09:28PM by uValley
WOW, this is SO HELPFUL! Thank you!
Modder Begginer, you can ask me, ill answer.

I agree with UValley above. This is essential information! I have it bookmarked and I refer back to this constantly as I continue my years-long quest of building the most error-free dream roster possible for the best Marvel game we've ever had.

Here's a thought: maybe this should include the Talent limit for the herostat with the information of what to do if it's exceeded, which is constantly referenced for people using the 50 Roster Hack.

Simulator limits:

Total course entries in simulator.engb: 35
This might be a limit of the list menu...
Total disk capacity for review_stats.xmlb: 32
The numbers can't be above 32 either. They are accounted for in the stats, but not added in the correct section when collected.
The idnum of each disk located across the maps should not be above 32. We can have higher numbers, but in order to make them correctly disappear (make the game remember that we collected it), we need to add the same number to review_stats.xmlb...
It might be a limit of the save mechanics.

As you can see, we can have more simulations than disks. There are 27 disks in the default game and 29 simulations (5 are hidden).
Daredevil's and Black Panther's SIM are unlocked by collecting 5 of their respective action figures. We can add 5 more disks. To make the remaining extra mission unlockable, I recommend to unlock the simulation differently (with scripts). It's also possible to make them unlocked from the start.

Limit entry for "charinfo.xmlb" is 31. Characters listed after the 31st character will not be unlocked at the start. Both ak2yny and myself confirmed this.

Also, the limit for Loading Screens per Character Number is indeed 3. Any more loading screens will not be seen at all. The solution is to limit them to 3.

October 20, 2021, 01:30AM #9 Last Edit: October 20, 2021, 01:35AM by UltraMegaMagnus

    Limit: 14 "actor_skin" or an unknow limit of "anim" entries, moving the not working entry at the top of the file does not help, so it must be an overall limit
    Error if exceeded: bolton_anim for menu won't show (example: Toad menu action in OCP 2.3, and probably since OCP 1.3)
    Solution: limit to 14 "actor_skin", vanilla file has 8 entries, latest OCP will use 8 entries too

Quote from: UltraMegaMagnus on October 20, 2021, 01:30AM

    Limit: 14 "actor_skin" or an unknow limit of "anim" entries, moving the not working entry at the top of the file does not help, so it must be an overall limit
    Error if exceeded: bolton_anim for menu won't show (example: Toad menu action in OCP 2.3, and probably since OCP 1.3)
    Solution: limit to 14 "actor_skin", vanilla file has 8 entries, latest OCP will use 8 entries too

Added. Thanks!

November 18, 2021, 12:24PM #11 Last Edit: November 19, 2021, 06:04PM by BaconWizard17
From Maegawa:,10316.msg190802.html#msg190802
70 unique talent in herostat, above it won't load.

Unique Talent Herostat Entries:

    Limit: 70
    Error if exceeded: Later unique talent won't load
    Solution: Unlock all powers cheat

Shared Talent Entries:

    Limit: 100
    Error if exceeded: Later shared talent won't load
    Solution: Don't go past 100 shared talent entries, possibly tied to herostat, npcstat

Recently, I discovered (with certainty) that tag numbers cannot be 300 or more, or else the game simply will not recognize them when used with lines such as selfeventtag, victimeventtag etc.. I vaguely remember that the limit, more accurately, is somewhere in the 210-300 range, but I am not certain where. My speculation is that it's 255, as it's the roundest number I can think of considering the programming context, but it requires confirmation and further testing to identify the exact limit.
All units, we have a high priority situation in data/powerstyles.

Quote from: corvetterules on March 11, 2022, 01:29PM
Recently, I discovered (with certainty) that tag numbers cannot be 300 or more, or else the game simply will not recognize them when used with lines such as selfeventtag, victimeventtag etc.. I vaguely remember that the limit, more accurately, is somewhere in the 210-300 range, but I am not certain where. My speculation is that it's 255, as it's the roundest number I can think of considering the programming context, but it requires confirmation and further testing to identify the exact limit.

Is this a powerstyle thing? What's the best way to add it to the list? If you can put it in the format of the other limits, that would help