
X-Men Legends 2 Character Mod Imports

Started by Ceamonks890, October 17, 2022, 11:26PM

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October 17, 2022, 11:26PM Last Edit: October 23, 2022, 06:02AM by Ceamonks890
Hello, this will be where I'll post all imported XML2 character mods for MUA (which have no place in my primary mod release thread).

A little barren at the moment, but we'll see how things go!

October 17, 2022, 11:27PM #1 Last Edit: October 18, 2022, 03:19PM by Ceamonks890


John Owen is originally from the American state of New Jersey.

One day while playing basketball with his friends, a group of nearby bullies came and started to harass them.

One of the offenders would shove John to the ground and he accidentally hit the guy with a ring of fire, as his mutant powers activated.

Thinking he had committed murder, he ran away.

Scared and confused, he travelled around until he found the mutant Top-Heat being attacked by the mutant hunting organization known as A.M.D.

Saving her life, the two of them travelled together until they joined the superhero team known as the New Morlocks.

A blossoming romance seemed to have started for the two of them, but their teammates couldn't seem to definitively prove it.

-6 powers, 3 boosts and an Xtreme
-Ability of might
-4 hex-edited skins, HUDs, icons and voice/sound file.
-Uses assigned number #01 (will clash with Blade, Jack of Hearts and Cloud Strife in mannequin).

Ceamonks890 Changes:
-Replaced Gauntlet's original XML2 mod voice (Pyro) with that of Human Torch from MUA1. Pyro's from Australia, so naturally his original voice conflicts with Gauntlet's established backstory.
-Tweaked the original XML2 code for several powers in order to have them work properly in MUA.
-Added a reused grabsmash from Human Torch
-Created an entirely new icon set
-Created crude but custom HUDs for all four of Gauntlet's original XML2 mod skins

1. Fire Uppercut: John performs a fire-infused uppercut, sending struck enemies flying into the air.
2. Rings of Fire: John shoots multiple charges of fire rings from his hands, dealing fire damage to struck foes.
3. Hot Plate: John focusses his ring charges, creating a quick radial burst of fire that sets struck threats alight temporarily for a few seconds.
4. Multiple Strikes: John damages enemies across an expanding radius with his metal gauntlets, dealing physical damage.
5. Yo-Yo Burst: John leaps into the air and slams the ground with his metal gauntlet forearms. Has a chance of dealing critical hit damage!
6. Solar Beam: John releases beams of fire rings, causing fire damage to struck targets.
7. (Boost) Flame Gauntlets: John adds fire damage to standard attacks for entire team temporarily.
8. (Boost) Metal Awakening: John generates a metal aura around his body, absorbing strikes from enemy blows as his overall defence is increased temporarily.
9. (Boost) Metal Soul: John makes himself temporarily invincible as his overall damage output is increased.
10. (Xtreme) Meteor Crush: John leaps into the air and slams the ground hard, dealing heavy fire damage to surrounding enemies.

Ceamonks890- MUA1 Conversion, HUDs
Marvel Watcher- Original Gauntlet OC mod assets and code from XML2
Waggens7uP- Mannequin

Download link:

October 22, 2022, 03:29AM #2 Last Edit: October 22, 2022, 05:15PM by Ceamonks890

Original mod description by Generic Unit:

This NPC is meant to be the playable counterpart of the GRSO Black Guard and Sinister Agent enemies from both X-Men games respectively.

Most of his abilities reference his enemy counterpart's in some sort of manner, as well as being given a few unique moves and features to increase his potential to the team.

Ceamonks890 Changes:
-Added new menu animations from Daredevil & Ronin to give the Combat Agent more life in their animations
-Added a reused grabsmash from Black Panther
-Retained much of the Combat Agent's fightstyle_finesse1 combo strings from XML2 mod
-Made the Combat Agent's Flash Bang power into a Block Combo move, in order to better accommodate the ten core power limit of Marvel Ultimate Alliance while retaining the entirety of the Combat Agent's XML2 mod moveset.
-Reworked the Combat Agent's Scavenger boost to increase chances of gaining rare MUA-exclusive items (as potions and techbits from XML2 are not used anymore in MUA).
-Made an entirely new set of icons
-Made crude but custom HUDs for all five of the Combat Agent's skins
-Made an entirely new voice and sound file which utilizes the Sinister Agent voice from XML2 rather than the GRSO Black Guard XML1 voice of Generic Unit's original XML2 mod, due to unsalvageable voice clips that are very out-of-place and have unpleasant audio spike bugs.

-7 powers, 2 boosts and an Xtreme
-5 hex-edited skins, HUDs, icons and voice/sound file
-Uses assigned number #24 (will clash with Lilandra, U.S. Agent & Blaw's Batman mod in mannequin).

Block + Jump (Flash Bang)- The Combat Agent flings a flash grenade to the ground, weakening enemy defences.

1. Swift Blades: The Combat Agent throws three basic but deadly blades, dealing bleed damage.
2. Gooey Grenade: The Combat Agent throws a bomb which leaves a sticky substance on the ground, dealing physical damage to foes. Can throw more bombs as he levels up.
3. Rapid Strikes: The Combat Agent delivers a multi-hit combo on enemies, with the last punch knocking a struck target to the ground as physical damage is dealt.
4. Sharp Shurikens: The Combat Agent flings some incredibly sharp shuriken at enemies, dealing damage that causes them to bleed. Can throw more shuriken at once as he levels up.
5. Sensor Trap: The Combat Agent sets down a portable trap on the ground, triggering a painful electric shock to any enemy that walks past it as they're left stunned briefly.
6. Slipstream: The Combat Agent activates his jet boots, sliding a small distance forward as he knocks back most enemies in his path, dealing physical damage.
7. Stealth Planting: The Combat Agent jumps forward and sneakily places a bomb on an enemy, exploding after a few seconds as fire damage is dealt. Can also attach upclose and on objects in the environment.
8. (Boost) Cloaking Device: The Combat Agent enters stealth mode and disappears from the sight of enemies, gaining a damage and defence increase while cloaked.
9. (Boost) Scavenger: The Combat Agent searches the environment, having a 50% chance of coming across a valuable item that will benefit entire team.
10. (Xtreme) Bomb Fest: The Combat Agent leaps into the air and drops a handful of lethal grenades, dealing heavy fire damage.

Ceamonks890- MUA1 Conversion, HUDs
Generic Unit- Original Combat Agent XML2 code and assets
Raven Software- Sinister Agent XML2 skins, voice clips
Waggens7uP- Mannequin

Download link:

It's cool to see these in MUA1. What made you decide to have them in their own thread?

Because ultimately, these characters are full-on ports of works from other modders in terms of code/overall assets and aren't really mine to claim any sort of major ownership over in my primary mod release thread by association (as all I'm doing is converting them over from XML2, making necessary tweaks to their assets when required in order to get everything working in MUA1). Beyond that, I do what I can to ensure as much of the original XML2 mod's core remains intact as possible during conversion.

So in order to avoid an easily misinterpreted conflict of interest, I firmly believed it was for the best that XML2 mod imports be given their own mod release thread and make it apparent to everyone that I didn't make these characters, solely wanting to bring them over to MUA1 and help better expose these mods to those who don't play XML2.

October 30, 2022, 03:48AM #6 Last Edit: October 30, 2022, 04:46PM by Ceamonks890

Mod Description:
A rebelling nameless soldier from the Genetic Research and Security Organization (GRSO), who is armed with all the equipment and gear he needs to assist his allies from across time and space, in putting an end to the forces of the Masters of Evil.

Ceamonks890 Changes:
-More carefully picked out choices of six skins from XML1 for Combat Agent's alternate costumes in order to offer more costume variety and avoid visual repetition. Many of the official retextured GRSO Soldier skins included in original XML2 mod by Generic Unit, as well as plenty of new ones are included in the xtras folder as optional swappable costumes.
-Removed misc feature from original XML2 mod where you could keep the flamethrower pack and gun out at all times on current map (as it didn't end up working entirely as intended and was just needlessly bloating the powerstyle).
-Added a reused grabsmash from Cyclops
-Made crude but custom HUDs for all of the Combat Soldier's skins
-Made an entirely new set of icons

-6 powers, 3 boosts and an Xtreme
-14 hex-edited skins, HUDs, icons and voice/sound file
-Uses assigned number #139 (will clash with Grim Reaper and Spawn in mannequin).

1. Rapid Fire: The Combat Soldier fires a full clip of bullets from his sub-machine gun's burst mode at enemies, dealing physical damage.
2. Laser Beam: The Combat Soldier pulls out a laser gun and fires an energy beam from it, dealing energy damage to a target as they're knocked back from the blast.
3. Tactical Knife: The Combat Soldier pulls out his trusty combat knife and strikes at enemies with it, dealing bleed damage.
4. Full Automatic: The Combat Soldier fires bullets continuously as he sets his sub-machine gun to rapid mode, dealing physical damage over time so long as button continues to be held down.
5. Frag Grenade: The Combat Soldier throws a grenade that explodes on a small radius, dealing fire damage as enemies are knocked back from the explosion.
6. Temperature Gun: The Combat Soldier pulls out a custom energy rifle, firing either ice or hot plasma depending on the element. Hold button down to initiate fire or tap power button quickly to use cold.
7. (Boost) Intuition: The Combat Soldier prepares himself for oncoming battles, increasing overall defense temporarily.
8. (Boost) Support Perks: The Combat Soldier boosts all character traits for entire team temporarily.
9. (Boost) High-Tech Forcefield: The Combat Soldier provides entire team with an incredibly durable energy shield, becoming invulnerable temporarily for 45 seconds.
10. (Xtreme) Drone Strike: The Combat Soldier calls for air support as an off-screen plane fires missiles down upon the battlefield, dealing heavy fire damage.

Ceamonks890- MUA1 Conversion, HUDs
Generic Unit- Original Combat Agent XML2 assets and code
Raven Software- Skins
Waggens7uP- Mannequin

Download link:

October 31, 2022, 04:27AM #7 Last Edit: November 01, 2022, 05:00PM by Ceamonks890

Original mod bio by Marvel Watcher:

Derick Wofam (20 years old) worked at a circus before joining the X-Men.
More recently he founded the New Morlocks with Bill Drain.

Ceamonks890 Changes:
-Added a reused grabsmash from Daredevil
-Fixed coding for several originally non-functional powers
-Reworked Fox Trickery boost to affect amount of XP and SHIELD credits gained during battle instead (as Techbits and health/energy potions from XML2 are no longer used in MUA1).
-Fixed a consistent, game-breaking glitch from original XML2 mod where Lupine was unable to use his powers whatsoever during gameplay. Is now able to use his powers in MUA1 without issue!
-Fixed voice/sound files so all of his audio can now be heard properly for the first time, replacing original buggy audio from XML2 mod with that of cleanly added Daredevil MUA1 voice clips & Hellhound XML2 enemy sounds intended for use by Marvel Watcher.
-Renamed voice/sound files from hell to lupine, in order to avoid clashing with any other character mods in future.
-Made crude but custom HUDs for all three of Lupine's skins
-Made an entirely new set of icons

-4 powers, 5 boosts and an Xtreme
-3 hex-edited skins, HUDs, icons and voice/sound file.
-Uses assigned number #67 (will clash with Agent Venom, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, playable Dragon Man and Dark Samus in mannequin).

1. Claw Slash: Derick slashes at enemies with his sharp claws, dealing physical damage.
2. Deafening Yelp: Derick lets out a terrifying howl, dealing mental damage to enemies as they run away in fear of him.
3. Wolf Bite: Derick proceeds to bite an unlucky enemy, dealing bleed damage.
4. Dilacerate: Derick grabs an unlucky enemy and delivers a strong kick to their face, dealing physical damage.
5. (Boost) Persuasive Stare: Derick uses his hypnotic abilities to persuade enemies to turn against their allies and fight alongside him and his own teammates for a full minute.
6. (Debuff) Astonishing Glance: Derick uses his persuasive hypnotic abilities to stun surrounding enemies for 20 seconds.
7. (Boost) Maximum Force: Derick increases his overall attack speed and damage output temporarily.
8. (Boost) Tactical Hypnosis: Derick uses his hypnotic abilities to trick nearby enemies into thinking him or his teammates aren't present, boosting team's overall attack and damage for a full minute.
9. (Boost) Fox Trickery: Derick uses the natural senses of foxes and wolves to increase chances of obtaining more XP and SHIELD credits for entire team temporarily.
10. (Xtreme) Midnight Singer: Derick uses his link with the moon and his hypnotic abilities to deal heavy mental damage to surrounding enemies, with a chance to convert them temporarily.

Ceamonks890- MUA1 Conversion, HUDs
Marvel Watcher- Original Lupine XML2 mod assets and code
Waggens7uP- Mannequin

Download link:

November 01, 2022, 05:26AM #8 Last Edit: November 01, 2022, 05:01PM by Ceamonks890

Original mod bio by ThePhoenix:

Telektron is a custom character who is a member of the X-Men. He was once a member of the Marauders for a short time.

Ceamonks890 Changes:
-Made Telektron's Telekinetic Shield and Thundery Shower powers into block combos, in order to better accommodate the ten core power limit of Marvel Ultimate Alliance while retaining the entirety of Telektron's XML2 mod moveset.
-Altered Telektron's Telekinetic Tornado code significantly from original XML2 mod in order for power to function properly in MUA at all.
-Added a reused grabsmash from Magneto
-Made an entirely new set of icons
-Made crude but custom HUDs for both of Telektron's skins
-Fixed Telektron's sound files which didn't work properly in their entirety within the original XML2 mod, his custom voice which uses Quinton Flynn's vocal talents now able to be heard properly for the very first time!

-7 powers, 2 boosts and an Xtreme
-Abilities of flight and 30% resistant to electricity and mental damage
-2 hex-edited skins, HUDs, icons and voice/sound file
-Uses assigned number #64 (will clash with Crystal, Slapstick and Mortal Kombat's Baraka in mannequin).

Block + Jump (Telekinetic Shield)- Telektron uses his powers to increase chances at successfully blocking incoming enemy attacks.
Block + Action (Thundery Shower)- Telektron uses his powers to create a storm cloud above an unlucky enemy, dealing electric damage.

1. Thunder Bolt: Telektron casts a lightning bolt down upon an unlucky enemy, dealing electric damage to struck targets.
2. Telekinesis: Telektron lifts up objects and human-sized enemies with little effort as they're left restrained in the air until Telektron decides to throw them away, dealing physical damage.
3. Telekinetic Tornado: Telektron creates a strong vortex out of nowhere with his powers, lifting objects and human-sized enemies off the ground as physical damage is dealt so long as button continues to be held down.
4. Kinetic Wipe: Telektron performs a radial attack with his telekinesis, inflicting physical damage to surrounding threats as they're knocked back from the attack.
5. Thunder Storm: Telektron calls down multiple lighting bolts at once for a powerful radial attack which deals electric damage. Does extra damage to enemies if they're slowed down!
6. Telekinetic Chaos: Telektron pulls in surrounding enemies and objects with his powers, dealing physical damage to them on contact.
7. Electric Hold: Telektron telekinetically lifts an unlucky enemy and shoots them with lightning, dealing electric damage.
8. (Boost) Electric Aura: Telektron surrounds himself with electricity, adding additional damage to melee attacks whilst damaging any foes that get too close temporarily.
9. (Boost) Telektronic Aura: Telektron makes entire team invulnerable and increases their max energy for powers temporarily.
10. (Xtreme) Kinetic Tempest: Telektron lifts all on-screen, human-sized enemies into the air at once with his powers and strikes them all simultaneously with bolts of lightning, dealing heavy electric damage.

Ceamonks890- MUA1 Conversion, HUDs
ThePhoenix- Telektron mod code and assets
Waggens7uP- Mannequin

Download link:

November 06, 2022, 04:01AM #9 Last Edit: November 08, 2022, 07:41PM by Ceamonks890

Original mod bio by Marvel Watcher:

Demetria Fall (16 years old) is from a rich family in Australia.
She has always been rich, but has never let the money entirely go to her head.

Her mother left her when she was young, so she was educated by her father.
She discovered her mutation when she was 13, but never talked about it to anybody.

As she grew older her father didn't pay very much attention to her, just his work, so she became quite a rebel.
One day, she discovered that her father's company supported the A.M.D.

In her rage she melted most of the building. Secret cameras caught everything, and her dad denounced her as his daughter and wants to kill her for what she did.

She ran away from Australia with all the money she could, transferring much of it to a secret bank account.
In America she was attacked by the A.M.D. who were still hunting her, but was rescued by Gauntlet (who she has a crush on).

They were recruited for the New Morlocks by Bill Drain and later she becomes an agent of SHIELD.

Ceamonks890 Changes:
-Added a reused grabsmash from Human Torch
-Fixed code for Hot Cloud and Blind Airstrikes powers
-Made an entirely new set of icons
-Made crude but custom HUDs for all four of Top-Heat's skins

-6 powers, 3 boosts and an Xtreme
-Ability of flight
-4 hex-edited skins, HUDs, icons and voice/sound file
-Uses assigned number #79 (will clash with playable Mephisto, Binary and Mortal Kombat's Reptile in mannequin).

1. Flight Impact: Demetria throws a powerful melee punch, dealing physical damage to struck targets as they're knocked back from the blow.
2. Heat Levitation: Demetria uses her powers to lift objects and human-sized enemies, creating a warm cloud around them for restraining purposes as they're unable to react until Top-Heat flings them away, dealing physical damage.
3. Hot Cloud: Demetria uses her powers to charge an enemy with energy, causing them to explode and receive fire damage after a few seconds.
4. Blaze Fury: Demetria uses her powers to project a blast of heat into the ground, causing radial damage to surrounding enemies.
5. Warm Disruption: Demetria fires a warm cloud at a particular target, sucking in nearby enemies and generating fire damage as they're left stunned from sickness generated via high temperatures temporarily.
6. Blind Airstrikes: Demetria flies at insane speeds, knocking back any human-sized enemy in her flight path as physical damage is dealt.
7. (Boost) Steam Shield: Demetria uses her powers to give herself and her teammates an increased chance to block all incoming enemy attacks.
8. (Boost) Hot Girl: Demetria creates a cloud of heat around her that renders her immune to energy and radiation attacks temporarily while damaging any enemies stupid enough to get close to her.
9. (Boost) Advanced Temperature: Top-Heat uses her powers to make herself invincible as her overall damage output increases temporarily.
10. (Xtreme) Maximum Degree: Demetria generates a powerful blast of incredibly hot fire, dealing heavy fire damage to surrounding enemies, being trapped in a hot air cloud stunned if they survive the attack.

Ceamonks890- MUA1 Conversion, HUDs
Marvel Watcher- Original Top-Heat XML2 code and assets
Waggens7uP- Mannequin

Download link:

November 07, 2022, 12:05AM #10 Last Edit: November 08, 2022, 07:41PM by Ceamonks890

Original mod bio by Marvel Watcher:

William Hudgo is the oldest member of the team (26) and its leader.

Bill was a troubled child, and he led a life of thievery until he was discovered as a mutant and taken into a government program.

There, he learned martial arts and how to control his powers better.

He eventually left the program and joined the X-Men.

He made some friends, especially Lupine, but William's powers went out of control and he destroyed the Danger Room in a sudden release of energy.

He decided to leave the team, even though Beast made him special bracelets and battery pins to help keep his powers under control.

He and Lupine left the X-Men together and founded the New Morlocks.

Ceamonks890 Changes:
-Made Bill Drain's own voice/sound files, no longer having to rely on Cyclops's unchanged audio files from XML2 anymore to get a voice.
-Added a reused grabsmash from Daredevil
-Made an entirely new set of icons
-Created crude but custom HUDs for all four of Bill Drain's skins

-6 powers, 3 boosts and an Xtreme
-Abilities of leadership and 50% resistant to energy damage
-4 hex-edited skins, HUDs, icons and voice/sound file
-Uses assigned number #81 (will clash with Crossbones, Spider-Girl II and Bane in mannequin).

1. Energized Kick: Bill charges up his legs with energy, performing a strong kick on unlucky enemies as they're knocked back from the strike, dealing energy damage.
2. Energy Beam: Bill channels energy through his hands as he blasts targeted foes with a blue beam of focussed power, dealing energy damage.
3. Drain Attack: Bill performs a melee attack, dealing energy damage as struck threats have their overall damage output reduced by 50% for a few seconds.
4. Energy Slam: Bill fires a more wide energy beam at enemies, dealing energy damage as they're knocked back from the blast.
5. Frenzy Strikes: Bill rapidly teleports, dealing physical damage to a struck foe as they're left stunned temporarily.
6. Static Nova: Bill performs a quick charge attack, damaging all enemies in range as they're rendered much more vulnerable to additional attacks from Bill and his teammates temporarily.
7. (Boost) War Tactics: Bill increases the amount of XP earned during battle for entire team temporarily.
8. (Boost) Breakdown: Bill absorbs a percentage of incoming damage and converts it into increased health and physical resistance temporarily.
9. (Debuff) Absorption Wave: Bill absorbs energy from nearby foes, rendering them unable to utilize their special abilities temporarily for a full minute.
10. (Xtreme) Blackout: Bill sucks in surrounding energy into his body before immediately expelling it in a violent explosion of power, nullifying struck foes as they lose access to their special powers for six seconds.

Ceamonks890- MUA1 Conversion, HUDs
Marvel Watcher- Original Bill Drain XML2 mod assets and code
Waggens7uP- Mannequin

Download link:

November 07, 2022, 05:11PM #11 Last Edit: November 10, 2022, 08:11PM by Ceamonks890

Original mod bio by ThePhoenix:

Absinthe (Ingrid Watson) completely custom character, with evil temperament, once Black Queen of Hellfire Club, but now a member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.
She is quite a young woman, with strong psychic abilities and masterful in creating illusions. She also has invisibility.

Ceamonks890 Changes:
-Made Absinthe's Mental Shield into a block combo, in order to better accommodate the ten core power limit of Marvel Ultimate Alliance while retaining the entirety of Absinthe's XML2 mod moveset.
-Added a reused grabsmash from Invisible Woman
-Fixed coding for several powers in order to have them work in MUA
-Made Absinthe's own voice/sound files, no longer having to rely on Dark Phoenix's separate audio files from XML2 anymore to get a voice.
-Made an entirely new set of icons
-Created crude but custom HUDs for all three of Absinthe's skins

-4 powers, 5 boosts and an Xtreme
-3 hex-edited skins, HUDs, icons and voice/sound file.
-Uses assigned number #91 (will clash with Dormammu, playable Ultron Striker and Jill Valentine in mannequin).

Block + Jump (Brainwash)- Ingrid uses her powers of suggestion to control nearby enemies, making them into temporary allies on the current map for 30 seconds.

1. Invisible Knockback: Ingrid turns herself invisible as she moves to a nearby enemy, performing a surprise knockback attack as physical damage is dealt.
2. Lullaby: Ingrid uses her powers to make surrounding enemies sleepy, stunning them as mental damage is dealt.
3. Confuse: Ingrid projects confusing images into the minds of nearby enemies, dealing mental damage as they run away in fear.
4. Cold Illusion: Ingrid uses her powers to make surrounding enemies think they've been blasted with ice, dealing mental damage as they slow down temporarily.
5. (Boost) Invisibility: Ingrid uses her powers to become completely invisible to enemies, increasing chances of dealing critical hits that can stun struck enemies.
6. (Boost) Mental Focus: Ingrid uses her powers to boost overall damage, defense and movement speed temporarily.
7. (Debuff) Illusionary Wounds: Ingrid uses her powers to make surrounding threats believe that they're being constantly hit, dealing constant damage to affected foes for 10 seconds.
8. (Boost) Illusionary Disappearance: Ingrid uses her powers to generate convincing illusions in front of enemies while rendering entire team invisible, granting all allies a temporary defense and XP bonus.
9. (Boost) Mental Shield: Ingrid uses her powers to generate a psychic field of protection for entire team, rendering them invulnerable temporarily.
10. (Xtreme) Blackhole: Ingrid uses her powers to generate an incredibly convincing illusion, making it seem as if the floor foundations have collapsed as all on-screen enemies instantly die from a heart attack.

Ceamonks890- MUA1 Conversion, HUDs
ThePhoenix- Original Absinthe XML2 mod assets and code
Waggens7uP- Mannequin

Download link:

November 08, 2022, 02:41AM #12 Last Edit: November 08, 2022, 07:42PM by Ceamonks890

Original mod bio by the XML2 modder known as shadow:

SHADOW is a mutant that can manipulate shadows.
He used to be an X-Man, but now he's a mercenary (that's why he's treated as if he was a Brotherhood member).
His powers cause physical damage to anyone it touches.

Ceamonks890 Changes:
-Cleaned up original voice and sound audio from XML2 mod to remove leftover background noise
-Fixed coding for several powers
-Added a reused grabsmash from Cyclops
-Renamed voice/sound file from shad to shadoc in order to avoid future conflicts with potential mods for either the pulp-era hero known as The Shadow or Shadow the Hedgehog from the Sonic the Hedgehog series
-Made an entirely new set of icons
-Made crude but custom HUDs for all six of Shadow's skins

-4 powers, 5 boosts and an Xtreme
-Abilities of leadership and 40% resistant to energy damage
-7 hex-edited skins, HUDs, icons and voice/sound file which uses the Shadow modder's own voice from original XML2 mod
-Uses assigned number #68 (will clash with Iron Fist, Phantom Rider and Mortal Kombat's Sektor in mannequin).

1. Shade Pulse: Shadow fires a concentrated beam of darkness, dealing damage as struck targets are knocked back from the blast.
2. Dark Wave: Shadow releases a wave of darkness, tripping enemies as they fall to the ground from damage.
3. Hell's Uprising: Shadow uses his control over shadows to harm nearby enemies, generating darkness underneath their feet as they're knocked into the air.
4. Shadow Sphere: Shadow flings an explosive sphere of darkness at enemies which explodes violently upon contact, dealing radial damage to surrounding targets.
5. (Debuff) Demonic Torture: Shadow traps enemies in a shadow cage, causing them immense pain for six seconds.
6. (Boost) Draining Aura: Shadow creates a potent aura around him temporarily that drains the lifeforce of any enemy stupid enough to get close to him.
7. (Boost) Night Fall: Shadow assumes a form of darkness, becoming much faster and harder for enemies to accurately hit temporarily.
8. (Boost) Dark Shield: Shadow creates shields of darkness around himself and his teammates, improving overall defense.
9. (Boost) Nocturne Cripper: Shadow spawns a creature of the dark to fight alongside him and his teammates temporarily.
10. (Xtreme) Shadow Nightmare: Shadow uses his powers to generate a violent radial blast of darkness, dealing heavy damage to surrounding enemies.

Ceamonks890- MUA1 Conversion, HUDs
shadow- Original Shadow OC mod XML2 code and assets
Waggens7uP- Mannequin

Download link:

November 12, 2022, 09:06PM #13 Last Edit: November 15, 2022, 04:38PM by Ceamonks890

Original mod bio by Ninja Kyden:

(Pronounced "SIGH-in")

After chance encounters with Ego the Living Planet and a primordial Phoenix Force, a consciousness awoke within an undiscovered star on the edge of a distant galaxy. 

Curious from the stories told by Ego, this unnamed star developed a desire to visit other galaxies and worlds, especially Earth.

But stars, though massive and powerful, are relatively fixed in their places in the cosmos. 
The unnamed star became despondent that it wouldn't be able to venture beyond its empty corner of space. 

Reaching out with its new consciousness, it sent out a plea into the universe.  And the universe answered.
The star became a shooting star, passing through the void of space and hurtling through galaxies.

Driven by its curiosity, it sped toward Earth, finally colliding with the planet in a shower of rock and light and smoke.

That night, Beast, Professor Xavier, and Cyclops were performing maintenance and testing new upgrades to their equipment.

They soon became aware of the instant formation of a new crater north of New York City and quickly prepped a team to investigate.

Unknown to them, Sentinels were also nearby and had detected the crash. 

While the mutant-hunting robots took to the air, so did the X-Jet, Sentinels and X-Men converging on the fallen star's location at the same time.

The star, meanwhile, was shaking off the dust and debris from its crash landing, realizing with surprise *it* was now a *he*.

The star in human form crawled out of the crater just as Sentinels were firing off their first lasers at the X-Men emerging from the jet. 

Not sure how to register this new entity, the Sentinels classified him as an unknown threat and fired on him.  The star dodged out of the way and quickly shook off his surprise.
When he'd recovered his footing he instinctively shot a gamma ray at the robot, while Cyclops immediately followed up with an optic blast.

Professor Xavier distracted the other Sentinel, giving Beast time to rush it and deliver an acrobatic kick.
This gave time for the star to summon down a rain of meteors, which collided into the chest and feet of the Sentinels, knocking them to the ground and pounding into their metal frames.

With the Sentinels defeated, the X-Men celebrated their victory with a new ally.

Beast named this once unnamed star from a distant, empty corner of the universe "Saien," from a name in a novel Beast had been enjoying.

His powers unknown, his mind curious, and his heart full of hope and excitement, Saien decided to join the X-Men and learn and enjoy all he could about what it means to be human.

Inspiration source according to Ninja Kyden:

I'm not really sure why - probably because of Final Fantasy - but the idea of being able to hurl meteors and comets down on your enemies fascinates me. 
I've loved the idea of "cosmic" powers for a long time.
The idea for Saien came from wanting to create a character with nearly this exact power set. 
As I got better at modding, I realized I could achieve my dream of raining down meteors and opening up black holes, at least by proxy.
Until I have those powers in real life, this mod will have to do.

Ceamonks890 Changes:
-Reworked Saien's Luminosity Special Passive from original XML2 mod into a custom talent.
-Added a reused grabsmash from Captain Marvel
-Made new custom HUDs for all eight of Saien's skins, thanks to generous sharing of original XML2 mod visual assets from Ninja Kyden
-Made an entirely new set of icons from scratch
-Reworked voice files to only use Robbie Daymond's Nova voice from Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 originally included with XML2 mod files and not simultaneously using Troy Baker's voice clips for Nova from Marvel vs. Capcom 3 as well anymore, as the two sound nothing alike and Daymond's performance sounds better on Saien in my personal opinion.

Luminosity Combo Strings:
Saien has some extra powers activated by doing special combos, block evading or while flying:
-Do an extra light attack at the end of the light attack 3 finisher.
-Do an extra heavy attack at the end of heavy attack 2 finisher.
-Light and heavy attacks while flying.
-Heavy attack while jumping or during a sideflip dodge.

-6 powers, 3 boosts and an Xtreme
-Abilities of might, flight and Luminosity (Saien gains access to special melee finishers as he levels up)
-8 hex-edited skins, HUDs, loading screen, icons and voice/sound file
-Uses assigned number #112 (will clash with Okoye and Supergirl in mannequin).

1. Meteor Storm: Saien will either throw a meteor or place a generated energy trap on the ground that fires meteors at enemies for a few seconds, depending on whether power button is tapped or held down.
2. Solar Flare: Saien releases a blast of fire with temperatures rivalling that of the sun, dealing fire damage as enemies are knocked to the ground. Upgrade power to lower overall enemy defenses too!
3. Comet: Saien will either rain down a comet from the sky or take to the skies and charge forward into an enemy, depending on whether power button is tapped or held down.
4. Gamma Rays: Saien will either irradiate enemies with a concentrated split beam or rain down multiple beams from outer space, damage stacking on the latter. Ultimately depends on whether power button is tapped or held down.
5. Warped Space: Saien opens a rift in space-time, bringing forth the cold of deep space as enemies get frozen solid and slowed down for a time.
6. Planets Collide: Saien causes an explosion possessing the force of colliding planets, damaging and stunning surrounding enemies whilst dealing more damage to nearby threats.
7. (Debuff) Quasar: Saien flings objects and enemies around with the intensity of a luminous celestial object, if power is fully charged. Only creates a single cosmic blast if power button is tapped. Upgrade to increase chances for a deadly strike!
8. (Boost) Energy Flow: Saien controls the cosmic forces in the surrounding area, converting a portion of damage dealt by him or received from foes into health or energy. Hold button down for full effect!
9. (Boost) Starburst: Saien accesses his inner cosmos, increasing all stats and movement speed for entire team temporarily at the cost of all his energy.
10. (Xtreme) Chaotic Cosmos: Saien breaks down all forms of energy and matter in the current room, dealing high damage over time to enemies.

Ceamonks890- MUA1 Conversion, HUDs, icons
Ninja Kyden- Original Saien XML2 mod assets and code
BaconWizard17, Cohollow, Maxdemon6, Maegawa, Matt710, nodoubt_jr, Shadowslacks, Stickbro & Wolfblade111- Original contributors to Saien XML2 mod
Waggens7uP- Mannequin

Download link: