Lord Frankie's works for MUA - help me retrieving them if you can!

Started by Lord Frankie, October 06, 2007, 11:13AM

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fankyou! yeah i'll upload some today. maybe i'll make a video for youtube, but i can't log in today, and i don't understand why

Quote from: punkmasterpix on February 19, 2008, 11:46PM
can you re-upload preview pictures for Nightcrawler's edited bamf effects? i'm interested in i, but i'd like a look-see first.

I'M BACK, I'M BACK!!!! i'm here again, and guess what? i've made NO new mods!!!!1!11!1one!!one!!eleven!!!1!

but, 4 months after this post i quoted, i've uploaded a video of Kurt's edited bamf.


EDIT: low quality kills the video v_v

Hi, glad to see you back. What can we expect next?

thank you! :P   

:stirthepot: Well i mostly work on skins and power effects. at the moment I'm playing around a little with the new iceman update for MUA, i'm trying to tweak the ice trail.  i'm also trying to lighten a bit the textures in XML2, the maps are so dark... :thumbsup2:

Quote from: Magneto on June 11, 2008, 03:05PM
thank you! :P   

:stirthepot: Well i mostly work on skins and power effects. at the moment I'm playing around a little with the new iceman update for MUA, i'm trying to tweak the ice trail.

What are you trying to tweak? and who gave you the permission to do so? :ugh:

(old post)
well i'm making it for myself. if i come up with anything worth sharing, i'll surely tell you! ^_^

i decided to work on a "realistic fx pack"

being a realism maniac ( :king: buohahahaha!) i will basically remove the excessively crazy effects (i.e. sparks, smoke and light everywhere for ONE punch) from the characters' powers, and put all toghether and upload it here.

I've already made this for many characters, but the job will still take some months.


Original skin, New skin, Reference picture


issue with nightcrawler: no swords. The original skin is 4710. Any idea?

Is one of the Nightcrawler coat skins missing from the download on the first post? They look good but I think one of the 3 is actually an original skin and the dark coat skin shown in the preview pic is missing..

new nightcrawler bamf effects + video    --  see first page

July 14, 2008, 07:14PM #57 Last Edit: July 14, 2008, 11:59PM by Grig 32
I've found an error with the new Bampf effect for Nightcrawler


When I try to have him use ANY of his Bampf powers - like fury or that kick attack - a black square appears around your WAY snazzy smoke effect :(

EDIT: I re-installed it using the default path from the WinRar file and its definitely something to do with the Fuzzy Dudes effect...

mmm yep... you're right... looks like i've colored a distortion effect. If you turn "Fullscren Effects" off, you won't see that. I'm gonna fix this in a matter of seconds. wait... let's say minutes ^_^

Naw I'll just wait, I was born patient lol

Glad I could help though