
Jury's Mods (Red Goblin, Chameleon, Morlun, Azazel, Symbiote Family skins and more)

Started by Jury, September 05, 2024, 07:30AM

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I made these for fun, they are simple reskins of existing mods which I will credit. I did nothing but creating Huds and changing some colors, currently learning some more advanced stuff. I wanted these characters and I noticed there are no mods for them so I decided to try and make it myself. They are very simple but I'm happy with what I did, feel free to modify them to make them better.

Red Goblin:

I used the Raimi Green Goblin skin by Dark_Mark. He misses his tail, I'm still figuring out how to do it. Tried to use Nightcrawler tail adding it on herostat and it worked fine but I think he needs a bigger tail, much more thickness. Plus I don't know if I can apply a filter to make the tail appear only on his skin and not the other. What I did was also replace the Demogoblin mod by Julio Cabral to add the flaming glider and the flaming head, so in the zip you'll find my powerstyles. Of course youll'first need to properly install the Green Goblin mods and then the Demogoblin booster. He uses 16105 while I changed everything to 16104. I don' t remember exactly what I tweaked cause I did it some months ago but if you want those effects you'll have to use him at 16104, otherwise you'll need to change the skin number inside the powerstyles. All credits to them for these wonderful mods.

There are two different versions, one is black, red and there is some yellow here and there to simulate the fire, while the other version is all black and red. Download the updated version below.


Here I used the Hellfire Club Guard mod by Ceamonks890 in his Minions pack. The skin is inspired by his appereance in the 90s Animated series. I use him as a skin for Mystique as it fits his powers.

Credits for the hud:


For him I reskinned Purple Man from Outsider's Last Call. I used him cause of his dress and tie. This one was a bit difficult to make cause his face is very different from Purple Man and so I had to draw him by hand. It did not come out perfect, it could be easily upgraded but it also does the work. Tried to give him his nose, mouth and teeth. I understand it can look a bit weird. I use him as the fourth costume for Colossus as it fits the power and stature of character.

Credits for hud:

Julio Cabral - Demogoblin booster
Dark_Mark - Raimi Goblin skin
Ceamonks890 - Hellfire Club Guard skin
Outsider - Purple Man skin

Hope I didn't forget anyone, if you realise I did please say it. Hope someone can appreciate!

I forgot to mention that youll' also need to make changes in the hero stat for the flaming effects to work. I used Ghost Rider flaming effects, youll' need to add this:

      StatEffect {
      bolt = Bip01 Head ;
      effect = char/ghostr/special_burninghead ;
      fxlevel = 1 ;
      menuonly = false ;
      skin = 04 ;
      zoneonly = true ;

      StatEffect {
      bolt = Bip01 Head ;
      effect = char/ghostr/special_burninghead ;
      fxlevel = 2 ;
      menuonly = true ;
      skin = 04 ;
      zoneonly = false ;

If someone is interested in the end I managed to understand how to give him nightcrawler tail without giving it to others skins too. I'll leave the download with the updated powerstyles and some screenshots as a preview. I also converted the tail texture to make it red and black. It doesn't look terrible, I think this version is actually better as it is more accurate but I still think a thicker tail would be better but I don't have the capacities to do it yet.

All the credits goes to Nicaras for idle_Fightmove code which I found in Fr3ddy's Stuff. He used it for Scarlet Witch's cape. I just took it, converted for nightcrawler's tail and added it to the powerstyles. All the credits to them.

Download :

I would appreciate some feedback and advices to improve.

Congrats on your first mods!

Great to finally have decently convincing skins for Spider-Man's Chameleon and Tombstone. Having Red Goblin in the style of the Raimi Spider-Man films, is certainly an inspired choice (as it gives a proper standalone Red Goblin mod an alternate costume, to compliment an official model from one of the Marvel mobile games if it ever gets converted over by a more experienced skinner).

Keep up the promising work Jury.

Thank you Ceamonks, I'll keep trying to do more and better. Really admire all your works too!

Great work! Just so that I can get some clarity, how should these be classified? Would you consider them boosters or skin releases?

They're skins, with extra data files to accommodate for Red Goblin's tail and such.

September 11, 2024, 01:14PM #7 Last Edit: October 19, 2024, 11:12AM by Jury

I realized I did not post the .igb for the red tail for red Goblin so here is the updated link with the tail also to place in the actor folder. And a new hud for Red Goblin also.

Credits for hud :

Then I present you a new skin.

Azazel, based on his appearence on First Class.

I used John Wick skin as base, thanks to Andersonbrazil. Removing his beard to make it shaped like Azazel's was very diifficult as the hair and beard texture is a complete mess (thanks Fortnite). Same reason why the colours will be altered no matter what I did.

I tried to give him his scars and outfit and I think it looks faithful. Then I also modified the smokes during teleportation and powers to make it red and I also gave him a personalized sword, which is a repainted sword from the Hawkeye mod by Outsider to be faithful to the one he uses in the movie and a knife which is the general knife model used in many mods including John Wick by Ceamonks and Drax by sbarth13. The weapons will be visible once he uses them with the powers that involved swords for Nightcrawler, then they will disappear as you move and run, they will still be visible after the powers if you don't move.

 I recommend to use him as a Nightcrawler skin, specifically I put 4703. If you want to use him in another spot you'll need to change the .pkgb and the skin_filter = 4703 in the powerstyles.

He also comes with two different huds.

Credits huds:

There is a brief video to show the new effects and weapons inside the zip. Notice that these will only alter the 4703 skin as the others skins for Nightcrawler won't be affected by his boltons and effects.

If I forgot to mention someone for credits please say it.

Red Goblin is something that's really cool to see realized. Great work Jury.

October 19, 2024, 10:51AM #9 Last Edit: November 27, 2024, 03:38AM by Jury

I made some more reskins and I'm preparing to upload a Mr Negative full mod (I just needs sounds and a mannequin rest is done) along with an Alistair Smythe reskin plus a personal bolton for his shoulder appendices, hopefully to pair him with an hover chair in the future. I'm trying to see if I can extract it from some of the Professor X skin I found on the site, I saw on Discord someone shared a basic wheelchair one but an hover chair would be better so I'll see what I can do.

I present you some others Spiderman related characters, some skins came out pretty good, others a bit less but I'm still happy.

 :revanche:  :revanche: AGONY  :revanche:  :revanche:

There are two version, onr with long hair, based on a Medusa skin from future fight (by ZuluViking), same model I based Scream on too, and a short hair version based on base game Medusa.

Zuluviking for the model

 :hobgoblin:  :hobgoblin: SCREAM :hobgoblin:  :hobgoblin:


ZuluViking for the model

 :scorpion:  :scorpion: LASHER :scorpion:  :scorpion:

I used Andersonbrazil's model of Doppelganger, as I wanted his arms to simulate his tendrils.



Andersonbrazil for the model

 :stooth:  :stooth: PHAGE :stooth:  :stooth:

I used Carnage from MUA2 as a base which I found in the Carnage mod by Outsider.

Outsider for the model

 :venom:  :venom: RIOT :venom:  :venom:

I used Venom's model from MVSC3 by Andersonbrazil.


Andersonbrazil for the model


 :moonstar:  :moonstar: MORLUN :moonstar:  :moonstar:

I used Warpath model as a base and then I used some textures from the model in Spiderman Unlimited. He also comes with an hud.


Lionsden99 for the model

 :sskrull:  :sskrull: The Jackal :sskrull:  :sskrull: 

I couldn't find a more fitting model than this Ultimate Green Goblin old model, maybe there is something better. It looks a bit more faithful without advanced lightning. He also comes with an hud.


Blaw for the model

 :colossus:  :colossus: MISTER NEGATIVE :colossus:  :colossus:

Here I present a Martin Li aka Mister Negative mod.

- 4 hex-edited skin, mannequin, 3 HUDs, 2 loading screen. icons and sound from both Marvel Spiderman 1 and 2
- 5 powers, 2 boosts and an Xtreme
- Custom jump smash
- Custom heavy attack
- Custom and upgradable grabsmash (I think it works tell me if it doesn't)
- Uses #221 assigned number so will clash mannequins with the following: Dust, Typhoid Mary, Isaac Clarke and Flash Gordon


Negative Burst - Mr. Negative summons a beam of corruptive energy, overwhelming foes with the power of darkness.

Corruptive Orb - Mr. Negative hurls a sphere of dark energy, which erupts upon impact, leaving behind destructive flames of corruption on the ground.

Demon's Army - Mr Negative uses his powers to transform enemies into his demonic slaves and increase their defense.

Shockwave Blast - Mr. Negative channels dark energy into his hands before slamming it into the ground, unleashing a shockwave that stuns all nearby enemies.

Negative Uppercut - Mr. Negative channels dark energy into his fist, delivering a crushing uppercut that sends enemies flying into the air.


Dimensional Dread - As Mr. Negative unleashes his energy, the scene transforms into a negative dimension, causing chaos and damage to all nearby foes.

Shadow Infusion - Drawing on the depths of negative energy, Mr. Negative empowers himself with a radiant aura that leaves a trail of darkness as he moves, he also uses his sword.


Demonic Ascendance - Mr. Negative calls forth a colossal demon from the shadows, unleashing its wrath upon his enemies with devastating strikes.



- Andersonbrazil for the converted Agent Coulson skin and John Wick model I used for the Marvel Spiderman 2 skin
- Canino (may he rest in peace) for the jump smash attack from his Iron Fist mod
- jonohood for the custom attack from his Magik booster and the animated sword bolton
- Used some assets for powers from Sbarth13 Quasar mod, Ceamonks890 Molten Man mod, Cosmic Ghost Rider mod and Alex Power mod, Outsider Surtur mod and Ancient One mod
- Outsider for his method to upgrade grabsmash, Ymir mmodel I took and re-skinned into the giant demon and Purple Man mannequin I'm using until someone makes a custom one. I'll try again by myself too.
- Blizz for his Electro's mod grabsmash


Hope you like it!

Hi guys, Mister Negative has been updated with his sounds file. Sorry but I initially uploaded the wrong file. It also contains an alternative voice file made by Miles838.



Mr Negative has been updated with mannequins gently offered by MyNexus, all credits to him,