
What are your favorite characters and which four moves do you use for them?

Started by jonchang, June 26, 2007, 10:22PM

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Capt. Marvel: Star Fall, Nega Phase, Nebula Beam, and Big Bang
Silver Surfer: Cosmic Beam, Surfer's Rage, Molecular Mix-Up, and Galactic Might  :silvers:
Moon Knight: Crescent Boomerang, Staff Combat, Crescent Darts, and Lunar Eclipse
Deadpool: Dual Shot, Grenade Toss, Blade Cyclone, and Merc's Revenge. Sometimes I alternate between Grenade Toss and the buff/boost/debuff, whatever. :deadpool:

Deadpool - DMG Boost = ????? What are you thinking?????

Deadpool - Dual Shot, Sword Whirlwind, DMG Boost, Merc's Revenge
Cap - Shield Throw, Shield Bash, Speed Boost, Avenger's Shield
Moony - Boomerang, Nunchucks, Crescent Darts, Lunar Eclipse
Iron Man - Plasma Charge, the Spammable Bouncy things, Energy Boost, Air Strike

Ghost Rider: Raving Flame, Chain Flechette, Penance Stare, Vengeance
Deadpool: Blade Cyclone, Grenade Toss, Battle Cry, Merc's Revenge
Iron Man: Plasma Disc, Nano Assault, Energy Reroute, Air Strike
Iceman: Freeze Beam, Polar Explosion, Blizzard
Black Panther: Crippling Blow, Razor Cyclone, Stealth, Panther's Might
Moon Knight: Boomerang, Nunchuks, Lunar Eclipse

I like others, too. These are almost always on my team, especially Iceman and Ghost Rider!

Iron Man: Plasma Disc, Uni-beam, Energy Reroute
(seriously, what's the point of Iron man without uni-beam?)
Spider-Man: Web-Warrior, Web Bullets, Web Shield
(Web zip ftw! Being unkillable is a nice bonus)
Invisible Woman: Kinetic Bolts, Kinetic Snare, Invisibility, TK, Fantastic Shield
(recently discovered the power quick change, so I use the last 2 powers when I see fitting)
Human Torch: Inferno, Fire Balls, Nova Blast
(Nova Blast rises all fire damage, Inferno either kills or pops-up enemies, Fire Balls keeps the last one un the air)
And their Xtremes, of course.

Sorry for the explanations (and for cheating with Invisible Woman).

Quote from: Gevth on June 27, 2007, 05:23AM
(seriously, what's the point of Iron man without uni-beam?)

If the game actually has the TRUE uni-beam from comics - a beam from the chest, then yes. It's super stupid that the Raven guys call these bouncy stuff "uni-beam". Made the same mistake in XML2 and they do it again in MUA...:nervous:

Yeah, my thoughts exactly. I thought the unibeam was emitted from the chest generating various lightforms, not from the hands and bounce around.

Anyway, here are more:

Iceman: Ice Shards, Polar Explosion, Freeze Beam, Deep Freeze. Sometimes Ice Shards I replace with Blizzard
GR: Ravaging Flame, Damnation, Penance Stare, Vengeance
Iron Man: Plasma Disc, Uni-Beam, Energy Reroute or Nano Assault, Air Strike
IW: Kinetic Bolts, TK, both boosts, Ultimate Overload
Black Widow: Controlled Burst, Knife Bomb, Red Dawn, Russian Fury
Daredevil: Devastation, Extensive Strike, Devil's Onslaught
Dr. Doom (from DLC): Doom Shield, Doom Blast, Doom Arc, Doomsday
Nightcrawler (DLC): Bamfing Blitz, Shadow Crawl, Bamf Flurry or Sword Combat, Bamf Unleashed
Magneto (DLC): Magnetic Pulse, Magnetic Beam, Magnetic Shield, Metal Storm

More to come!

Bad to the Bone.
Ghost Rider: Chains of Retribution,Damnation, Penance Stare, Vengeance
Wolverine: Claw Slash, Lethal Lunge, Certain Death, Feral Rage
Blade: Slayer Slash, Circle of Death,Gun Blast, Blood Haze
Luke Cage: Jab, Chain Strike,Street Smarts, Sweet Christmas

I also use a team I created. The Enforcers.
Captain Marvel: Nebula beam, Nega Blast, Cosmis Rage, Big Bang
Deadpool: Blade Cyclone, Gernade Toss, Wisecrack, Merc's Revenge
Iron Man: Rocket Uppercut, Nano Assault, Speed Overdrive, Air Strike
Ronin: Flying Nunchaku, Slice and Dice, Spine Teaser, Power Strike

Do you use any of Ronin's Echo Effects? Or DP's Dual Shot? IM's bouncy "unibeam" lasers?

I dont think I've ever used Ronin's echo effects but I used to use Deadpool's Dual Shot, but then I think I switched it to Wisecrack. And doesn't Iron Man's Uni-Beam, come from his chest not his hands. But yea sometimes I've used it.

The move name of the spammable bouncy things is called Unibeam.

Read the previous posts in this thread.

o haha yea, i didnt read them , i just kinda skimmed through them, but yea why did they make them come out of his hands instead of his chest?

Quote from: iammingy on June 27, 2007, 06:13PM
If the game actually has the TRUE uni-beam from comics - a beam from the chest, then yes. It's super stupid that the Raven guys call these bouncy stuff "uni-beam". Made the same mistake in XML2 and they do it again in MUA...:nervous:

Silver surfer: surfer's rage, molecular mixup, cosmic beam and galact might
Human torch: Inferno, fire storm, nova blast and fantastic fire
Mr. Fantastic: fantastic fists, elastic crush, rubberband recoil and orbital attack
Thor: Hammer toss, thor's rage, god speed and wrath of gods