Tell the Truth: Game

Started by jonchang, November 21, 2007, 06:45PM

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In your opinon, which is the most powerful character in the Marvel universe and why?

"Heart of the Universe (HOTU)" or "The One Above All (TOAA)"
Reason: Just look at their names!!! haha

Question: Civil War, whose side are you on?
(My answer: If I put myself as a normal human in the Marvel 616 Earth, I would definitely support the Registration Act.)

Cap side.

Do you think Tony stark started civil war just for earn some money ?

That would sound like something Doom would do.

Which psionic extra-sensory perception ability would you like to acquire the most?

Future sight.

Who is your favorite young x-men character and who do you want to see DEAD??

i say ink and dust, and to die would be Longshot because i really dont like that guy or care for him.

which three x-men should come back from the dead asap?

Revanche, spoilerspoilerspoilershadowcatspoilerspoilerspoiler and whomever they kill in Young X-Men as I really like the current roster.

Does Lady Deathstrike deserve a comeback?

I personally love her(even if shes a psycho or whatever) so yes shes a legend in my eyes.

Who is wolverine true love? (I know that sounds so gay)
Mariko, rose,  silverfox, or lad deathstrike?(just go with the flow about deathstike)


How many homeruns have you hit in your life?

none we don't play baseball in Peru lol :P
how long can you hold your breath?? (i'm about 1 minute and 15 seconds)

Approx the same as you.

Has anyone in this forum ever hit a homerun?

yeah, one, but i havent played in a while...and not on a real sized feild...

mac or pc?
Icons made by me(i could only pick the best b/c of ltr limit):

psp, dual screens is not apealing to me...

has tony realy been a skrull this whole time without knowing???
Icons made by me(i could only pick the best b/c of ltr limit):

Man of Iron has liver of Kleenex! :laugh:

Skrulls are incredibly difficult to predict. I wonder when this Secret Invasion will end.