
Rate Marvel Movies

Started by Nowhere Man, October 31, 2010, 12:29PM

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OOh well for that matter

Spider man 3D : **** then

Im not really postive, if carnage is in (which probally isnt the case, the poor little disney kids couldnt handle the awsomness) then a *****, but we'll see

X-men really went downhill after the second movie.  The original plan for X3 would have been better.  The movie was strangely cheap considering hyped up chars like angel, colossus and mag's new recruits got so few lines (Colossus has exactly one line in the whole movie).  The iceman vs pyro battle was boring and cheap.  Phoenix just stood in one place looking constipated to blow stuff up and no firebird or flames WTF.  And Wolverine hoggs the spotlight waaaaaay to much these days.  No wonder they call his spinoff the fourth wolverine movie.  I didn't like how doom was handled in the F4 movies as I always pictured him as an imposing, intimidating magnificant bastard instead of the scrawny, narmy idoit they turned him into.  Ghost rider's effects were nice but the story was overall boring, the fights were dull and the actors can't act for their lives.  I have high hopes for thor, captain america, the avengers and deadpool (especially if that r-rated musical idea is used).

Rated-R Deadpool musical? I would read it in a comic. You know what, Deadpool always wear mask (I said he always wears it, so listen up directors and producers...he will always have a mask, or else...I don't know what, but it will be nasty), so he should have his video game voice, John Kassir! (He rules as Deadpool's voice, no one is that good!)

Quote from: Sazandra125 on November 09, 2010, 08:58AM
X-men really went downhill after the second movie.  The original plan for X3 would have been better.  The movie was strangely cheap considering hyped up chars like angel, colossus and mag's new recruits got so few lines (Colossus has exactly one line in the whole movie).  The iceman vs pyro battle was boring and cheap.  Phoenix just stood in one place looking constipated to blow stuff up and no firebird or flames WTF.  And Wolverine hoggs the spotlight waaaaaay to much these days.  No wonder they call his spinoff the fourth wolverine movie.  I didn't like how doom was handled in the F4 movies as I always pictured him as an imposing, intimidating magnificant bastard instead of the scrawny, narmy idoit they turned him into.  Ghost rider's effects were nice but the story was overall boring, the fights were dull and the actors can't act for their lives.  I have high hopes for thor, captain america, the avengers and deadpool (especially if that r-rated musical idea is used).

So very true!!!! Jean just did stand there the whole time and no firebird..... I MEAN HELLO Lol and Wolverine was used way to much, Storm should have been stronger and Angel, Colossus and others should have been used a lot more!

MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS

November 10, 2010, 07:49PM #19 Last Edit: November 10, 2010, 07:53PM by Teancum
X-Men - ****
X-Men II: X-Men United - *****
X-Men III: The Last Stand - **
X-Men Origins: Wolverine - ***

Fantastic Four - ***
Fantastic Four II: Rise of the Silver Surfer - ***

Blade - Don't care to watch the series

Iron Man - *****
Iron Man II - *****

Spider-Man - *
Spider-Man II - **
Spider-Man III - *

Daredevil - **
Elektra - Haven't seen

The Punisher - *
Punisher: Warzone - Haven't seen

Ghost Rider - ****

Hulk - 0 (could this movie be any more awful?)
The Incredible Hulk - ***

Lots of people on X-Men Origins: Wolverine because of Deadpool, but the fact of the matter is they had to make him a character that non-Marvel comics characters understand, and Marvel's stamp is on the movie, so everyone just needs to live with the fact that its canon.  I thought Reynolds did an amazing job.  Same with Gambit - people say he's been ruined, but my only nitpick is that his cajun draw could have been just a touch stronger (nobody but rednecks has a draw like the cartoons in real life)

As far as the Spider-Man movies go, all I can say is thank goodness it's getting a reboot.  Toby McGuire is the worst choice anyone could have ever made for Peter.  Ironically enough after seeing Topher Grace in his role as Eddie (incidentally, he was so wrong for this role) I thought Topher would have made an "amazing" Spidey.  The second movie was the only good one, saved by Doc Ock.

With Ghost Rider I was actually surprised that I liked Nicholas Cage in the role, but he just seemed to make it his own and it sold me.  I don't think Ghost Rider as a character will ever translate as well to the screen as say, Iron Man, but the first movie was quite solid.

On a future movie note, I'm hugely skeptical of Thor.  All of the production images look really, really low budget.  As far as Capt. America goes, I'm frustrated they used Chris Evans again.  He's a great actor, but he's the Human Torch.  I realize the F4 movies were prior to the official Marvel movie branding, but still.