
MUA Offsets Central

Started by Noelemahc, January 23, 2007, 03:38AM

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January 23, 2007, 03:38AM Last Edit: July 15, 2019, 06:47AM by Teancum
I'm not sure we've had a thread for this yet.
Let's list and sort out the full offsets for the default models of MUA. Allow me to begin (I just spent forty minutes on this and I don't intend to lose it!).

Here's 1504.IGB, Ultimate Iron Man.
QuoteSize   Texture Data     Specular Map      Normal Map
1024     862326           2143654              3323302
512    mip of prev.       4371878               452726
256   mip of prev.      mip of prev.           378998
128    348534              444534               845942
64     343406             345454               364918
32     2140446          mip of prev.         mip of prev.
16     2141102             2140974              370550
8      2141278             2141246                N/A
The first two are color-flipped alphaless DXT1s. The third one is a monochrome DXT5 (only green and alpha channels are used).
I list them with the mip entries and not actual offsets as nba2k's program doesn't support multi-texture insertion yet in any case, and I, personally, still want to fool around with the extra maps for some possible effects. This one's actually mipped down to 4x, but I chose not to write those out, would'a been way too redundant. Also, I simply failed to find the 8x normal map. Sorry about that :D I can tell you that the 4x is lodged between the 16x and 8x mips of the other two, though :D

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

January 23, 2007, 04:44AM #1 Last Edit: January 23, 2007, 04:50AM by Noelemahc
20 more minutes, and here we have one more.

2901.igb, Modern Enchantress (classic had a much scarier head-dress, AFAIK).
QuoteSize   Texture Data     Specular Map      Normal Map
512       296192             535760                 666832
256         MIP               932976                 470224
128         MIP               289968                 266648
64        930856              287128                 MIP
32        930192               MIP                 929152
16        930728              929024              289696
8         298160              928984              932912
This one's actually more revealing than the previous one, as it tells me we SHOULD specular map the skin, but NOT normal map it. Although I really wonder what would happen if I did :D

EDIT: Holy crud! 2999.igb is not an Enchantress alternative model! It's Leather Jacket Wolverine from the cutscenes! But, sadly enough, not skeleton-mapped, i.e. unusable in-game.

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

Hey Noel, question for ya since I haven't found the answer referenced anywhere else.

Has anyone had any luck with figuring out how to edit the specular mapping on a model. i.e. alter raised and lowered parts. I don't know if it's been done, and I'm just missing it, if it hasn't been attempted, or if it simply isn't doable to our knowledge. If it is doable, is it just like normal? Thanks.


Yeah, you use Texture Finder to find the starting offset for the largest mip; then extrac it via hex (because TF treats alpha channels badly, and you NEED them!) into a DDS (you need a DXT5 two-channel header; though any DXT5 will work equally well); open it in PS.
Green channel is the horizontal volume; Alpha channel is vertical. Once you see it, you'll get it :D
Edit, export to 32-bit RGBA BMP; import via MUASkinner as DXT3 to every offset this thing is present at. Poof, it works.

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

ahhh I think I may be screwed by using my bootleg open source photoshop, since it seems to be screwy for the alpha. I'll give it a shot though...

hmmm would this be beneficial to include all this data in a FAQ?  I guess in case you eff something up and wanna go back to default..

I'm way lost on how to use Texture finder.  Anyone have MK's texture offsets?

Next stop.

4101.igb, Moon Knight Classic.
Size   Texture Data     Specular Map      Normal Map
1024    861883              2638091             1582779
512     730667             1386171              468523
256    1550011             1517243              402987
128    370219              378411               386603
64     2635275             2633147              366123
32     2637323             2631395              2631907
16     2632971             861739               2637835
8      2632939             2631355              2635195

Don't lose them :D The Normal map offsets below 32x MIGHT be off by one quad (that would be 16 bytes) either way - the damn thing is chock full of redundant copies and the lack of decent voluminity in the normals makes them indecipherable after 64x.

Quote"Manny Both-Handz died to bring us this information."
-- Star Wars Tales: Tag and Bink Are Dead v.2

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

More hands-on stuff. 15702.igb
Size  Texture    Specular   Normal
1024  907152     683360    1628048
512   775936     1431440   513792
256   1595280    1562512   448256
128   415488     423680    431872
64    2680544    2678400   411648
32    2682592    2676664   2677176
16    2678240    907008    2683104
8  didn't find it 2676624  2680464
4     2680456    907136    2678368

The same warning applies to normals as with the above set (but pertains only to the 16x mip, I'm dead certain about the other two).

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

Tony Stark (1506)
256   16339
128   59763
64    67955
32    49107
16    70011

He doesn't have any of that fancy mapping, as he is an XML2 port.

anyone's got Spidey Symbiote's?

I could only find:

1024 143367
512  666631
256  797191
128  131847


Technically an XML2 offset


Quote from: Teancum on May 29, 2007, 03:45PM
Spidey Symbiote's?

I could only find:

1024 143367
512  666631
256  797191
128  131847

sorry guys, but anyone can help me out with the smaller values of this offset?

would be much appreciated.

Quote from: parrastaka on May 30, 2007, 11:42PM
Quote from: Teancum on May 29, 2007, 03:45PM
Spidey Symbiote's?

I could only find:

1024 143367
512  666631
256  797191
128  131847

sorry guys, but anyone can help me out with the smaller values of this offset?

would be much appreciated.

hmmm... I am trying to find those, too.
I will post them here when I find them, ok? :)
It's really hard (for me) to differentiate between the black costume and the black areas of the file...  :laugh: