
New mannequins (Omega Red, Mysterio, Juggernaut, Apocalypse and others).

Started by MXYZPTLK, January 30, 2008, 01:35AM

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Thanks for the new mannequins!

Chamber uses Gambits model, if someone wants a Chamber mannequin Gambit's mannequin can be reskinned, it doesnt need to be ripped again, unless a different pose is wanted.
if you dont mind requests though, i would be grateful if you can do a mannequin for Shard (who uses Jean aoa model) :shy:

Quote from: MXYZPTLK on February 05, 2008, 05:13AM
I don't have any fiery costume for Magma :(
and no problem about requesting mate. now i guess that only Emma needs a mannequin, right?

It is in the Magma mod.

Beside Emma, Rogue (trenchcoat costume plz), Jean Grey (Phoenix plz), and Mystique (Red Leather outfit plz) need them. As does Angel, but I'm not sure just how much work an Angel mannequin would be :scratchhead: (tommy kept uploading his, but it always looked screwy for some reason)
Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, and Beast might also benefit from new ones, since their mannequins are tommy's meshes but the actual skins are not.

Also, since it seems most of the Brotherhood have their XML skins represented in their mannequins, mind slapping Avalanche's XML1 texture back on his and re-exporting it? I can re-order all the skins /passives in the mods accordingly, so it won't be a very big deal. And I know there are way too many listed in this post already ( :laugh:), but the same would be sweet in terms of getting Jubilee's Jim Lee costume as her mannequin. It is by FAR her most iconic look, imo.

Angel can always be done with his wings folder back, not flying.

Shard needs one too.

As does Blackbolt, Sinister, Gladiator, Balder, Holocaust, Enchantress, Rhino, and Mandarin. Sry if I'm being a little too pushy.

EDIT: Shocker removed. My bad! :)

added Shard, Rogue, Angel, Scarlet Witch, Havok, Chamber, Quick silver and Beast.

about Rogue, is that the skin you said?
as for Phoenix, Mystique, and Magma could you send me the skins plz?

Glad to know such topic exists, thanks MXYZPTLK for all your work :)
I suggest you'd try adding the Mesh Smooth modifier to the XML/XML2 meshes to make the mannequins look even better :thumbsup:
You may freely use and modify my work as long as you give me proper credit - there's no need to ask for my permission.

 :bowdown1: thank you so much!

see your PM for the Jean (phoenix) and Mystique (red leather) skins

Quote from: Dark_Mark on February 06, 2008, 07:07AM
Glad to know such topic exists, thanks MXYZPTLK for all your work :)
I suggest you'd try adding the Mesh Smooth modifier to the XML/XML2 meshes to make the mannequins look even better :thumbsup:
it's all thanks to yr nice tutorial actually.

i already tried using mesh smooth but i keep getting holes whenever i try (even after welding the vertices) :scratchhead:

 :rockon: :rockon::rockon::bowdown1::bowdown1::bowdown1:
thanks so much for the rogue mannequin!!
you rock!!!!  Now excuse me I need to install rogue now!  :D :D

:venom: :hulk_icon:  :wolverine::rogue:

Quote from: MXYZPTLK on February 06, 2008, 08:11AM
i already tried using mesh smooth but i keep getting holes whenever i try (even after welding the vertices) :scratchhead:

Are you sure this mesh consists of one element only? If not, select a mesh and attach everything else to it.
You may freely use and modify my work as long as you give me proper credit - there's no need to ask for my permission.

 Midnight, Blackbolt has been done too, Mandarin, Enchantress, Gladiator, Balder, Sinister, and Rhino will come very soon!

Edited: Mandarin, and Mr. Sinister have been done as well.

is anyone else getting the black dots of death (BDOD) on these mannequins? (black dots covering some parts of the mannequins)


it looks like the model was exported with DXT3, MXYZPTLK would it be possible to re-export using DXT1? (or maybe or modelers/meshers have better idea to get rid of BDOD)

Ya Iammingy is right, DXT1 is what MUA is friendly with so it would do the trick!