If I had a superpower, it would be...

Started by jonchang, February 05, 2008, 11:30PM

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Yeah storm's would be good as ive mentioned earlier. By then I can probably stop climate change :P
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Multiple-Man's powers! All the way! I think the only difference I'd make is that dupes had all the same personality. But other than that. You could hold down multiple jobs, go to school, and stay home and play video games all at once! Need help moving? No problem.

Tk, telepathy. You can practically do anything with those powers.

Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 29, 2010, 02:09PM
Tk, telepathy. You can practically do anything with those powers.
What about Scarlet Witch's probability? lol I can bend reality with that!
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TK you can just move stuff with ur mind and Telepathy you can only communicate with ur mind thats not so kool or great really

i actually think tk is one of the best powers out there and still wouldnt mind having one! :D
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i never said it was bad it would be fun to have Tk

June 30, 2010, 08:40AM #142 Last Edit: June 30, 2010, 09:17AM by MarvelFan12345
Quote from: Jordan on June 29, 2010, 08:33PM
TK you can just move stuff with ur mind and Telepathy you can only communicate with ur mind thats not so kool or great really
With telepathy I could kill people instantly, know everything they have, be invisible, create amnesia to others, block other people's powers, and even communicate with animals. I could control everyone's minds as well so I beg to differ.

With tk I could manipulate anything, cause explosions, be invisible, cause fire, and control molecules. I could use tk to rearrange the molecules of people and turn wood into gold. The only thing that could beat tk and tp or at least be easier to use for controlling everything would be reality warping.

I thought telepaths can only control 1 mind at a time? anyway i would want storms powers,jean powers (and a little of the phoenix force with complete control)Shadowcat's,Emma Frost's,and wolverines healing factor, and finally rouges power but with TOTAL control.

EDIT:In fact i want a power that lets me have any type of power so i would be powerful

You can control many minds at a time with telepathy.

Quote from: Jeanfan321 on June 30, 2010, 09:12AM
I thought telepaths can only control 1 mind at a time?

thats what jean said because if see uses to much power she will turn into the phienox

That must be something she said in MUA or an XML game. I mean by comics where that isn't a problem. IN games they probably do that so that the telepaths won't be overpowered.

I think that was the level where she has to unmask the enemies in the Mansion grounds. They did that for story reasons and because the enemies were shielded. Also she was able to pick up multiple enemies but only if they were around each other.

Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 30, 2010, 11:13AM
I think that was the level where she has to unmask the enemies in the Mansion grounds.

ya it was that level