If I had a superpower, it would be...

Started by jonchang, February 05, 2008, 11:30PM

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Only one power? That cool Healing Factor, of course :wolverine:

The ability to control time. It would be awesome. Just skip all the horrible parts and voila!

Honestly I would want all powers, but if i have to pick only one i would defenetly oick telekinesis!!! XD

I always want Rouge powers (steal powers) :D but.. others must have powers too.

Definitely the ability to freeze and reverse time.

control over all the elments...the earth would be my playgroun earth :avalanche: wind :storm: fire :sunfire: water :iceman: metal :magneto:

ooo that's a hard one..probably telepathy :emmafrost: or intangibility :shadowcat2: yup yup.

shoot electricty from my finger tips.

Definitely Telekinesis! Make my teacher fly away during class...

This is a tough one. On the one hand, sonic scream is the precise flavour and utility that would match my personality. On the other, recurring dreams of telekinetic ability.

If I ever have such a decision to make, it will take some thinking, certainly.

If I had superpowers, could be:

- Remote vision. See anywhere any time with the mind.
- Hypnose. Take control of beings.
- Psicokinesis. Control events with the mind.

What do you think?

Well, for me, I don't choose until DC Universe Online is released, because I will create my ultimate Hero/Villian there. :D

can never have enough powerrrrrr!!!!
Ask not what your country can do for you, but what illega.. wonderful things you can do in your country!