
What do YOU want in a sequel?

Started by jonchang, February 10, 2008, 12:25AM

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All I have to say is that characters had better well get their Animated Series costumes.  (particularly X-Men better have the Jim Lee costumes)

Yeap, the Jim Lee's era was AWESOME... but i must admit i am a big fan of Ultimate and Astonishing X-Men costumes too ^^

I would like to have a nice amount of X-MEN... I know most people will say that there X-MEN Legends but in a Marvel Ultimate Alliance there should be at least 10 X-MEN... AT LEAST (i know, most people want to kill me right now XD)...

Wolvie is a MUST (coolest X-MEN alive, personal favorite)

My other 9 "wish list" would be:

Jean Grey (very versatile... fun to play)
Cyclops (BORING... but still... it's a must have)
Beast (never player XML 1... ergo, wanna play him ^^)
Angel (it's about time!!!)

Yeap, the 5 original x-men... but that is unlikely... still it would rock! Plus

Colossus (fastball special, 'nough said!)
Storm (same as Jean, versatility, fun to play as)
Nightcrawler (AWESOME! MUST HAVE)
Shadowcat (same as above)

I would REALLY like to see all these characters playable... as some other Marvel's heroes...

Ironfist (very probably since there's a movie in the making, isn't it?)
Punisher (Nick, who?... come one!!! This guy has 2 eyes, and better lung capacity!!!)


Story Killing unblockable characters... i rather NOT play with story killin' chars... than play with them and see them talk to themselves XD...



I would lose any sleep if Cyclops isn't in the game.  I'm sick of him as a playable.

You know I wish they would do something like if you had Nick Fury on your team all of your commands come from Maria Hill or something, you put Black Widow on your team and she is no longer at the base. It wouldn't be to hard to write a code like that, if the player is on a team, they no longer are an NPC. simple

I would like:

- More than 24 characters
- More than 5 female characters
    - Jean Grey, Storm, Invisible Woman, Ms. Marvel, Elektra, Black Widow, Spider-Woman, Scarlet Witch, Psylocke, Emma Frost,... popular choice enough!
- 4 X-men in every version of the game
- A complete "Original Defenders"- team
    - Dr. Strange, Hulk, Silver Surfer, Namor
- Since it's confirmed that villains will be playable (although I wished not), only 2 other villains beside Green Goblin and Venom.
    - Magneto and Dr. Doom, they can have realistic reasons to side with the  heroes and you'll have a "Villain"-team.
- Original moves and powers for each character and not just a colorchange.
- I'll give fusions a chance, but I hope Xtremes are still in and they should be gigantic, over-the-top and original, maybe with a cutscene or something.
- No more costumes with passives, they should be purely artistic and passives should be standard, like in XML.
- A deeper upgrading and skillpoint adding system (+ more item slots, like in XML)
- No possibility to talk to yourself in the game, like Nick Fury talking to Nick Fury, crazy!
- More platforming (searching, jumping, building bridges, flying, clearing obstacles with specific powers)
- More challenging puzzles and bosses
- More collectibles in the game, although they did a great job with MUA
- Return of the Danger Room where you can play as the enemies as well.
- More in-game character specific quotes while playing. No irritating, repeating "You mind lending me a hand" (Spider-man). Let the characters interact with each other while they fight, stand, or walk.

Well, that's it. As you can see "more" is a keyword.  :warbird:

I always have thought they should have character specific dialog, if you had Spidey and Human Torch on your team there would be some pretty good banter, but we never get to hear any of that.

No, Spidey, Torch, Deadpool, and Thing!

The Wisecracker team bonus!

I want a certain intelligence level for charecters(just like might)so it would prevent dumb scenarios like in XML2 it was quite ridiculous looking at  :juggernaut: using consoles or accessing computers.I really hated it.Heroes like  :spiderman: :fantastic:etc should have Intelligence so theiy could access consoles thus eliminating ridiculous scenes as I mention above.

Like another poster has said already for a Marvel game I would like a secret(1-3) war/infinity (gauntlet,war&crusade) story but a what if take so they can take a new angle.

That will have alot of stages and characters to choose from plus it would be cool to see eternal/infinity adam warlock and the watchers doing their thing.

I would like to see xcalibur memebers like Captain Britain imo is better then America/agent. I would prefer Havok to Cyclops like to see pete wisdom hot knives guy from old excalibur team and Racheal Summers.

For new xmen game I would like the adaptation of 90 xmen cartoon episode beyond good and evil which will still have cause effect aspect like Mua1.

I would like to see them learn how to make the characters more super hero for example Snowblinds who made DC game let characters still fly and pick objects and smash them and still have access to powers.

I would like storm to have full lightning glory for chain lightning like xm1

In light of Midway using DC characters I would of like Marvel/DC just making a viable story is a problem.

i think they should add more xmen (have you seen my board name?) and if there has to be villians, you should only be able to play as them on bonus missions

i also think that the game should have just a plain and simple standard version with the main story, but when it gets to medium level, they should add characters and levels
that would really encourage people to play the harder levels!
mental about X-men, mental

NO MORE THAN 4 X-MEN. If they add anymore they will ruin the game. There are so many other worthy marvel characters that haven't had a chance yet like Punisher. Plus I'd much rather they make a legends 3 game than totally mess up the civil war story arc. Cyclops, Storm, Wolverine and Emma Frost should be the ones they consider.

just want a "make your own" custom character, or several.
customizing options would be wonderful.

I want to see more playable villians these ones to be exact
*; :sauron:
**; :scorpion:
***; :electro:
****; :mysterio:
*****; :beetle:
******; :shocker:

so is there a chance dagger could be in the game.

two words: Adam Warlock
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