New downloadable content

Started by aerophex, January 25, 2007, 08:09AM

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I knew something was up when Durfal posted that his items where all messed.

maybe the people at x-box will get pissed and they will drop out (still x-box will get the chars). this will make other consoles get it like Pc or Ps3 :naughty:

It doesn't make any sense why they would make it 360 exclusive, because people will port them. They would have gained considerably more profit if it were purchasable for all systems by removing the need to port it. When will these big game companies learn?

Quote'Yeah, sorry, Mission Impossible 3 as you may have noticed, didn't show up in theaters on Memorial Day as promised. We are working to complete special effects shots and sound foley on the movie, we will announce a new date shortly. (We hope you enjoyed the complementary performance of Happy Feet.) Our marketing guys just were really, really excited and didn't notice that the movie was not completed..'
--Ever notice how this never happens with films? Must be because when people in Hollywood blow 30+ million on a product they at least TRY to take their head out of their asses, just for a few moments..

Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.

QuoteWhen will these big game companies learn?
Nah, they probably won't. They're getting enough money off the less picky 'casual' crowd so as not to care about whose toes they have to step on in order to gain larger primary sales.

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

April 11, 2007, 08:44PM #186 Last Edit: April 12, 2007, 10:22PM by cvc
 :rofl: :lamer: :rofl: that about said it.

edit: and more time goes by I can't understand it took half a year to do that,hell I can mess up 8 character in less than 8 hours hahaha :laugh:
And their turning us into Monsters its all designed!!

April 16, 2007, 06:00PM #187 Last Edit: April 16, 2007, 06:02PM by Jedted
Well it's Monday, no announcement of new release date?  Or are they that far behind that they don't wanna give another release date too soon again?

I'd rather they fix it right than rush it.  I wouldn't worry.

If there takin time to fix the DLC then why not take the extra time and port the goddamn thing to PC/PS3

Because PS3 has VERY crappy DLC support and there weren't many copies of PC sold so it's not worth their time.

I know, I want the DLC too, but that's the hard reality of things.  Activision/Raven Software aren't jerks really, it's just that they need to make money to put food on the table and they'd likely lose money for the PC version.  1000 bucks says that if they released it and made PC users pay for it that it would be pirated like mad, making them lose the money they spent porting it.  The PS3 again has terrible DLC support so it's very doubtful they'll ever get it.

You can also pirate the 360 downloads too...  Someone can just turn it into a torrent, and mass release it also.  While a valid point, it can be done with the 360 just as easily.  I wouldn't think porting the stuff to the PC would take THAT long...  We've already converted more characters than Raven has done with their DLC... and 4 of them they had pre-existing code to work from.

I wish they would just support MUA with open-source modding like some other games do.  That way they could find out who the good modders are, and possibly have them on the next project like they did with Quake.  Bioware does it with Neverwinter Nights, and they aren't exactly going hungry.  In fact, they released a few community expansion packs in which the modders did the mods, and they just cleaned it up so there were no bugs.  They are awesome with the modding community, and while they release new campaign missions, those aren't being pirated as much as you would think.  In fact, Bioware is still making money on new expansion packs for the old NWN game.  I'd gladly pay money for a game update to a company that works with the modding community like that.
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.

True, but Raven/Activision has to pay 10-30 testers to test those characters through the whole game.  The porting would go quick.  Quality Assurance and red tape wouldn't.

MUA needs open-source modding, true.  But since it's a franchise and not a video game-based one that'll never happen.  Never has there been an open source game from a major franchise.

Quote from: Teancum on April 17, 2007, 06:40PM
MUA needs open-source modding, true.  But since it's a franchise and not a video game-based one that'll never happen.  Never has there been an open source game from a major franchise.

Not to be too contrary Teancum, but Dungeons and Dragons isn't a major franchise?

Now I realize its a slightly different animal, since D&D promotes tinkering around with their fictional world, and Marvel is fiercly protective of it, but still...

Actually, EA's Battlefield is mod friendly.  They released a program WITH their game called Battlecraft, in which you can make all new levels and as many as you want, and they worked with the game perfectly.  Unreal Tournament is also very mod friendly, in that their game engine is entirely modable down from weapons, characters, and levels.  Hell, the game is released with the scripting for crying out loud!  Neverwinter Nights is also somewhat of a franchise, in that it had the base game, and expansions for days.  They still helped the community mod.  Why?  It gives the developers ideas for the game and allows them to work with the people who are actual players and fans of the game, giving the company knowledge as to what the fans ACTUALLY want.  Did it hurt their profits?  Well, apparantly not if they are STILL coming out with expansions and still updating their content packs.  *shrugs*  Oh, and Jedi Knight was VERY mod friendly.  If you can't mod that game, then you are clinically retarded.  Raven made that easy.  Why not XML2 and MUA?  It's not very realistic to ask them to do EVERY Marvel character, so why not at least give us a chance to fill in the holes we want filled?  That won't stop me from buying future games.  If I like something, I'll buy it, whether or not I can get it for free.  Hell, I bought XML2 twice.  I've modded the Chocolate egg out of it and I still enjoy the product they offered.  That didn't stop me from buying MUA, and it won't stop me from buying the next (if they do one) game in this franchise.  I think these are by far some of my favorite games to date.
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.