Playable villains in the sequel: yes or no?

Started by Gevth, February 11, 2008, 07:50AM

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So thers list then 30 heros. All of the most important heros from mavel villians are in. Man this is crazy I wanted more good heros and if theres room have villan but since theres list than 30 come on. I'm so mad!

I would have to say no.  Unless of course it is a villian that flip flops between hero and villian sometimes.  It kind of may mess up the story, unless everyone is fighting to save the planet from Galactus, which I would say that it is ok for.
  From the Ashes she will rise.

There are some great villains, like Dr. Doom and Magneto, but I think there are too many greater heroes than villains.

I also fear this game will be not so different from X-men Legends 2. How will they explain why the villains work together with the heroes? I don't think we want the same story twice.

I think that you cannot generalize this question like this.
You have to know what the story is about, if it makes sense than yes, if not than no.
I think in MUA it made no sense that you could buy/download the villain pack though I like the idea to play Venom.   And of course the proportions have to be right, not that you have 25 Heroes and 3 villains, that would be strange as hell.

Well, I say "Hell yeah"! Oh, come on, it's so cool to play as an evil. But, the best thing would be, that there would be two story mods, one for the good guys, one for the bad guys.

Indeed, 2 different storymodes could be rather exciting.
But I think they wouldn´t do that ´cause it is too much work to do.

Yeah, I think you are right. Oh well, I always loved the "good and bad guys vs the bigger evil" :D

Yes...that way I can get a Thunderbolts team

I would like some villians in this game like Greengoblin.

Yeah, me too, but I think that's impossible right now...Am I right?

I would say, "no". I mean, if it really sucks w/out villians, well, thats what is ofr, right?

Ok, but then you will make those mods, because (I never made a mod, but) it's a very hard work...and long too!

I honestly don't want any villains in the game. The only fun ones would be the heavy hitters (Galactus, Mephisto, Dr. Doom) but they wouldn't be as powerful as they should be or the game would be to easy. The smaller villains would probably be boring (Venom is like a rip off of Spider-Man and the Green Goblin doesn't sound to appealing). I mean, Crimson Dynamo is Iron Man, Grim Reaper is a flying version of Deadpool. In fact, Deadpool is as close to a villain as I want any character to be. I mean, they're just mashing in some rip-offs or no names to make the game sound cooler. I don't even think the Green Goblin was in the Civil War storyline. Jack-o-Lantern was, and the Hobgoblin was in the Secret War. And unless they make Venom radically different from Spider-Man (which I doubt) I'm not buying.

If there is a versus mode villains should be playable.  Otherwise I say they shouldn't, aside from DLC.  And on the 'versus' note, they should have Capture The Flag.  Doing CTF in this sort of environment would be awesome.