Why are people unhappy with Silver Surfer?

Started by Perun, December 25, 2007, 10:39PM

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He's a good looking character (simple is beautiful, IMO).

He's got a great set of animations.

He has Flight and Might.

Sure, he's a bit underwhelming early on, but once you upgrade his suit a bit and get into the meat of his powers (Molecular Mixup, Surfer Rage, Heal), he graduates from "pretty good support character" to "freakin' insane juggernaut of purple devastation".

I'm only in Act 2, and I have him wearing the default suit (Powersurge) and the White Ring of Power. I have unlocked all of his powers (level 21, yes I did a bit of grinding and back-looping). My impression: he can blast pretty much anything away before it gets to him; when I hit the Surfer Rage, people I haven't even met yet die; he's got reliable crowd control attack and a way to regain health on-demand. I rarely run out of power (unless I do something real dumb, like Slow Time two times), and even then, he kicks decent amounts of arse hand to hand. He's not Wolverine of course, but still...

Of course he does have some trash powers... slow time gets irrelevant after a while and the Cosmic Beam gets irrelevant after Molecular Mixup... but who doesn't... and his Extreme is not terribly extreme... but neither is Captain America's...

Yet I'm reading in some guides that Surfer is subpar somehow, doesn't do enough damage and runs out of power all the time. Just makes me curious as to why people think so.

1. He got one skin for all 4 costumes.
2. His talent is screwed up. Talent point scale not set correctly for Molecular Mixup.
3. His powerstyle is screwed up. The amount of base damage for Molecular Mixup is named as the amount of damage from Cosmic Beam.
4. No comic book mission.

The guys who wrote those faqs didn't spend much time trying the character. He's one of the characters I replace with other mods, though. I would add to iammingy's list that he doesn't have any special conversations and that his powers are neither unique nor really special. Surfer's Rage is equivalent to Thor's Rage, and so on.

The more unique ones are Heal and Molecular Mix-up. I'd rather have a continous healing boost like Dr. Strange's than Heal, since then you have to change characters to use it. MM is just an energy based beam (not unlike Ms. Marvel's or Spider-Woman's or Cyclops's) with added bleed damage. It would be really crappy if it wasn't for the MM/Cosmic Beam glitch.

Anyway, he's actually a great character, just not really interesting. By the way, the best place to discuss character's power and strategies is the X-Box 360 MUA forum in gamefaqs (http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/gentopic.php?board=932586). It's pretty lively now a 360 bundle came with MUA included.

I liked Silver Surfer but he was flawed and would have been more of a god like character I think the game is just to small to fit him right. :silvers:
And their turning us into Monsters its all designed!!

He wasn't bad if he wasn't flawed, but you can clearly tell that Silver Surfer was kinda a last-minuite addition to the offical roster...

I agree with iammingy...all four of his costumes look the same, and he has no simulator mission.

However, the Cosmic Beam/MM glitch does make him seem better than he already is. Heal is invaluable to your team.

Surfer does have one convo that I know of. Dr. Pym and he talk in the Sanctum Sanctorum, but I forgot if it was before or after Murderworld.

The Surfer's power is toned down dramatically in MUA to make sure the game isn't unbalanced.

I can't imagine that anyone wouldn't like him - he's one of the strongest characters in the game.

Well, he's already got one new one:  Norrin Radd (human form).  On top of that they could've altered the looks slightly -- one thin and shiny, one with more muscle definition, etc.

I completely agree with CVC when he says "the game was too small for him"...

I tend to like the underdogs, by this i don't mean the unknown heroes, but those that are NOT uber.

Spidey, Wolvie & Deadpool are awesome in every sense.

The Surfer is just TOO much... and the game can't show that... or it would be unbalanced. Same happens with HULK. Those type of chars that tend to be unbeatable in the comics may have a "hard" time killing "mobs" in the game... honestly... makes NO sense.

For example, i rather have she-hulk than hulk himself. Simply because she isn't SO uber. So that is mainly WHY i tend to "hate" surfer... i feel silly playing with him, cause he should pretty much destroy every single one with ease except for SOME bosses.

Plus, iammingy is right... he only got 1 skin o_0... i would have settle for a golden, copper & Norrin Rad skins, don't care if it makes NO sense XD


He should also get a Cosmic Carnage skin, like the one iammingy made!

actually an ultimate skin woulve been good... then againg was the Ultimate galactus trilogy out when mua was made?