
Anyone into Marvel Legends?

Started by shafcrawler, March 01, 2008, 12:55AM

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Okay!!!! With the help of a relative living in states and working for Hasbro, I've just ensured myself two Shanna figures!!!!! Of course I'll have to wait till summer for 'em, but it's awesome!!!! Now I can repaint and swap a shanna head for Psylocke's!! Also, I'm thinking of ordering a Storm ML online, as I'm missing on her. Any opinions on which 1 I might get?

I suggest one of these:

The white version (which I prefer) comes from X-Men Classics (2006), while the black one is from Marvel Legends Series 8. Both can be easily found on ebay.
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April 09, 2008, 04:48PM #32 Last Edit: April 10, 2008, 12:14PM by iammingy
Get the black one, the dark paint job masks the joints very well and it looks very leathery! Plus, the cloud base only comes with the Black version; the white version only has a clear plastic flight stand...

I liked the paint job on the white one's face, but ended up getting the black one. It's gonna arrive in a week or two. Thanks for helping out guys!

Quote from: shafcrawler on April 10, 2008, 09:21AM
I liked the paint job on the white one's face, but ended up getting the black one. It's gonna arrive in a week or two. Thanks for helping out guys!

How much was it with shipping?

I got the figure for 4.50 Euro, and shipping and stuff to Germany cost another 5 Euro, making it a total of 9.50. The reason I got it shipped to Germany is because my grandma is coming for a visit here on the 28th, so she'll bring it over with her. Normally, If I wanted to get it shipped to Bangladesh, it would have cost me no less than $30 for shipping alone!

Shafcrawler, do you still have that New X-Men Wolvie figure? Sorry for rushing, but I would love to get it as quickly as possible.
You may freely use and modify my work as long as you give me proper credit - there's no need to ask for my permission.

All I got is the old one still in-box and with comic though. :wolverine:
And their turning us into Monsters its all designed!!

All of mine are out of the plastic bubbles... :rofl:
I really like to put them in cool poses and look at them once in a while. ^_^

@Dark_Mark: I'm really sorry bro but I had a fire in my room a few weeks back and a few of my legends(as well as a custom MK Jade figure) got burned. Wolverine is severely singed and has lost his right arm. I had to replace it with a lame XWC Wolverine (the 1 from the X-Men line with a bike) on my display. I'm terribly sorry.

That's too bad :bawling: I feel sorry for your lost and you really don't have to apologize for anything. I hope the damage wasn't very disastrous?
You may freely use and modify my work as long as you give me proper credit - there's no need to ask for my permission.

Wolverine can regrow his arm back. Doesn't he have spontaneous regeneration? :laugh:

Anyways, I feel bad for you, shaf.

Well, aside from wolverine, I just lost deadpool, which I had a spare of, Mohawk Storm (hence me wanting a new 1), A Psylocke (had about 3 of 'em for customs) and a Beast. Those were dispensible. My only great loss would be the custom Jade figure I made. added a lot of details on her (as she's my favorite MK character) and she was right in the middle of the fire. Got totally distorted. Have to start working on a new 1 (with 1 of da spare Psylockes).

here i am!i'm in Italy and so fai i got Ml from 13 to 15.i'm trying to find other on ebay.but they're hard to find...

@Solstar: Try searching eBay Germany and eBay France. All you need to do is go to the address tab and replace the .de(/.fr) with .com and the english page will show. They've got a lot of ML figures for sale. I bought most of mine off eBay Germany.

Just started work on a new Jade Custom. With any luck, it'll hopefully be better than the orginal that I lost :(   This totally slowed down my custom diorama project: I am halfwa through making a broken X-Mansion diorama to display a few of my figures. Anybody else make custom stuff here?