Which PSP exclusives did you enjoy?

Started by jonchang, July 30, 2007, 03:08AM

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That would be cool, I have the anims picked out, but just for personal reference it would be nice.

I mostly wanted to know if the moves in the psp version were going to be the same as in the MUA mod, and it looks like they will be (I don't have the psp files so I was going off your mod, plus in one video I saw Cable had a double gun move so I replaced an existing move with a double gun move)

Yes, I based the moves off of the PSP ones as much as I could using only 2 animations sets (at least, that is what I recall doing)

Anyway, they were actually already hosted, so here is the link: (it contains some X-Man/Cannonball stuff too, but I am a little busy to separate it)

Some of them are pretty low-res (a member gave me cam video a while ago that I chopped up to make them), but you can make out the animations for the most part.

yep i based the moves in my mod off of the videos, Fury and Magneto had a lot of animations that were similar to Cable's (the only missing thing was the double gun thing, which Cable has but Fury and Magneto dont)  That and the menu animations were not very Cable.
Please search the forum before asking a question. I dont answer
PMs about modding, those questions should be posted in a public thread.
What im currently working on: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?topic=2275.0
My mods are mine to booster/update, I will not give anybody permission to do it

yeah I'm using prof instead of magneto, he has many of the animations i wanted, plus he doesnt fly in the menu or cross his arms, haha, and then I'm using Deadpool's for the double gun

Cable does have telekinetic abilities. Are you going to put in a flight ability?

no, he has all the powers that dark_raven posted minus mutant mastery

Moderation Post
Gentlemen (you know who you are, everyone carry on as before), lets keep it on-topic without any 'i said this you said that' quotefests.
You disagree/dislike each other/whatever. Walk away from it.
If you feel another member is abusing forum rules report it.
Any further continuation of that 'discussion' should be done via PMs and WILL be deleted if done in this, or any other thread.

Just like thetommyboy2002 said.
Flaming is against the rules and will not be tolerated in this forum. This is a very nice thread and it is not your duty to spam it up with arguements. Keep your flaming in either a P.M or on some Instant Messaging application.

And i have more to say:
Iammingy, i suggest you stop accusing Midnight Curse of spamming and mind your own business, if a member of staff actually thinks he is spamming, he will either warned or banned. You are actually the one that started 'Flame Wars' with accusing him of spamming.

Midnight, i suggest you stop saying things like this:
QuoteCan you find smaller pics? Those take way too long to scroll down to the bottom of the Quick Reply box.
This will make people like Iammingy 'think' that you spam. Next time cut out the 'Those take too long to scroll down to the bottom of the Quick Reply box.

And both of you stop it with the sarcasm.


We can take care of our own moderation, as you can see by Tommyboy2002's post right above you.