
Started by jeroen, June 21, 2008, 10:07AM

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I have a gamepad and it works fine.My only question is:How do I switch characters?I'm playing alone and I want to switch characters but i can't with the pad.It works with the mouse but not very well.


I'm guessing you don't have an analog gampad... since that's exactly what I have, and that's also a problem I had.

Get to options, and then change some buttons. I assign the different characters to both rear-shoulder buttons, and to the "start" and "select buttons" in my controller. If I want to pause, I press ESC in the keyboard.

Thanks Gevth but my keyboard doesn't work because I play with the gamepad and then the keyboard is disabled.I'll just keep the mousecursor on the portraits so I can switch easily.When the curosr gets of the portraits it's hell to get it back.

Thanks anyway.