
Converting "PC effects" to "Xbox Effects"

Started by iammingy, April 04, 2008, 01:59PM

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April 04, 2008, 01:59PM Last Edit: April 04, 2008, 02:15PM by iammingy
I know that the textures that the XBOX uses for skins, boltons, etc. don't switch the color channels from RGB to BGR... If I were to convert effects from MUA-PC for MUA-XBOX, do I need to do the color channel switching in the effects? Are they 100% identical to the effects in the PC version and PS2 version? I remember the color numbering in the effects in the PC version is actually swapped from RGB to BGR. :scratchhead:

I don't have the XBOX assets so I can't tell.

Let me know what effect you'd like me to extract and I'll upload it so you can compare.

Can you upload Captain America's p2_charge.xmlb and p2_release.xmlb for me? Thanks in advance!