Injured Kitten

Started by shafcrawler, July 17, 2008, 03:44AM

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Okay, so I just found that 1 of my cats gave birth and the other cats tore it's babies apart! Only 1 of them is still alive but it is injured and it's mommy is refusing to come near it! It's quite late so the vet says he can't make it tonight. So, anybody have any advice for me on what to do?

the kitten

is hungry (but I gave it some cow milk and it seems satisfied with it

is less than a day old

has a huge chunk of it's neck missing

covered in it's siblings' blood!!!!!!!!

Please, if anyone can help me, HELP!!!

Wrap it up to keep it warm , keep trying to feed it and search the phonebook for other vets or maybe even try a actual doctor .

Keeping it in a sock often helps.  Just put its body inside and let it's head stick out the open end.  Also, you may need to run to the store to get a small enough bottle so you can bottle feed the kitten.  However, when mothers give up on kittens it's usually a bad sign.  Typically they don't survive without lots of help if the mother sees a reason to abandon it.  It's also probably a good idea to keep that kitten in a room where no other cats can get to it.  Take a TV into that room, close the door, and watch TV while holding the cat inside the sock. 

I'm veterinarian student and I will try help for puppies like that only milk is not a good choice. Exist a lot of commercial artificial milk for kittys around the world but you can make one at your house and you need: 800 ml of whole milk, 200 ml of milk cream, 1 egg-yolk, 1 coffe-spoon of olive or sunflower oil and some drops of child vitamins mix all this things and give at 38ยบ C for the puppie. And important too is you need to act like it mothers so you will need to pass a towel or rag with warm water at his belly and anus because that estimule it pee and make poo. But like you say it is hurt the best thing to do is take it to a doctor and he/she will threat him and explain very similars things I said but in a way you understand because my english is very poor. I hope you can save it.

Thanks to all of you guys for the advice. The Kitten passed away a while back. I took it to my vet's house in the middle of the night. The thing is, it's mom gave birth to it in our yard and a male cat managed to grab the kitties' scents. It killed 2 other kittens and bit Dexter (the 1 I just lost) by his neck. He lost a lot of blood. That's the only reason he died. I made a bed of socks for him and fed him a formula my doc had instructed (a little bit different from what Sasquatch suggested). It seemed to be getting better about 3 hours back so i asked my doc and he said it was okay If I took Dex to see him then. He said it was bad news right away because the Dex's injuries were too severe. Still, he bandaged him up and said to feed dex at regular intervals. The doc said at best Dex'd make it through the night. He didn't. I just buried him in my backyard next to my first cat. Again, thanks everyone for trying to help me out.

Sorry to hear that man. :(

I feel really sorry for you. What happened to the mother cat?

Oh, the mother's fine. She still has 1 surviving kitten this time around.