Who will be in: THE AVENGERS?

Started by the amazing spiderman, July 10, 2008, 08:24PM

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I just read about this crazy rumor: Eva Longoria will play Wasp in either "Avengers" or "Ant-Man" movie.

This link features more info (and is actually skeptical of the rumor, but that doesn't seem to be the common opinion in the internetz): http://www.firstshowing.net/2008/09/14/rumor-eva-longoria-interested-in-wasp-in-the-avengers/

Also, there's rumors of Will Smith being offered Captain America. I can't currently think of any white actor that would fit the role better, so I'd be ok with that casting choice.

A long time ago, I heard rumors about Paul Walker from Fast and Furious being offered the role of Captain America.

And what ever happened to that Iron Fist movie with Ray Park?

Okay, thanks.

But that was early last year. Were there any announcements on its status after that?

None that I could find on any movie sites.  Seems like it's a dead film for now.

Well... i HOPE that the Avengers movie has AT LEAST...

Cap. America

AT LEAST!!! If those 3 aren't there... then sorry, but it's not avengers to me...


Ant-man (at least as a cameo)

That's my idea... no Spidey, no Xmen... i want the Classic Avengers for "nostalgic's" sake! XD


Rest assured that at the very least Thor, Captain America and Iron Man will be in Avengers, because that's been pretty much confirmed by Marvel every time they can.
The chances of X-Men, Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four related characters are slim to non (pardon my English if the last sentence made no sense). Because the right for those character's movie versions belong to Fox, Sony and Fox again, and it's pretty hard those studios will allow for any of those characters to appear in a movie released by any other studio (as was the case with The Incredible Hulk: http://moviesblog.mtv.com/2008/06/12/spider-man-meets-the-hulk-the-cross-over-that-almost-was-but-wasnt/ ). As long as their rights don't go back to Marvel, there won't be any Wolverine or Spider-Man in Avengers (and, sadly, no Dr. Doom or Magneto too, and most likely no Quicksilver nor Scarlet Witch).

This may be usefull: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0458339/

The First Avenger: Captain America. And the rumors Gevth mentioned are mentioned there aswell

Will Smith? As Cap?

Eva Longoria Parker could possibly play Wasp. I can imagine that.

OK I have a conundrum that won't leave my brain alone.
All of the info on the Ant Man Movie (which I am psyched for no matter what you Pym-haters say) says that it will feature both Hank Pym and Scott Lang. They have made it seem like the Pym story will take place in the 60's while Lang's story happens in modern day. If that is the case then it wouldn't make sense for Pym to be in the Avengers movie, but if he isn't in then Wasp makes no sense at all, she wouldn't have even gotten powers if it weren't for him.
Personally I hope this gets sorted out so that we can have Ant Man and Wasp in The Avengers Movie, it wouldn't be legit without them.

Also though it would suck without him, Ed Norton has said he is unsure about Marvel Studios plans for Hulk in the future.

Will Smith as Captain America, no...Isiah Bradley maybe, but I am really sick of them turning characters black for no reason other than to turn them black. Nick Fury I will tolerate because of the Ultimate series, but Steve Rogers story is a classic part of comic history, you wouldn't make Batman black for no reason.

will.i.am as Kestrel, or John Wraith, is perfectly fine for me though.