How to make XBOX 360 unoverheated again

Started by Power Cosmic, July 10, 2008, 06:35AM

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I know how to make it overheat, if you got XBOX 360, but still overheat, see in

But, be careful to use it Ok.

VERY bad idea.  This melts the solder connections in order to 're-weld' the bad soldering in the 360.  The drawback is that you bring the CPU core +20 degrees Celsius, which causes permanent damage to the CPU.  People who use the "Towel Trick" often report their 360 dying days or weeks later.

You can send a red ring 360 into Microsoft for FREE service.  Doing this voids the ability for that service.

July 10, 2008, 10:50PM #2 Last Edit: July 11, 2008, 07:45AM by Power Cosmic
So that was stupid idea is'nt it. Which where & which is good idea anyway.

Mr.Cum are you there, just tell me where should i suppose to find a good ideas.

Quote from: Teancum on July 10, 2008, 07:22AM
You can send a red ring 360 into Microsoft for FREE service.  Doing this voids the ability for that service.

And don't call me Mr. Cum.  That's really offensive.

Oh yeah, sorry. But which site have a free service.

Good question.  I used to know, but don't remember anymore.  You can call Microsoft.  I would also recommend visiting