Countdown to Thousandth Member

Started by jonchang, June 21, 2008, 06:59AM

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June 21, 2008, 06:59AM Last Edit: July 16, 2008, 08:57PM by Midnight Curse
Current: 1,000+
Amount Needed to reach 1,000: None!

Goal reached! Congratulations!

Yeah the 18 members will probably be either someone that posts once or never does . Theres only like about 50 members that visit this site reguarly :(


T-minus 13 members, and counting.

Quote from: Venom on June 21, 2008, 05:13PM
Yeah the 18 members will probably be either someone that posts once or never does . Theres only like about 50 members that visit this site reguarly :(

The number of people who actually mod the games and share their stuff is even smaller. :(

Quote from: iammingy on June 23, 2008, 06:50PM
The number of people who actually mod the games and share their stuff is even smaller. :(

Yeah, there's 321 members who have never posted, 142 that have 1 post, 96 that have 2 posts and 55 with 3 posts.  That's 614 members alone, well over half.  And 777 members have less than 10 posts, leaving only 222 members.  IMO not much to celebrate about, but to each his own.  Personally I'd purge all users that have had 0 posts and haven't been active over six months (that's what we do at gametoast) but that's THX's call.

Not to mention the members with multiple accounts

True.  And I wouldn't be surprised at all if a few fake accounts were created by members here in order to get closer to 1000.  *hint hint*

Goal reached!

C0ngratz on this milestone feat!

Unless we do decide to purge all non-active accounts.

well even if most people arent active, there is a bright side...that means that at least 1000 people have found their way to this sight somehow. That means that they can tell all their freinds about what a wonderfull place this is and about how every1 gets free icecream on sundays! :P :) :laugh:
Icons made by me(i could only pick the best b/c of ltr limit):

Now that this milestone has been reached: