

Started by Threshold, August 06, 2008, 01:32PM

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Hi Guys,

I found Marvelmods because of MUA  :nightcrawler: and liking it I would like to get (..somewhere..somehow)X-Men Legends I and II.
I found plenty of sources for number II (but I am still downloading so not sure if they work or not) but nothing for I: is it available for pc?
Anybody has any link or actually has it?
I have exausted all the searches I know of.
I use VISTA (and I should get all the help just for this ;)) SP1.

Thank you all! :sunfire:

X-men Legends didn't come out for PC, but it is possible to convert most of the game to the XML2 and MUA game engines

Quote from: Threshold on August 06, 2008, 01:32PM
Hi Guys,

I found Marvelmods because of MUA  :nightcrawler: and liking it I would like to get (..somewhere..somehow)X-Men Legends I and II.
I found plenty of sources for number II (but I am still downloading so not sure if they work or not) but nothing for I: is it available for pc?
Anybody has any link or actually has it?
I have exausted all the searches I know of.
I use VISTA (and I should get all the help just for this ;)) SP1.

Thank you all! :sunfire:

You realize you just admitted you're stealing the game, right?  Not smart.

Hello Norrin,

Thank you for your reply and help.
I have problems to change skins so I doubt about converting anything I'm afraid.
Has it been done by someone already?
Can u maybe pm me some links or info?

Many thanks

P.s. Teancum I frased my post best I could but I am aware of what I have written and I am not a hypocrite.
The game is not available for pc so I have no either choice and I would like to play it nonetheless.

Quote from: Threshold on August 06, 2008, 02:30PM
P.s. Teancum I frased my post best I could but I am aware of what I have written and I am not a hypocrite.
The game is not available for pc so I have no either choice and I would like to play it nonetheless.

You just said X-Men Legends 2 was available for PC.  That's why you're downloading it.  What you do is your own business, but be smart.  Besides, you can buy the sequel on eBay, so there's no reason to download it.

Hello guys,

Norrin thank you for the links I will check them out tomorrow first thing.
And by the way another big thank you for all your mods!

Teancum I am not going into the reason why I am downloading stuff but thank you for all your advice.
Trust me that if I could I would love to own the original game and play it on a console/pc with a gamepad and without all the hassle the method I am using comes with.
Will check eBay though, you never know.

Thank you all

Quote from: Threshold on August 06, 2008, 02:30PM
Hello Norrin,

Thank you for your reply and help.
I have problems to change skins so I doubt about converting anything I'm afraid.
Has it been done by someone already?
Can u maybe pm me some links or info?

Many thanks

P.s. Teancum I frased my post best I could but I am aware of what I have written and I am not a hypocrite.
The game is not available for pc so I have no either choice and I would like to play it nonetheless.

Hey, you just admitted you are stealing the game.
Congratulations, you aren't a hypocrite, just a thief, cheapskate and idiot. You have a teeny tiny bit more respect than a thief, cheapskate, idiot, who IS a hypocrite, woo-hoo. Go you.
Post here about your piracy again, and get a free Ban.
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