
Official Hawkeye mod (v1.0)

Started by Dark_Mark, October 19, 2008, 03:17AM

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November 29, 2008, 09:26PM #31 Last Edit: November 29, 2008, 09:30PM by Power Cosmic
PM Him, what's that mean. Well, i try to Copy Hawkeye Skins(Classic, Street Gear & Modern), paste to models/effect file, then rename as hawkeye_arrow:
_17101,_17103_,_17104, so i add name hawkeye_arrow with _17102.
After that, i edit the pkgb files. In game play the arrows wont showed up. Only i know in muaskinner offset is:
But it did'nt work while using cmd.exe.

Quote from: Power Cosmic on November 29, 2008, 09:26PM
PM Him, what's that mean.

Private Message.

Find one of Mark's posts and below his avatar there is a speech bubble. Click on that and that will direct you to the PM new message. Then type in your question.

Quote from: Power Cosmic on November 29, 2008, 05:33PM
Some of the Hawkeye Skins can be useful as a arrow, think is, we can use his skin on hawkeye_arrow. What should we do. Copy 171xx then Paste & rename hawkeye_arrow_1(for Classic). Or use muaskinner, so how much offset of hawkeye_arrow & his skin.

You will need to take hawkeye_arrow.igb and change the texture via MUASkinner/NRSkinner.
You may freely use and modify my work as long as you give me proper credit - there's no need to ask for my permission.

Ok. So, how do we gonna make hawkeye_arrow_171xx to same as captain_america_shield_06xx in gameplay, but i already copy & paste hawkeye_arrow then rename hawkeye_arrow_17102. Well, where do i start.

Quote from: Dark_Mark on November 30, 2008, 04:46AM
You will need to take hawkeye_arrow.igb and change the texture via MUASkinner/NRSkinner.

I don't about this instruction. Just give me another instructions.

OK!! Packages Done & Entities almost done. But there is a problem with arrow on power of:
Adamantium Arrow
Ice Pick
Piercing Shock
Hawk's Revenge
Ricochet Rocket(before shooting)

It wont showed up.

You will need to update the ps_hawkeye.engb to get those to work correctly.

Perhaps i need a code of ps_hawkeye.xml. I don't know which one. Ok, so who make hawkeye_arrow_171xx's(01(Classic), 03(Street Gear), 04(Modern)). I've already built Packages & Entities. For making Hawkeye's Arrow different:
Remember Captain America.xml Entities

That is really what I need , but I can't connect to the site that can download the zip file.
Is there any method to fix it?

1. Official Characters mod contains Hawkeye in his prime version.
2. Bumping old threads is irritating
3. See 1.
4. There ain't no 5.

Is there gonna be a bullseye/hawkeye costume that's gooing to be released anytime soon? ;)

Is there a way to add Hawkeye's bow to the Ronin skin?

I believe Hawk's bow is part of the mesh (segment).

Correct.  So the answer is 'no' -- at least not without exporting a new Ronin mesh.

 :hawkeye: Is there a way that you could upload this character again? The links are down. This is a great character you got here!