What is everyone's favorite team to play as?

Started by BliZZ, March 20, 2007, 04:29PM

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December 29, 2007, 04:59PM #90 Last Edit: December 29, 2007, 05:01PM by Venom
Quote from: soresage on November 03, 2007, 10:50PM
thanks to Teancum and his xbox beta, my new favourite team is a proper West Coast Avengers; Moon Knight, Thing, secret wars spiderwoman, and war machine. hawkeye would be nice, but i am too much of a rookie to put him in myself.
Just click the "print screen" button then go into somthing like paint and paste it in there , save it , then just host the image on http://xs.to/

And my Favourite team would hav to be Venom , Toxin(using carnage skin) , Mysterio and then either deadpool/nightcrawler/or someother

December's team: SpecForces (Special Ops)

Nick Fury
Iron Man
Moon Knight
? (Who else is a proficient weapons handler and has a variety of them in their arsenal?)

Arclight, there is a YouTube vid on it:


Thank you for the video Midnight Curse. And, just so you know - the Weapon Specialists team consists of:

Colonel Nick Fury
Captain America

but if you're looking for someone who has more weapons in their arsenal, I would go with:

Colonel Nick Fury
Moon Knight
Iron Man

I am dying to be capable of doing this team, related to what MC is saying:

Nick Fury
Black Widow

That's rite! How could I forget Captain America? Thanks.

January 02, 2008, 02:30PM #95 Last Edit: January 04, 2008, 11:33PM by Buddhabear100
Golden Age Heroes for me
Captain America  :capamer:
Human Torch  :humant:
Namor Mod  :namor:

I really only use the three of them, it would be great if we could get some other golden age skins
The Angel
Miss America
The Whizzer
Thin Man
lot's of those guys would be a lot of fun. We also need some good Golden Age Human Torch skins, and a more accurate Golden Age Captain America.

Three spots are always filled:

Silver Surfer - because he's just too bloody awesome.
Thor - because Ultimate Thor kicks ass.
Deadpool - Because all gods need a jester.

The fourth spot is up for grabs, usually by:

Ms. Marvel - every superteam MUST have a hot chick; too bad Binary looks like crap.
Ghost Rider - He's flamey... and spikey... and chainy... mostly for novelty factor.
Omega Red - the OTHER Russian, and he doesn't disappoint.

I've enjoyed 2 combinations recently-
"The Defenders" - Dr. Strange, The Hulk, Silver Surfer, & Moon Knight
(Although, at level 48, this team is incredibly powerful).

And I recently ran the Asgard scenario completely differently, only targetting the bosses.
Take "Thor", as your powerhouse target to attract the enemies, then keep the "Invisible Woman" and "Nick Fury" in their invisible modes. Just run invisibly past all of the minions, until you reach the goal of the mission.
Then, while Thor attracts all of the attention, the invisible Fury uses his "Assassin" skill to pick off the bosses without being attacked himself.  It feels dirty and underhanded, but, hey, he is the director of SHIELD, tright?
Sue is just there to throw Invisible Darts while Fury reloads.

sneaky, I like it!

lately I've actually been playing with
Quicksilver (switch out with Scarlet Witch) :quicks:  :scarletw:
Human Torch :humant:
Iceman :iceman:
Spiderman  :spiderman:

To be honest I haven't been playing MUA for a long time, until recently when I began skinning. (I kept visiting this site to see if something new has been discovered.)

Normally I had Blade (don't hate me, I only used his Bloodthing power to run faster :laugh: ), Cap, Magneto and Deadpool on my team. Now it's more like Bishop (cries about the Bombardment power though..), Shard (yeah Norrin she's really cool) Wolvy and Magneto.

February 28, 2008, 07:03AM #100 Last Edit: March 04, 2008, 01:11PM by Rasdel

:wolverine::deadpool: are a MUST in my team.  :stark: is also in pretty much everytime... the other char i like to switch. Most of the time, i choose either  :spiderman: (i love the guy, it's just that i am kind of sick of him... i know, but let's face it, for the last years everything is "spiderman this, spiderman that!") or  :ghostr:...


Cable  - With the recent release of this mod I've had a lot of fun.
Deadpool  - Comedic relief I just can't pass up on.
Bishop  - I love how effective he is as an energy sponge. (lol @ Radioactive Man)
Storm  - She's my flier and an awesome support character.

spidey (stark armour), Cap (classic), Deadpool (classic), Wolverine (astonishing). Nice, fairly well balanced team with pretty decent ultimates.

QuoteGolden Age Heroes for me
Captain America 
Human Torch 
Namor Mod 

I really only use the three of them, it would be great if we could get some other golden age skins
The Angel
Miss America
The Whizzer
Thin Man
lot's of those guys would be a lot of fun. We also need some good Golden Age Human Torch skins, and a more accurate Golden Age Captain America.

"The Invaders" team... interesting...

it would be fun to have a "New Invaders" team too...
