
Deadpool Booster v1.2 (updated 11/16/2008)

Started by Jack of All Trades, November 04, 2008, 05:48PM

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Actually I just playtested and gambit's staff move is the only one that isn't affected.

November 07, 2008, 09:07AM #16 Last Edit: November 07, 2008, 10:06AM by DarthCyclopsRLZ
Interesting. Knew for Sunfire & Bishop, but wasn't certain for Gumbo.  Been a while since I playtested with him. Energy Fury didn't even bother with the kick/punch restrictinon, eh.  Good thing Gumbo's move aren't punch/kick attacks per se, then.

Sensible solution is of course to remove Sunfire's & Bishop's uncessary moves, eh. Oh, and the Bobster doesn't have melee powers. But then again, his buffs are totally glitched. Not quite in the good sense for Ice Armor. Oh well.

EDIT: Anyway, here's one last thought:

While there's no way to handle both types of attacks with a single skill, you can bypass the sick damage output by nerfing all melee powers and putting harsher level restrictions on the passive.

Let's say you give him the 150% bonus to regular melee attacks. That's a 2.5 modifier.  Which means the powers' bonuses should be nerfed by '1 / modifier'.   That would be -60% here.

Not exactly an elegant solution, but it works.  It's just that the powers' dmg bonuses look kinda funny.

I figured out how I'm going to do it.  I'm going back to the original script for Stealth, which uses damagetype = dmg_blade.  The solution is so simple that I feel stupid for not thinking of it sooner.  I'll simple add an entry that adds damagetype = dmg_melee.  This of course throws butterfly kick back into the mix but since it does less damage than rupturing jab it doesn't really matter.

I'll have the stealth fix up tonight.  Once that's up and running I'll have a chance to playtest Gotcha aka leap of faith.  First I have to figure out how to get it to trigger with nightcrawler and see if it works with Deadpool.  As of right now I don't even know.

I'm still trying to think of a comical name for leap of faith.  I'm not satisfied with Gotcha.  If anybody has any ideas, I'm listening. 

Also I originally had different names for my powers.

Healing Factor was IT'S ALIVE!

Cloaking Device was Here Today Gone Tomorrow

Teleport Flurry was B.A.M.F.  Which stands for...


November 07, 2008, 09:06PM #18 Last Edit: November 07, 2008, 09:49PM by Jack of All Trades
So the new version makes Stealth work like it was supposed to.  It boosts all of his Melee attacks.  Before it only boosted Blade Cyclone and Rupturing Jab.  Now it affects his basic punches and kicks, Butterfly Kick, and I threw in Teleport Flurry. 

The reason I chose to include his other powers even though boosting them is unbalanced is because it all ready boosts rupturing jab.  Rupturing Jab is his strongest move and when you apply stealth to these other melee attacks they don't do as much damage rupturing jab anyway.  Honestly, if rupturing jab is 5 times stronger than all of his other moves, why use his other moves?

I think this was the original problem with deadpool.  Now he has plenty of other options.

This version also fixes Teleport Flurry.  Now it funtions bug free.  Deadpool stops teleporting when there are no more enemies.  Since Teleport Flurry is affected by Stealth each attack can do more damage than Nightcrawler's version.  Because of this I felt compelled to reduce it from a total of 6 attacks to 5 at maximum level.  Deadpool should not outBAMF Nightcrawler.

Tonight I'm going to finally playtest Gotcha aka Leap of Faith.  It's all up to this.

Quote from: Jack of All Trades on November 07, 2008, 09:06PM
So the new version makes Stealth work like it was supposed to.  It boosts all of his Melee attacks.  Before it only boosted Blade Cyclone and Rupturing Jab.  Now it affects his basic punches and kicks, Butterfly Kick, and I threw in Teleport Flurry. 

I wanna know something.  Have you *tried* the skills with 250 strike?

Yeah I know it's really, really, high.  But have you tried rupturing jab with stealth, weapon mastery, and 250 strike without any mods at all?  It's always done an insane amount of damage. 

Here is the way I looked at it.  Since Rupturing Jab and Blade Cyclone were originally affected by stealth, a passive skill that is supposed to boost all of his melee attacks.  It stands to reason that Butterfly Kick & his Punches and Kicks were supposed to have been included as well.  I simply solved that problem and I threw Teleport Flurry into the mix or else it wouldn't be worth using compared to his other powers. 

Infact this has been the most commonly mentioned pre-mod flaw in the game.  That deadpool is a one trick pony with Rupturing Jab.  That he isn't worth using.  I realize that my solution is escalation but since Butterfly Kick and Teleport Flurry do less damage than rupturing jab (which I HAVE NOT increased) what difference does it make?

Now I'm not trying to balance the whole game.  If I were than I would fix Stealth, Energy Fury, Psychic Fury, Motion Amplifier, Teleport Frenzy, Ice Gloves, Flame Sword, and every other broken power in the game. 

If somebody takes the time to balance out every character in XML2 than I will be more than happy to fix Deadpool's Pre-Broken powers and include a nerfed version in that update.  Until then I'm keeping Deadpool at the all ready broken standard that XML2 has set forth.  I hope you understand that he was all ready broken, I just didn't fix him.

Hell, I've been considering fixing XML2 anyway.  If there were enough people to divide up fixing all of the character's I'd be interested.  We'd have to get NoDoubtjr to fix his psp conversions though.  I'm not fixing Deadpool without fixing Cable.  Those two are a team.

To be completely honest I considered folding Stealth and Weapon Mastery into a single passive called "Weapon Mastery & Stealth" to boost all of his powers using the scope_node method and creating an entirely new passive called "Hand to Hand Combat" that would give his basic Punch & Kick attacks the standard 260% combat bonus.  I'd have to change Butterfly Kick's damagetype from dmg_melee to dmg_blade to keep it from getting a double boost and give Teleport Flurry back it's 6th attack.

Note: This absolutely Nerfs Rupturing Jab. 

Honestly I would prefer the latter.  It accomplishes what I feel Stealth and Weapon Mastery should accomplish in a balanced gameplay XML2 world.  I may actually just release two versions of deadpool.

Does anybody have any opinions?

More of a fact than an opinion:

Try using this solution with, says, Colossus & Juggernaut.  You'd have to basically rewrite the whole ps file to mod the damage types.

Wolvie & Deadpool were just lucky to have so much default blade damage.

Quote from: Jack of All Trades
To be completely honest I considered folding Stealth and Weapon Mastery into a single passive called "Weapon Mastery & Stealth" to boost all of his powers using the scope_node method and creating an entirely new passive called "Hand to Hand Combat" that would give his basic Punch & Kick attacks the standard 260% combat bonus.

Once again, works fine for Deadpool.  Just not for other tanks. More or a situational/lucky fix than anything else.

That's not what I was asking.  I want to know if enough people would rather have me create a more balanced version of deadpool.

Which would people rather have my deadpool which is set to xml2's broken standards or a balanced version of my deadpool. 

My point is, the method you're using only works if you wanna power up Deadpool at every other - Wolvie excepted - pure tank's expense.

I understand your point but you aren't listening.  Deadpool is ALL READY broken.  Even without my mod rupturing jab still does about 3200 damage when fully maxed out with both passives.  With my mod it still does this much damage.  Even after my mod his other moves do less damage than this, cost more EP, and have longer animation times.

Give me a break here.  Deadpool isn't my creation.  I didn't do anything to break him.  I just included the other applicable powers in an all ready broken passive.  I will repeat myself again.  They still do less damage than his previously broken power.  Deadpool has ALWAYS made other melee characters useless it was just that he repeated one move over and over again when he did it. 

I'm not saying you broke it.  I'm wondering why you're not fixing Rupturing Jab.  You're taking the time to boost everything else.  Why not nerf the broken skill instead?  Or just remove stealth altogether and replace it with critical strike? 

The reason I haven't fixed it because absolutely none of the other updates attempt to fix anything that's broken.  Look at the Jean Booster.  It doesn't fix Psychic Fury.  Look at some of the custom characters.  Angel has a radial melee and a boost that I was able to one shot kill Grizzly for with for 9000 damage.  Psylocke's blade and whip do about the same amount of damage as rupturing jab.

The community hasn't bug fixed their characters because they don't want to.  I actually made a post about Angel's Strength that was totally ignored.  I really like him as a bonus character too but there is just no way I'm going to use him because he's way too strong. 

I am about to playtest a stealth fixed version of deadpool and I'll post along side the standard.  Honestly, along side bishop, ironman, and even sunfire my deadpool isn't that broken.

So yes I'm going to include a fixed deadpool and I'm going to include the current state of X-Men Legends 2 Deadpool.

I updated battle cry today.  I used Professor X's Telepathic Link as a precedent for the damage boost value.  Now it's a little more honest.

A new version.  I eliminated Gotcha aka Leap of Faith.  I found my mistake but it didn't make the power work, so I gave up and removed it to prevent people from spending points on it.  If you have spent points, I suggest investing the 10,000 techbits to reskill him and then install the update.

On a side note.  I can fix the no EP cost bug by giving him Teleport Attack with a point automatically invested in it.  Does anybody think I should do this?