Which official character really got you impressed?

Started by iammingy, April 07, 2007, 04:48PM

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Nick Fury... I know I know, but when I got the game and found out he could be unlocked, I was reluctant to try him out, but I went through all of Medium difficulty with him and about 3/4 of Hard mode woth him on my team, and he only died twice, and once as becasue he fell off a cliff.

Deadpool also kinda impressed me.

October 23, 2007, 01:27PM #17 Last Edit: October 23, 2007, 01:36PM by PackerFan8459
I wasnt expecting him to be able to teleport like he does, and some of his moves. Blade Cyclone and Gernade Toss do some good damage. I like Gernade Toss, that gets me out of some tough situations, and Wisecrack, I like that move also.

i really was inprest by ghost-rider[dianyell ketch], his power were amazing, i really just wished they gave him his marvel-knights skin. 

I gotta say Deadpool. Heard of him before but only through wikipedia etc and he turnedout to be  not only a valuable asset to the team (his regeneration and cyclone bledes being some smoothe moves) he also provides a lot of humour

yea mignight curse, dual shot is good, but I don't really use it, and yea his conversations are funny, especially his comic mission

I'll second Black Panther as each costumes looks great,a very slick/damaging moveset, an extreme that is great for chains and a voice actor who nails the part.  "I am just a simple Man, a man who rules a country and fights evil on a daily basis." :laugh:

Phil Lamarr? Plus, his normal melee moves look awesome too.

For me
   Human torch
  -Modern costume ( fire damage e energey regen)
  - Inferno Great damage and pop up
  - Fire storm greaaaat damage
  - Nova blast increase fire damage and damage near enemy(good on Mephisto's realm)
  - And Use the starbolt's flame as item to increase more the fire damage

    Silver surfer
    - Power platoon costume ??? i forget the name ( increase power damage and energy regen)
    - Cosmic bean good damage
    - Surfer's rage excellent when have a lot of enemy and to "full" the momentun
    - Molecular mixup   excellent damage (because of  a bug it does the same damage from cosmic bean if you use cosmic bean full charged before) and doesnt need to charge
    - Dark uru hammer increase energy damage

I'll go with Moon Knight. Is there no problem which cannot be solved with nunchuks? I do not know much of the character, but after reading up on the subject he seems good.

MK's Cable Shot and Boomerang are also pretty effective.

Wolverine, it's my favorite character.
Astonishing costume ('skin')all at maximum
1,2 power at use (character at 59 level)