
Running speed.

Started by rakkain, April 30, 2007, 07:56PM

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I've noticed that whenever the character controlled by myself gets a certain distance ahead of the computer controlled characters, they will run faster than normal to catch up. Also, when they are on aggressive, they will run faster to get to a group of enemies to fight. I use the pc version, so I'm not sure if it's the same on console, though I imagine it would be. I've tried all sorts of keys and combinations of them to see if the character I control can run any faster than a elderly jog. I'm assuming it's not possible, thought I'd post and see if any of you have noticed this as well.  :deadpool:

rolling IS faster, and if you have a character with an Attack Speed boost, your rolls are faster too (counts as an "attack")

however rolling is tiring... there's obviously other ways of moving fast too (Spider's Bite, movement speed boost like Blade, flying (doesn't count as an atk though), teleporting, Charge/Tackle/Pounce/Lunge attack...)

the CPU controlled allies only run fast to catch up with you; you can't just start running faster yourself.

and lastly, you can modify items to just give you a movement speed boost (copy from Spider's Bite)

May 03, 2007, 09:14AM #3 Last Edit: May 04, 2007, 01:03AM by cvc
If you just want your char to be faster add the line speed = 1 ; to your herostat

I had that working some how but forgot,looks like you got it though.
And their turning us into Monsters its all designed!!

Thanks for that, I'll add it in there.

I like to have either Thing or Iceman in my team for fast navigation.

Iceman = Ice slide
Thing = Bullrush

Or you could modify the herostat like cvc said :D

Yeah, I grew tired of rolling around etc. And I did try to add speed = 1 ; in the herostat file, but it never seemed to work for some reason. So instead I made a new talent for it altogether. Took some tweaking to find the perfect amount of speed, I did have some fun running around with cracked out characters though.

   talent {
   descname = Speedboost ;
   description = Boosts movement and attack speed. ;
   icon = -1 ;
   icon_texture = textures/ui/talent_icons.png ;
   name = speed_factor ;
   type = ability ;
     talentvalues {
        talentvalue {
        level = 1 ;
        name = speedup ;
        value = .7 ;


      level {
      description = Increased speed. ;
         powerup {
         life = -1 ;
            affecter {
            attribute = move ;
            level = %speedup ;

            affecter {
            affect_type = scale ;
            attribute = move ;
            level = .7 ;




And while I was at it I gave wolverine :wolverine: a better healing factor of 0.4. That seemed to suit his badness a little better.

You can simplify those commands a bit further if you're going to use it as an always on power (which I assumed from the sounds of it) :rockon:

   talent {
   descname = Speedster ;
   description = Increases movement speed ;
   name = quicksilver_speed ;
   type = ability ;
      level {
      count = 1 ;
         powerup {
         life = -1 ;
            affecter {
            affect_type = scale ;
            attribute = move ;
            level = 1.5 ;




I used this for Quicksilver. It gets rid of the cross-referencing of values in your setup, letting you simply input the value you want for an increase (in his case, a 50% increase.) You simply need to plug in the talent reference for the level you want it to kick in in the Herostat, and you're golden.

Hey thanks, I was impressed that i figured at least that much out. But simpler is better.

Agreed. They both basically do the same thing, but there's always less chance of screwing up a smaller formula (x=4 vs. x=2y-.5z, where y=3 and z=4), ya know?

On a side note on speed a new mod I'm makeing if Killer corpse picks up something he is like 2 times faster running with it. huumm.
And their turning us into Monsters its all designed!!