

Started by skoobiedawg, April 14, 2009, 09:00PM

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     Cant find any info about this, so i'm hoping someone here can help. I just got MUA and want to play it at 1360x768 resolution which is my monitors default. The option for that resolution doesnt show up. I dont see an .ini that can be adjusted. My monitor shows as plug n play in windows but shows up correctly as samsung in the nvidia controll panel. There are no drivers for this tv/monitor as it is considered plug and play. so is this affecting my options for resolution in game? or is it game related? and if so is there any way i can get that resloution for this game?

Thank you in advance for any help:)

Did you look under "Options" for the game? When there look under (I think) video options. it should have REsolution

Put the resolution you get closer to your monitor. See Options.
Ponle la resolución que más se acerque a tu monitor. Mira las Opciones.

     Sorry for being so blunt, but did eithor of you actually read my post? If you did you would see that I tried those things already.

Like I said the option doesnt show up in the game setting for 1360 x 768.

My monitor is running at that resolution on the desktop but in windows it is being seen as a "plug and play" monitor. The problem (i think) is that bacause it is seen as a generic "plug and play" its max resolution is showing as 1280 x 768 in the registry. So when a game checks the registry to see what resolution options there is 1360 x 768 isnt there.

I eithor need to fix that or find an ini setting that will change that in the game file. Most games I have played have a file somewhere in which this can be changed manually and saved.

I dont know if you can but you should try and see if you can play this windowed.
Edit: Have a read of this thread on playing Mua windowed :

Thx Venom, strangely enough I replied to your post last nite but now its gone:(

Its looking more and more like I have to fix the problems with windows not reporting certian resolutions as this is affecting other games as well. I have to try to get windows to recognize my monitor as a Sumsung not generic plug and play. There are no drivers for this monitor so i'm hoping there is some way to this:(

Thx once again Venom,

I appreciate you taking a look around for me:) This is a different scenario than my problem though as mine doesnt use/need drivers apperently:( I should have done a little more research about this tv before buying I guess as I can get the resolutions fine when i use the avi plug but.....and a big but....when I use the avi plug my screen looks all gritty.... sigh. I called Samsung and inquired about these things, the response was "if your picture is gritty just use the pc plug" "If you cant get the correct resolution using the pc plug use the next closest resolution" Thats their fix to my problem.. ignore it:( I've had this monitor for just under 2 years but normally used my 19 inch until lately. I wonder if its too late to bring it back as i didnt realize these problems until recently.

Usually, if a resolution isn't available in the default options, the only way to enable it is to edit a .cfg file somewhere.  Provided that you're willing to deal with whatever weird issues that crop up, that will probably be the only way for you to get that resolution.