
List your disappointments

Started by Teancum, September 02, 2009, 07:15PM

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Quote from: nodoubt_jr on September 03, 2009, 02:54PM
My only real dissapointment is that there wont be a PC version. Some of the other stuff people have mentioned does suck, but i could get over that stuff and enjoy the game.

I agree with nodoubt.
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I'm also disappointed that there isnt a PC version. Hopefully they fix that when Xmen Legends 3 comes out.

I have to admit though I'm really torn up that Professor X isnt playable. I was seriously hoping for his Bald Phoenix costume as an alternate costume. That would have been hot!

She-Hulk as DS exlcusive. Now I need to buy 360, PS2, and Ds versions.

it aint in pc. i was expecting for more. considering the fact that a lot of MUA players are using the PC, it's sort of a mistake not releasing it on that platform. perhaps with in a couple of months, they'll release a pc version.
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Quote from: marvelfan12345 on September 04, 2009, 01:06PM
She-Hulk as DS exlcusive. Now I need to buy 360, PS2, and Ds versions.

And as stupid as it is, that is precisely why they do exclusives, to get you to buy multiple copies and drive up their sales.  You're playing right in to their marketing.  That's probably why VV didn't do a PC version because with a PC version there is no exclusives that cannot be obtained on the PC thanks to the modding community.  With the PC version you can make many exclusives that console players cannot get.  Still, I hate exclusives.  Even though we can make new mods, we don't quite get the shinies the devs made and have to improvise with skins and what not.
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.

The DS version will just be a bunch of mini games, so I won't buy it just for the exclusives. Playing MUA1 with the She-Hulk mod is much better.
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No time for modding at the moment, sorry.

I'm gonna get DS for Shulkie but also to play the game anywhere especially Jean.