If you could change the Roster how would you change it)

Started by marvelfan12345, August 10, 2009, 01:58PM

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Quote from: marvelfan12345 on August 13, 2009, 06:33PM
I've decided to extend the roster to 30. In that case I would readd Gambit, then add Rogue as she is awesome! I'd add Wanda here and give her 360/PS3 slot to Psylocke as Psylocke is my 2nd fav character. The exclusive counts for the 30 roster so I have 2 slots left. Black Cat is one as I really would love to play as her and the last slot goes to Shulkie as she is another Avenger, and I loved her in the FF. I'd use her even if she clashes the story as she is an NPC. Too bad I can't fit Emma.

I actually love to see Rouge in a new game. She was a favorite of mine in XML and I found her lacking in XLM2. I think she might need an update for MUA soon enough...

I would add Bishop to it. But the real one, who can, as a passive, absorb energy and use it. Fusion with his Energy and Gun combined. Add Gambit, who can turn every weapon into a kinetic bomb or so.
Add Blade ala Wesley Snipes style please. God I hated the MUA version. I might wanna redo him, making him more acrobatic and stuff.

Anyway, for one more villain, Scorpion.

Quote from: BLaw on August 19, 2009, 01:08PM
I would....Anyway, for one more villain, Scorpion.

Definately scorpion and Quicksilver. Do they still have team bounses?
Life, it's a simple thing; it doesn't shout or scream or even ignore you. No life takes what it gets, it expects that it is fate, it expects that the only thing stopping it's self is its self. But what if, what if the only thing stopping you from becoming you is some-one you love. That's my life...

I think that Jean Grey is one of the most important characters of Marvel but I think that she doesn't fit in this game mainly because she's dead (or in the White Hot Room you can say whatever you want). In the case that they don't want to put all the characters like the comics I would replace Jean Grey for Emma Frost (a psychic is always necessary) or the Scarlet Witch (I think she's better than Doctor Strange)...

And then there's Daredevil...I don't like Daredevil and he wasn't in the Civil War (well, there was one Daredevil but he was Iron Fist really), so he should be changed for the Black Cat.

The rest of characters are fine in my opinion.

I don't think that Jean is that important. Well, Dr. Strange is better I think, but none of them is in the roster.

August 29, 2009, 03:38PM #20 Last Edit: August 29, 2009, 03:42PM by marvelfan12345
Strange and Wanda are equal to me so I couldn't ever decide between the two. I also think Jean is important having been one of Marvel's leading ladies and even in the White Hot Room she is and she is a very popular X-Men which means something in Marvel with the large number of X-Men.

I would replace Deadpool and Ms. Marvel with Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch.  Glad to see Iceman there!
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September 06, 2009, 10:35AM #22 Last Edit: September 06, 2009, 11:06AM by Burning Rage
Well I don't particularly like Iceman too much.  I know nobody else really has ice powers like him and he's unique and all, but I'd still get rid of him anyway.  I don't like having playable villains in a hero game, even if they are working for the good guys now.  So Goblinator and Venom have to go.  Songbird?  No.  I'd love to see Rogue in the game.  There are several X-Men I'd like to have, but can't have too many because the game should include as many characters from different comic books as possible.  I don't really like Luke Cage either, but he's on Captain America's side.  I absolutely hate Iron Man and want nothing more than to see him burn in hell (Batman is the better billionaire with super cool suits and gadgets crime fighter anyway.... Bruce Wayne > Tony Stark always), so Cage gets points in my book.  To be honest though, I wish the Civil War never happened.  It was the stupidest thing and stood against almost everything heroes have been doing since the dawn of time, and that was to protect their identities to keep loved ones from harm, and avoid oppression by being controlled by those who know who they are.  They also killed off a super icon, Captain America.  How the hell can you do that?  I mean seriously that almost made me hate Marvel.  If it weren't for the X-Men I would've left Marvel for good because of that.  Anyway, if I had it my way and the roster was super huge, I'd like to have these X-Men:

Jean Grey
Emma Frost

But just give me Rogue and Elektra and I'll be happy.  My roster would be something like:

Captain America
Iron Man
Mr. Fantastic
Invisible Woman
Human Torch
Ms. Marvel
Luke Cage
Moon Knight
Iron Fist
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.

Now, that I had time to think of it, I would change Penance to Hawkeye (either the Clint or Bullseye one) and Songbird for She-Hulk.

I would change these characters.

Venom-She Hulk
Iceman-Scarlet Witch
Green Goblin-Shadowcat
Deadpool-Moon Knight

Are they PS3 exclusives cause that is what I shall be getting?

September 06, 2009, 11:18AM #28 Last Edit: September 06, 2009, 11:24AM by Iron Fist and Deadpool
Well, no, sorry. I'm quite sad, that Sentry is a Nintendo DS exclusive, cause I would have been happy, to play with him. And Juggernaut is not that kind of Exclusive I think. He is more like a Pre-order bonus, but still: X360 and PS3 gots one exclusive, while the other platforms two or three? Not fair!

Oh, well that's sad news. Maybe DLC then. I've got these mods to play them so that will be good.