
Started by BoosterMan, August 19, 2009, 04:47PM

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I recovered several powers for some characters (there are more than 4 powers)
:storm: 0roro

Wind Push
Lighting Bolt
Hail Storm
Twister Uplift

:gambit: Remy (actual names)

Card Barrage
Radial Staff
Explosive Hand
52 Card Pickup
Charged Staff

:phoenix: Jean

Phoenix Beam
Phoenix Blast
Phoenix Explosion

real talk???
CHECK OUT <a href="http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,3593.0.html">;MY BOOSTERS</a> (I NO LONGER MOD)

Every character only has 4 powers. I know of these.

Captain America - Shield Throw, Shield Charge Move (from MUAI)
Thor - Hammr Slam with Lightning Bolt, Hammer Run and Charge Move
Jean - Tk Grib (Basic), Tk Lift and Slam, Phoenix Explosion, Mental Bolts
Storm - Lightning Bolt, Wind Knockback, Wind Popup, Hailstones
Gambit - Energy Cards, Radial Staff Attack, Staff Assault, Throw Cards on Floor
Invisible Woman - Force Tk, Invisibility
Songbird - Sonic Scream, Sound Popup, Sonic Bolts, Sonic Explosion Bolt
Iron Man - Uppercut (maybe), Freeze Beam (maybe), Energy Blast
Ms. Marvel - Orbiting Energy Balls, Nega Beam, Strength Move

actually theres more powers not just 4 watch the the trailer and when they are customizing gambit there are 4 powers on the screen then they scroll down and another one is revealed. you can only assign 4 powers to the face buttons

Passives! (read in a high pitch voice, like the "Toasty" in Mortal Kombat)

Only 4 powers, one for each face button, no readjusting which goes where, and then 6 passives.