I found a way to be the New goblin in Spiderman 3!

Started by spideyfan17, October 01, 2007, 09:56AM

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When you be him in the final mission download a spiderman 3 trainer that has "Freeze time",you can roam around as the new goblin without the time! :nod:

where do u download the freeze trainer cause i have it for the xbox 360 :hulk_icon:

I presume there is another version for SM-3 where once you finish the game you can also play as The New Goblin ....  :S   don't know clearly....
C a r n a g E™

 :abyss: for the xbox 360 you have to download the new goblin playable content from the marketplace for about 800-1600 microsoft points, its pretty whack after a while so don't get it if you don't like just flying doing nothing and waiting for little missions to show up.

This is off topic but all Goblin fans should check out the ps2/xbox spiderman movie game.It had a cool unlockable where you could play through the game as him and all his abilities.