
The VS Game

Started by Nowhere Man, September 12, 2009, 09:34AM

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Scarlet Witch vs. Clea


Spider woman vs wonder man

Spiderwoman.              Storm vs Invisible Woman                                                                                           

For me Storm  :D
Juggernaut vs. Luke cage

Juggernaut.                                 Jean vs Ms Marvel

100% Jean
Punisher vs. Bishop


emma frost vs jean grey

iceman vs deadpool
You dare to steal from Galactus?!

Human Torch :humant: vs Sunfire :sunfire:
"I am a woman, a mutant, a thief, an X-Men, a lover, a wife, a queen. I am all these things. I am Storm, and for me, there are no such things as limits "

Human Torch

Cap.  :capamer: vs Nick Fury :nfury:

Human Torch
Daken vs X23


Big sibling competition (I want all of them mentioned from 1st to last place):

Polaris, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver (the Lehnsherrs) VS Colossus, Magik and Mikhail (the Rasputins) VS Cyclops, Havok and Vulcan (the Summers) VS Psylocke, Jamie and Cap Britain (the Braddocks) VS Emma, Cordelia and Adrienne (the Frosts) VS Pixie, Lady Mastermind and Martinique (the Wyngardes) VS Husk, Cannonball and Aero (the Guthries)
My Releases -

  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

Here goes:

1. Summers
2. Braddocks or Frosts, I'd say it's a toss-up which one
3. Rasputins
4. Lehnsherrs
5. Gurthies
6. Wyngardes

Cannonball vs. Magik

angel vs archangel
You dare to steal from Galactus?!