
The VS Game

Started by Nowhere Man, September 12, 2009, 09:34AM

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Lets see, a goddes versus someone who can make ice-cream of everyone, i say the goddes reings here
Now for the never-ending battle :

Emma frost vs Jean grey XD (please note just to make the fight fair, Jean is NOT possesed by the Phoenix here)

September 08, 2010, 12:46PM #2536 Last Edit: September 08, 2010, 12:52PM by MarvelFan12345
Still Jean (proven to be way more powerful even before she fully merged with the Phoenix and gained access to her own full powers, and I have the proof if anyone feels that it is unfair)
Sinister vs Exodus

With the Avengers and X-Men fight it is pretty much up the powerhouses. One is Wanda who makes me wonder as her powers have been retconned over and over again. Now she can alter reality which could be pretty devastating as she can wipe all the X-Men out with a blink of an eye. Yet that would be if she has control over this ability and at the same time is sane otherwise she would be a third party. I didn't know Captain Marvel wasn't as powerful as people like Surfer. He would go on the kinda-powerful list.

With X-Men Juggernaut's another question. He is a powerhouse but his weakness is mental. His helmet could easily be removed by a tk like Justice or even Sue and then Moondragon or Sersi? could blast him down.

I think Sinister is more cunning than Exodus, so Sinister

quick observation: in the comic books Pietro hates Magneto, he wouldn't ever join him again. That's why he left the Brotherhood in the first place. On the other hand Wanda is more tolerant to him, but still would side with the Avengers, cause that's what she did as well.

Sage vs Forge
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  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

Hmm have to go with Sage
Quicksilver vs Magneto

Magneto for sure.

Persuasion vs Wallflower
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  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."


crystal vs diablo
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Crytal :P

@nowhereman, sorry didnt know that XD, its just that in all x-men animated series (and im not talking about one specific here, all of them) Pietro and his father are ok, so i thought that XD

Black widow vs Spiderman

Black widow.
Emma Frost vs. Cyclops??

If it's the current Fraction versions then Cyclops.
Magneto vs Bishop and Storm


Satanna Hellstrom vs Witchfire
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  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

Really? I mean, we are talking about the same goddes storm here eh?
Oh well,

The stepford cuckoos (all 5 of em) vs Bishop

the Cuckoos.

and yeah, Storm is VERY powerful. But Magneto is just as powerful, has a lot more experience, has more defensive powers and is practically immune to electrical attacks. it's really just a fight between Storm and Magneto, cause Bishop would be knocked out right away. it wouldn't be an easy fight, but I think Magneto has a better shot. And I have every reason to favour Storm, considering she's my favourite X-Men character, but I am being impartial.

Moonknight vs Punisher
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  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."


I believe Storm would win too. Besides the fact that she is one of my fav characters she controls all of the weather while Magneto only controls the magnetic field. Plus she is immune to the electrical attacks that Magneto would throw at her. In fact with energy manipulating characters it really is a matter on who can control more, but just as important if not more is experience (energy manipulating is what I mean for characters who control stuff like Magneto with metal, Iceman with ice, Storm with weather, and Jean and all her offspring with everything, etc).

Storm and Jean vs Ms. Marvel and Scarlet Witch

Storm and jean.
Scarlet Wicth  :scarletw: Vs. Dr. Strange  :strange: ??

Dr. Strange
Jean Grey vs Invisible Woman vs Songbird vs Psylocke