
The VS Game

Started by Nowhere Man, September 12, 2009, 09:34AM

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Wolverine vs X-23

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Hellion and X-23 vs Justice and Firestar

X-23's team

Dazzler and Jubilee vs Nightcrawler and Nocturne

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Nightcrawler's team
X-23 vs Dazzler


Sabertooth vs Wolfsbane and Catseye

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Wolfsbane and Catseye

Spiderman 2099 & Hulk 2099 vs Spiderman and Hulk

2099 team

Cable vs X-Man

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Nate for sure. Cable uses all his telekinetic powers to control the techno organic virus.
Jean grey ( with 90's powers and some phoenixy powers vs. Nate Grey )

October 24, 2010, 01:59PM #2903 Last Edit: October 24, 2010, 02:01PM by MarvelFan12345
Tricky. At the 90s she hadn't fully gained her full potential in power . In skill she would win but in power at 90s levels then Nate. But you also said Phoenix level too so then that I'm guessing would kinda be Morrison Jean power levels. I guess Jean then.
QuoteJust a little fun fact -- in the "Wizard X-Men Special", X-writers Steven Seagle and Joe Kelly were asked which X-Man would win if the X-Men fought each other in a battle to death. Their answer was (of course) Jean Grey! They said that she is the only one with enough moxie to take down the entire X-Men! Kelly says; "...Phoenix is extremely fierce and her abilities are on a level that none of those other guys can touch[...]She's got telekinetic power that can keep any of the other X-Men at bay while she dissects them mentally."

"With her power, Phoenix can touch anyone from a distance," says Seagle, and argues that the other X-Men, even Storm to some extenct, all have proximity powers. Jean does not.

Kelly says; "From a tactician's point-of-view, not only can Jean read anyone's thoughts, she knows when they're going to attack. She knows everything that Scott knows. In fact, she knew Professor Xavier before Scott did. She was already starting to work on her powers before the rest of the X-Men came along."

"And anyway, it's the '90s," offers Seagle, "Girl power, baby!"
Guardian vs Green Goblin


Rachel Summers vs Nate Grey

Nate Grey
Havok and Polaris vs Vulcan and Deathbird

normally vulcan alone can take care of the other 3 very easily. if havok absorbs the energy of a sun like the last time then lorna and alex would win.

Nova vs Apocalypse

My Releases -

  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

Gazer vs Sunpyre

as gazer, sunpyre. as war, gazer.

Mister Sinister, Holocaust, Abyss and Mikhail Rasputin vs Magneto, Storm, Iceman and Sunfire
My Releases -

  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

2nd team would be deadly but got to go with the 1st. Sinister always has some deadly scheme and Mikhail's power is supposed to be incredible.