
The VS Game

Started by Nowhere Man, September 12, 2009, 09:34AM

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White Phoenix easily. She wins against pretty much everything besides Eternity and God.
Regan and Martinique vs Pixie
(Sister Fight)

Regan and Martinique
Blackheart vs Shadow King

Tricky, but I believe the son of mephisto would win.
The goblin queen aka Madie ( with all the goblin force ) vs. Emma Frost.

Easily Maddie
Hellstorm, Strange, and Vodooo vs the Ancient One

1st team may win.

Jean grey ( Grant Morrison's ) vs. X-Man.

Nate unless its Jean at the end of Planet X where she has unlocked her full powers.
Colossus vs Nightcrawler

Draw. Teleporting is good but colossus is a man of steel even if you teleport and kick him he won't be affected and if he tries hitting you, Kurt could teleport.

Cyclops and Havok vs. Vulcan?

Fantomex vs Kitty Pryde

Jean Grey with phoenix's telepathy level vs. Xavier?
Only psychic powers.

Captain Marvel vs Hulk

Ms Marvel binary vs Dark phoenix?

Dark Phoenix

New Mutants vs Young X-Men
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  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

You didn't put anything lol

Toad vs Toad lol XD

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Mystique hehe
Magneto vs Spider-man