
The VS Game

Started by Nowhere Man, September 12, 2009, 09:34AM

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:warbird: vs   :deadpool:

Still waiting for Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition Turbo HD awesometacular kick-ass OMGWTFBBQ coolness EX-cellent remix power version...

Deadpool easily
Scorpion VS The Lizard
Someone told me love would all save us.But, how can that be, look what love gave us.A world full of killing and blood spilling...

Lizard, cuz he's smarter...

:deadpool: vs  :sskrull:

Still waiting for Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition Turbo HD awesometacular kick-ass OMGWTFBBQ coolness EX-cellent remix power version...


Songbird vs Multiple Man

Songbird ....easily

White Phoenix vs. Death

White Phoenix
Yellowjacket VS Goliath(MUA2)
Someone told me love would all save us.But, how can that be, look what love gave us.A world full of killing and blood spilling...


Dr. Doom vs Green Goblin


Cassandra Nova vs. Emma Frost

Cassandra Nova
Firestar vs Justice


Dr.Strange vs SCARLET Witch!

''No more doctors :D'' and with those words, dr strange was gone :(

A not all to orignal one

Havok vs Cyclops :)
My Release topic :,8934.0.html

Newest Release : Raven

Havok for sure !!!!

Professor Xavier vs. Emma Frost

Emma, cause when she turns diamond she's immune to tp, and then it's a fight between an old man, maybe in a wheel chair, and a super strong invulnerable woman.

Diamond Lil vs Frenzy
My Releases -

  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."


Apocalypse vs. Galactus

This matchup was asked a lot already...
But whatever, Galactus!

Gambit vs Iron Man

Still waiting for Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition Turbo HD awesometacular kick-ass OMGWTFBBQ coolness EX-cellent remix power version...