
The VS Game

Started by Nowhere Man, September 12, 2009, 09:34AM

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Ultimate Spidey

She-Thing VS Shulkie

utimate spider-woman vs 616 young hawkeye

Ultimate Spider-Woman

Thor vs Piledriver

T.H.O.R. !!!

Wolverine vs Silver SAMUEL(kiddin :P )...Samurai
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.....chuck noris?

boom boom vs patriot (young avenger)

Oops, I've forgot to write a new vs last time :D

BTW, Boom Boom

Mystique vs Loki

even if i prefer her...Loki

Movie fury vs ultimate fury (in loocks)- a tricky one heh ?

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Movie Fury cause he is Samuel L. Jackson and he is Mace Windu :D

Movie Wolverine vs Daken

Movie wolverine(even if for a close one :D )

daken vs nick fury
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Daken would tear him apart :D

Movie Wolverine vs Movie Ghost Rider

Movie Wolverine

Daken vs Wolverine vs X-23 vs Lady Deathstrike vs Romulus
:P Identical characters, I know :P
Trust is like a mirror, you can fix it if it's broken, but you can still see the crack on that motherf*cker's reflection
My Mods for XML2:

Wolverine, cause he is the best, at what he does :D

Col. Nick Fury vs Commander Hill


Movie thing vs Movie Juggernaut
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