
The VS Game

Started by Nowhere Man, September 12, 2009, 09:34AM

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I think Titannus...
Blackbolt vs. Apocalypse

hum hum hum i really think it's black bolt
agree with me? :)
Jack frost vs Iceman

Quote from: mj fan on March 29, 2010, 09:27AM
hum hum hum i really think it's black bolt
agree with me? :)
Jack frost vs Iceman

(I say Apoc, i mean come on, he can change his hands to hammers!)

Iceman :)

Echantress vs Wonder man

silver surfer vs sentry vs thor
You dare to steal from Galactus?!

silver surfer
Ymir, Jack frost, equinox and Iceman vs Pyro, Human Torch, Magma, Sunfire

ice team
apocalypse vs silver surfer
You dare to steal from Galactus?!

silver surfer is stronger
Iceman vs Human torch vs Electro vs Rockslide

a-bomb vs the thing
You dare to steal from Galactus?!


Mr. Fantastic, Dr. Doom, Beast, Hawkeye Wolverine, and Human Torch vs Hulk Hydro-Man Nightcrawler Multiple man Cyclops and daredevil
My password for my skins and mods is marvel

Team number 1 :D
Apocalypse, Blackbolt and Silver Surfer vs. Galactus

March 30, 2010, 03:20AM #1661 Last Edit: March 30, 2010, 03:24AM by The_Hulk
Quote from: rocco600 on March 29, 2010, 05:24PM

Mr. Fantastic, Dr. Doom, Beast, Hawkeye Wolverine, and Human Torch vs Hulk Hydro-Man Nightcrawler Multiple man Cyclops and daredevil
lol my signature fight :D

apocalypse black bolt and silver surfer

hulk vs betty :D
You dare to steal from Galactus?!

betty !!!!!!!!!!!! :grin_no:
hulk of course  ;D
ares and moonstone vs thor and miss marvel

Thor and Miss Marvel
Scarlet Witch vs. Enchantress