Next-Gen Roster - Hurt & Heal

Started by Larcetin, September 13, 2009, 09:58AM

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marvelfan is on a mission to avenge jean cause she died by Dihans hands and he was healing Iceman :P

Heal Storm
Hurt Hulk
Captain America - 23
Deadpool - 18
Gambit - 15
Green Goblin - 12
Hulk - 7
Human Torch- 13
Iceman - 8
Invisible Woman - 12
Iron Fist - 16
Iron Man - 16
Ms. Marvel - 11
Songbird - 12
Spider-Man - 11
Storm - 42
Thor - 24
Venom - 10

Cyborg Fury - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/13/09
Penance - Killed by Marvelfan12345 09/13/09
Mr Fantastic - Killed by Blizz 09/14/09
Jean Grey - Killed by Teancum 09/14/09
Luke Cage - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/14/09
Wolverine - Killed by ThePhoenix 09/14/09
Juggernaut - Killed by Dihan 09/14/09
Thing - Killed by Blizz 09/14/09
Daredevil - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/14/09
My Releases -

  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

Heal Storm
Hurt Iceman
Captain America - 23
Deadpool - 18
Gambit - 15
Green Goblin - 12
Hulk - 7
Human Torch- 13
Iceman - 7
Invisible Woman - 12
Iron Fist - 16
Iron Man - 16
Ms. Marvel - 11
Songbird - 12
Spider-Man - 11
Storm - 43
Thor - 24
Venom - 10

Cyborg Fury - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/13/09
Penance - Killed by Marvelfan12345 09/13/09
Mr Fantastic - Killed by Blizz 09/14/09
Jean Grey - Killed by Teancum 09/14/09
Luke Cage - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/14/09
Wolverine - Killed by ThePhoenix 09/14/09
Juggernaut - Killed by Dihan 09/14/09
Thing - Killed by Blizz 09/14/09
Daredevil - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/14/09

Heal Storm
Hurt Hulk
Captain America - 23
Deadpool - 18
Gambit - 15
Green Goblin - 12
Hulk - 6
Human Torch- 13
Iceman - 7
Invisible Woman - 12
Iron Fist - 16
Iron Man - 16
Ms. Marvel - 11
Songbird - 12
Spider-Man - 11
Storm - 44
Thor - 24
Venom - 10

Cyborg Fury - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/13/09
Penance - Killed by Marvelfan12345 09/13/09
Mr Fantastic - Killed by Blizz 09/14/09
Jean Grey - Killed by Teancum 09/14/09
Luke Cage - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/14/09
Wolverine - Killed by ThePhoenix 09/14/09
Juggernaut - Killed by Dihan 09/14/09
Thing - Killed by Blizz 09/14/09
Daredevil - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/14/09
My Releases -

  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

Heal Storm
Hurt Iceman
Captain America - 23
Deadpool - 18
Gambit - 15
Green Goblin - 12
Hulk - 6
Human Torch- 13
Iceman - 6
Invisible Woman - 12
Iron Fist - 16
Iron Man - 16
Ms. Marvel - 11
Songbird - 12
Spider-Man - 11
Storm - 45
Thor - 24
Venom - 10

Cyborg Fury - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/13/09
Penance - Killed by Marvelfan12345 09/13/09
Mr Fantastic - Killed by Blizz 09/14/09
Jean Grey - Killed by Teancum 09/14/09
Luke Cage - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/14/09
Wolverine - Killed by ThePhoenix 09/14/09
Juggernaut - Killed by Dihan 09/14/09
Thing - Killed by Blizz 09/14/09
Daredevil - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/14/09

Heal Storm
Hurt Hulk
Captain America - 23
Deadpool - 18
Gambit - 15
Green Goblin - 12
Hulk - 5
Human Torch- 13
Iceman - 6
Invisible Woman - 12
Iron Fist - 16
Iron Man - 16
Ms. Marvel - 11
Songbird - 12
Spider-Man - 11
Storm - 46
Thor - 24
Venom - 10

Cyborg Fury - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/13/09
Penance - Killed by Marvelfan12345 09/13/09
Mr Fantastic - Killed by Blizz 09/14/09
Jean Grey - Killed by Teancum 09/14/09
Luke Cage - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/14/09
Wolverine - Killed by ThePhoenix 09/14/09
Juggernaut - Killed by Dihan 09/14/09
Thing - Killed by Blizz 09/14/09
Daredevil - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/14/09
My Releases -

  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

Heal Storm
Hurt Iceman
Captain America - 23
Deadpool - 18
Gambit - 15
Green Goblin - 12
Hulk - 5
Human Torch- 13
Iceman - 5
Invisible Woman - 12
Iron Fist - 16
Iron Man - 16
Ms. Marvel - 11
Songbird - 12
Spider-Man - 11
Storm - 47
Thor - 24
Venom - 10

Cyborg Fury - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/13/09
Penance - Killed by Marvelfan12345 09/13/09
Mr Fantastic - Killed by Blizz 09/14/09
Jean Grey - Killed by Teancum 09/14/09
Luke Cage - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/14/09
Wolverine - Killed by ThePhoenix 09/14/09
Juggernaut - Killed by Dihan 09/14/09
Thing - Killed by Blizz 09/14/09
Daredevil - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/14/09

Heal Storm
Hurt Hulk
Captain America - 23
Deadpool - 18
Gambit - 15
Green Goblin - 12
Hulk - 4
Human Torch- 13
Iceman - 5
Invisible Woman - 12
Iron Fist - 16
Iron Man - 16
Ms. Marvel - 11
Songbird - 12
Spider-Man - 11
Storm - 48
Thor - 24
Venom - 10

Cyborg Fury - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/13/09
Penance - Killed by Marvelfan12345 09/13/09
Mr Fantastic - Killed by Blizz 09/14/09
Jean Grey - Killed by Teancum 09/14/09
Luke Cage - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/14/09
Wolverine - Killed by ThePhoenix 09/14/09
Juggernaut - Killed by Dihan 09/14/09
Thing - Killed by Blizz 09/14/09
Daredevil - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/14/09
My Releases -

  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

Heal Storm
Hurt Iceman
Captain America - 23
Deadpool - 18
Gambit - 15
Green Goblin - 12
Hulk - 4
Human Torch- 13
Iceman - 4
Invisible Woman - 12
Iron Fist - 16
Iron Man - 16
Ms. Marvel - 11
Songbird - 12
Spider-Man - 11
Storm - 49
Thor - 24
Venom - 10

Cyborg Fury - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/13/09
Penance - Killed by Marvelfan12345 09/13/09
Mr Fantastic - Killed by Blizz 09/14/09
Jean Grey - Killed by Teancum 09/14/09
Luke Cage - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/14/09
Wolverine - Killed by ThePhoenix 09/14/09
Juggernaut - Killed by Dihan 09/14/09
Thing - Killed by Blizz 09/14/09
Daredevil - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/14/09

Heal Storm
Hurt Hulk
Captain America - 23
Deadpool - 18
Gambit - 15
Green Goblin - 12
Hulk - 3
Human Torch- 13
Iceman - 4
Invisible Woman - 12
Iron Fist - 16
Iron Man - 16
Ms. Marvel - 11
Songbird - 12
Spider-Man - 11
Storm - 50
Thor - 24
Venom - 10

Cyborg Fury - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/13/09
Penance - Killed by Marvelfan12345 09/13/09
Mr Fantastic - Killed by Blizz 09/14/09
Jean Grey - Killed by Teancum 09/14/09
Luke Cage - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/14/09
Wolverine - Killed by ThePhoenix 09/14/09
Juggernaut - Killed by Dihan 09/14/09
Thing - Killed by Blizz 09/14/09
Daredevil - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/14/09
My Releases -

  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

Heal Storm
Hurt Iceman
Captain America - 23
Deadpool - 18
Gambit - 15
Green Goblin - 12
Hulk - 3
Human Torch- 13
Iceman - 3
Invisible Woman - 12
Iron Fist - 16
Iron Man - 16
Ms. Marvel - 11
Songbird - 12
Spider-Man - 11
Storm - 51
Thor - 24
Venom - 10

Cyborg Fury - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/13/09
Penance - Killed by Marvelfan12345 09/13/09
Mr Fantastic - Killed by Blizz 09/14/09
Jean Grey - Killed by Teancum 09/14/09
Luke Cage - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/14/09
Wolverine - Killed by ThePhoenix 09/14/09
Juggernaut - Killed by Dihan 09/14/09
Thing - Killed by Blizz 09/14/09
Daredevil - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/14/09

Heal Storm
Hurt Hulk
Captain America - 23
Deadpool - 18
Gambit - 15
Green Goblin - 12
Hulk - 2
Human Torch- 13
Iceman - 3
Invisible Woman - 12
Iron Fist - 16
Iron Man - 16
Ms. Marvel - 11
Songbird - 12
Spider-Man - 11
Storm - 52
Thor - 24
Venom - 10

Cyborg Fury - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/13/09
Penance - Killed by Marvelfan12345 09/13/09
Mr Fantastic - Killed by Blizz 09/14/09
Jean Grey - Killed by Teancum 09/14/09
Luke Cage - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/14/09
Wolverine - Killed by ThePhoenix 09/14/09
Juggernaut - Killed by Dihan 09/14/09
Thing - Killed by Blizz 09/14/09
Daredevil - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/14/09
My Releases -

  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

Heal Storm
Hurt Iceman
Captain America - 23
Deadpool - 18
Gambit - 15
Green Goblin - 12
Hulk - 2
Human Torch- 13
Iceman - 2
Invisible Woman - 12
Iron Fist - 16
Iron Man - 16
Ms. Marvel - 11
Songbird - 12
Spider-Man - 11
Storm - 53
Thor - 24
Venom - 10

Cyborg Fury - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/13/09
Penance - Killed by Marvelfan12345 09/13/09
Mr Fantastic - Killed by Blizz 09/14/09
Jean Grey - Killed by Teancum 09/14/09
Luke Cage - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/14/09
Wolverine - Killed by ThePhoenix 09/14/09
Juggernaut - Killed by Dihan 09/14/09
Thing - Killed by Blizz 09/14/09
Daredevil - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/14/09

Heal Storm
Hurt Hulk
Captain America - 23
Deadpool - 18
Gambit - 15
Green Goblin - 12
Hulk - 1
Human Torch- 13
Iceman - 2
Invisible Woman - 12
Iron Fist - 16
Iron Man - 16
Ms. Marvel - 11
Songbird - 12
Spider-Man - 11
Storm - 54
Thor - 24
Venom - 10

Cyborg Fury - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/13/09
Penance - Killed by Marvelfan12345 09/13/09
Mr Fantastic - Killed by Blizz 09/14/09
Jean Grey - Killed by Teancum 09/14/09
Luke Cage - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/14/09
Wolverine - Killed by ThePhoenix 09/14/09
Juggernaut - Killed by Dihan 09/14/09
Thing - Killed by Blizz 09/14/09
Daredevil - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/14/09
My Releases -

  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

Heal Storm
Hurt Iceman
Captain America - 23
Deadpool - 18
Gambit - 15
Green Goblin - 12
Hulk - 1
Human Torch- 13
Iceman - 1
Invisible Woman - 12
Iron Fist - 16
Iron Man - 16
Ms. Marvel - 11
Songbird - 12
Spider-Man - 11
Storm - 55
Thor - 24
Venom - 10

Cyborg Fury - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/13/09
Penance - Killed by Marvelfan12345 09/13/09
Mr Fantastic - Killed by Blizz 09/14/09
Jean Grey - Killed by Teancum 09/14/09
Luke Cage - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/14/09
Wolverine - Killed by ThePhoenix 09/14/09
Juggernaut - Killed by Dihan 09/14/09
Thing - Killed by Blizz 09/14/09
Daredevil - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/14/09

Heal Storm
Hurt Hulk
Captain America - 23
Deadpool - 18
Gambit - 15
Green Goblin - 12
Human Torch- 13
Iceman - 1
Invisible Woman - 12
Iron Fist - 16
Iron Man - 16
Ms. Marvel - 11
Songbird - 12
Spider-Man - 11
Storm - 56
Thor - 24
Venom - 10

Cyborg Fury - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/13/09
Penance - Killed by Marvelfan12345 09/13/09
Mr Fantastic - Killed by Blizz 09/14/09
Jean Grey - Killed by Teancum 09/14/09
Luke Cage - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/14/09
Wolverine - Killed by ThePhoenix 09/14/09
Juggernaut - Killed by Dihan 09/14/09
Thing - Killed by Blizz 09/14/09
Daredevil - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/14/09
Hulk - Killed by Nowhere Man 09/14/09
My Releases -

  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."