How do you feel yourself? / General Talk about everything

Started by LX - Rampage, September 22, 2009, 10:09AM

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Quote from: edward on September 06, 2011, 09:26AM
It breaks my heart to know people go threw this really horrible moments in live, which some of the time having no blame in the situation. Why aren't we equal god dammit!! And when will there be at least a hour in the whole world where everyone is at peace.

Lets hope soon :) I agree with you completely!

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Yeah, me too! I wish us love and patience

† Reach Heaven before the devil learns of your death †

Couldn't agree more, Ed. How we wished for heaven to exists on earth, even for a small moment :(

Yeah i think it's kinda sad when you watch the news it's always talking about something bad either a murder accident etc.There's not been one time i turned on the news and saw or heard good things.

It doesn't even have to be tragic even with this drama it's like you can't go at least 30 minutes without fighting or cursing someone out.This is what one of my acquaintances posted on fb regarding me and anyone thaat was talking bout him behind his back

QuoteOhk bitchs now if u gotta fukkin problem then fukkin cum up and say it to my face u Female Cat ass Forbidden word don't go around my fukkin bak and tell everyone bout Chocolate egg u no ain't tru so any of u from MCC that said fukkin anything bout me u cum say it to my face but if u don't and I find out it was u then imma fuk u up and I don't care who u r cuz I'm finna fade!!!!!!!

He say me in school didnt say a word to me but talked about me behind my back.He thinks he so popular when really no one even knows who he is AND he thinks everyone has his back but really know one does.It's also sad how the only words in his vocabulary are profanity

Quote from: Jeanfan321 on September 06, 2011, 07:31PM
Yeah i think it's kinda sad when you watch the news it's always talking about something bad either a murder accident etc.There's not been one time i turned on the news and saw or heard good things.

It doesn't even have to be tragic even with this drama it's like you can't go at least 30 minutes without fighting or cursing someone out.This is what one of my acquaintances posted on fb regarding me and anyone thaat was talking bout him behind his back

He say me in school didnt say a word to me but talked about me behind my back.He thinks he so popular when really no one even knows who he is AND he thinks everyone has his back but really know one does.It's also sad how the only words in his vocabulary are profanity

Hes just a moron who doesn't know anything better to do but bully! He should go back to kindergarden because he can't spell anything right, I find people who talk spell/ type like this all the time are stupid. He can't spell come right, or the bad words he says , plus he repeats himself which makes him even more stupid. Dont let him be rude to you and stand your ground, people like that deserve anything bad that comes to them. I deal with people like them daily and I do nothing wrong. They are just bullies like I said before, and have nothing better to do but find little satisfaction on be rude to others.

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I know it sounds inmmature, but I really hate it when people can't spell (im not a grammar police type of guy, wont correct em, but I seriously hate it)
its lke tlking lkeths  (space forgotten on purpose :) )

School was cool btw :D, im so glad, im nervous as I dont know what though :P
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Newest Release : Raven

To tell you the truth, I don't really understand what he's talking about with all that bad grammar lol
but then again it's because of people like him, that people like you & me need therapy >.>
Seriously. Why can't the world just mind their own darn business & treat others nicely. but we know that this will never happen ;(

So the dinner with my Father was descent... oddly. Instead of him and me fighting, its my fiance. We really havent been getting along lately. Yay... And people wonder why I'm always in my own little world.

Quote from: Nowhere Man on September 05, 2011, 12:51AM
they really do, don't they?

well, I've been modding as much as I can since I came back. I became kinda fed up about having all my characters great, but none absolutely perfect. So, I decided to go from character to character taking each of them to my own definition of perfection. 49 characters and yes, I've been modding ALL of them in the past 20 days or so. 34 are done, now 15 to go. Once I'm done expect a great number of releases \o/.

Man I just notice this post and I got to say I can't wait to see who they are. No offense to anyone but a lot of the MUA mods are really broken and really needed of a little boost. I so wounder who is on your list i'm hope Multipleman, Cable, Polaris,(who could use a different voice) Kitty, Cannonball, toad, havok, and Pyro would be great to see but of corse I kow you lean more to the marvel universe outside of the x-men. :/

well, I lean towards the whole marvel universe. I don't have a preference to work on x-men characters. I am gonna release several x-men related stuff though. some people know of, such as  Gambit 2.0, but others are a surprise. Out of your list the only one on my workbench is Cable. I actually worked on it some months ago and then my life turned upside down with all the travelling, job and so on. but his mod will be totally upgraded with a whole new powerset. but the one who's gonna release it is BLaw. I'm finishing the powers and effects, which are almost done, then he's gonna make his own improvements in other areas (models, icons, mannequin) and release it.
My Releases -

  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

@Polygone and Nuhverah

Oh i didn't et him get the best to me cause he really is a non factor in my life so i didnt give 2 cents BUT, today i told him  on facebook

Quote"that until you can conduct yourself in a more civilized manner and until your vocabulary is more than profanity we can't have an intelligent conversation so you can keep it moving"

he ain't say nuthing back and my friends saw the argument we had on fb and today everyone confronted me and said they got my back if this person trys and fight me.

I'm not a fighter BUT i do believe in self defense and i wont fight fair cuz i'll pick up a brick lol  :P

So last saturday night I went and saw the Honda Civic Tour here in Utah at the USANA Amphitheater with my girlfriend. I got all dressed up like Gerard Way from the Danger Days music videos and completely fucked up my hair with so much costuming hairspray (hence the new profile pic. my hair isn't usually that sexy red haha). It was all brilliant even though we mostly went for My Chemical Romance. I'm actually a bit resentful that Blink 182 headlined. I'll admit they're a really fucking great band and all and have some of the most amazing stage presence around, but I don't think that just cause they're a more comercial band they should get to headline. MCR is way better musically. Their lyrics and the way that they bring in elements from older style music and mix it all up with their own ideas make a unique sound is simply brilliant. Even their older stuff is hella gorgeous musically. Haha if you haven't noticed I'm a bit of a fan  anyways i loved the set list [link] and I have pictures from almost all of the songs linked below. I actually took hundreds of pictures but only a few turned out well. MCR uses a lot of LED light arrays on stage and that makes it really hard to take pictures of XD. I was interested to find out that 'Helena' is about Gerard and Mikey's grandmother. Also I don't really have any close ties to cancer victims, and when I listen to the song on the album I'm always fine, but when they played Cancer I just got chills and teared up. That's actually one of the reasons I love alternative while i have distain or worse for most pop and rap music: Good music and artists in my humble opinion have (beyond just being musically talented) lyrics that invoke emotions that you can relate to deeply, while pop seems to be just about the fake electronic beat and strippers/money/fornication/drugs/booze/dancing/etc. But I digress...I actually went to see them when they stopped here in Salt Lake on the World Contamination Tour but I wasn't really into them or their music at that point so I wasn't able to fully appreciate it  which is a shame because (as i may have possibly implied) they're a really fucking talented band and are really fascinating musically. But hey that concert is what turned me on to their greatness in their first place ^-^ well I'm probably rambling now at this point anyways so I'll wrap up. This is just something important to me so I thought I'd share XD <<the best  pics
all of the ones that turned out >>

But more relevant to the here and now, I'm having a tough week emotionally. Not sure why but i've just been feeling kind of bleh, kind of dead inside, something I'd almost describe as depression but I wouldn't want to diminish real, clinical depression. Not going to be that kind of silly emo teen XD. Anyways instead of abusing drugs or hurting myself like some people do I choose art as my weapon. I've been listening to lots of My Chemical Romance for catharsis. When I'm under a lot of stress I guess I just kind of shut off everything including my emotions so it feels really good to feel sad and angry and stuff and I can use music to do that. Also I made this piece of art:

@ Jeanfan
That's the spirit! Show him ur elegante, that's he's not in the level matched for you! XD

@ Deedoo
Wow D I've seen some of the pics in dvnrt..they're pretty wicked! It's amazing that 'Helena' is actually dedicated to their grandma, one of my relatives just got diagnosed with cancer so I figured I could relate to the song 'cancer' as well.
& It's okay D to feel sad & numb inside sometimes..after all, it's part of being human, right? I'm just glad you've found a healthy way to channel your feelings, unlike most youngsters now who turned to drugs & self-mutilation..I know coz I was one of them ;)

Well i wanna dedicate this post to all the people that died and the the families who lost someone on September 11th 2001.

May God Bless America and pray a tragedy never happens again

Quote from: Jeanfan321 on September 11, 2011, 06:34AM
Well i wanna dedicate this post to all the people that died and the the families who lost someone on September 11th 2001.

May God Bless America and pray a tragedy never happens again

I remember the many years ago when I watched this on TV the day it happend. Of course I was little so I didn't think much of it. But now, I pray for all the people who lost someone that day I hope everyone who died R.I.P

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