
How do you feel yourself? / General Talk about everything

Started by LX - Rampage, September 22, 2009, 10:09AM

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Thanks nodoubt! Hope I'm as good at it as you've always been.
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  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

Quote from: BLaw on April 25, 2012, 04:16PM
EDIT: I promoted Nowhere Man to Moderator. So spammers, BEWARE OF THE MAN WHO IS NOWHERE!!!!

Wow that last part has a pretty ominous tone to it lol (the man who is nowhere).  But nevertheless, big Congrats to you Nowhere man :thumbsup2:
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dank u ^^
My Releases -

  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

April 26, 2012, 04:25AM #2748 Last Edit: April 26, 2012, 04:27AM by UltimateVeNoM
Wow .Thank you Blaw. I'm flattered. ^^
And Nowhere Man... CONGRATULATIONS~!!!

More promotions will follow in time.

And no real need to thank me. The community thanks you for your contribution, delivering quality work (which even goes for non Marvel Modder ranked modders). Thanks to everyone for all the input over the years!

Yes, as a normal member (you could say I'm consumer or what), I can totally say, that I also thank you guys for your hard work. I mean, if it wasn't for most of you, this game would be just another game. But with all the cool mods, it's lifespan is extended and made this game a whole lot better. So thanks everyone for the mods and congrats to everyone, who already got promoted :)

? (No, really, this was the best I could come up with)

April 26, 2012, 11:43AM #2753 Last Edit: April 26, 2012, 12:37PM by Polygone
Yeeh, so the Nowhere bots, are they stronger now? xD, congrats Nowhere, U deserved it ;)

Also Blaw, im exicted for your Modding empire :D, now if you only had Blaw bots, we could start an all out war 0.o

Also, just to promote a little something, the ''Heromachine 3'' topic, if you havent checked it yet, you might want to :), Heromachine is a really cool program where you can make ALL villains and heroes imaginable, here's a little taste of what you might encounter in the topic ;)

Rogue mostly does X-men stuff, and Ill mostly do the rest of the Marvel universe xD, just couldn't resist doing Mystique though, and for the ones who frequently check it, thank you, and there's a new character up ;)

(didnt mean to Hijack or something btw besides, this IS the talk about everything topic xD, just promoting the work out there, Edward, me , Rogue and occainsly MidnightPhoenix are like, the only one's there xD)
My Release topic :,8934.0.html

Newest Release : Raven

I just went out outside to go feed my dog and he wasn't moving... I called my mom outside  and  she check him heart beat... I don't know what happen He was fine yesterday running and barking and all that.....I'm just siting here cryiing little bit... I'm gonna miss him....

Wow thats awful. I lost three of my dogs cause me and my partner finally moved together into a apartment and I felt horrible. But finding your dog dead most be sad. I remember I had a puppy who was about to be a dog, all of a sudden didn't want anyone to touch him a day later he died. I was 13 at the time and I cried so bad seeing my best friend dying. But don't be so sad about it cause I'm sure hes in a better place.

Thank you Edward,It helped  alittle bit
I thinks he's in a better place as well.. I remember when he ate the carpet.. I was sooo mad at him...thinking about it now  He didn't  know any better..He ate the carpet because he want to be with me,when I left to visited  my grandma,I think I know how he felt that day cuz i'm feeling like that right my love.. I will see you again one day....

I'm really sorry SNW, I know very well how much we get to love our dogs. My most sincere condolences.

And thanks Polygone. I promote you as well and you're now my head engineer. :P
My Releases -

  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

That is terribly sad :[ I honestly wouldn't know what to do if my cat died or if one of my girlfriend's (who I kind of half live with) family's dogs died...Stay strong!