
How do you feel yourself? / General Talk about everything

Started by LX - Rampage, September 22, 2009, 10:09AM

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I took the liberty of fixing it. hope you don't mind Polygone.
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  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

Course not, the pic was meant to show up xD

Thanks Nowhere :D
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Quote from: Scabbia on May 09, 2012, 10:05AM
Just wanted to let ya'll know, I just got a new computer today, will have internet back in a week, so I'll be back soon :) I wont be able to do more modding for MUA as my disc was damaged from all the moving...somehow... But I can still do stuff for XML2 and skins. Can't wait to get back. See ya'll soon.

It's a shame your disc was damaged... but it's great to hear you're back! I've been waiting for your Wonder Woman mod for some time.


I haven't bought myself a Lego set for ages now, but the moment, that I saw this Lego, with Wolverine, Deadpool and Magneto...and those Avengers ones. I WILL BUY ME SOME TOYS DAMMIT! :D

Sorry for the repost, but I have something Marvel-ish to discuss. I believe there's a good chance, that they might restart thing with some kind of armageddon in the comics. I mean, if you look at it, they are currently destroying everything. For examples: Nightcrawler died, Cain Marko has nothing, Hulk killed Bruce Banner, Deadpool is an average human again (WHY DAMMIT, WHY?!), Dr. Octopus is destroying the Earth, the Avengers are busy fighting the X-Men (!, plus I believe Hope will play a part in my armageddon theory, maybe even Jean Grey with the Phoenix, who knows), there's no Sorcerer Supreme anymore and I'm pretty damn sure, that there are many other things I forgot to mention. Or, Marvel decided to screw everything, because they can. I really hope it's the first one.

EDIT: I really, really, really, REALLY miss the good old Marvel days. Like a decade ago, for example.

Agreed, marvel made some of the worst desicions this (and previous) year, NC dead, Deadpool (:() you know what I miss? Just the good old comic days where heroes fight the bad guys who try to destroy the city, with nothing major going on

EDIT : yeeh :D, new sig, hopefully not to tall, im in a Harley mood :D
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Cool little sig :D

But, really, as you said it. Nowadays, all the story arcs are so huge and emotional and full of drama. As if we care. I really miss those stereotypical comic times, when a story could be told in one or two comic books. I really hope they'll restart soon, with everything back to normal. Or just some new mutant, named Jesus (wouldn't be surprised if this would happen one day) would appear change back everything. Or some time-travelling mutant would go back a few Marvel years and change a few stuff and everything would be awesome again. Really, so many ideas here, hope these changes I named for example in my previous post won't stay like this for long.

Quote from: Suigetsu on May 13, 2012, 10:40AM
I really miss those stereotypical comic times, when a story could be told in one or two comic books.

This ^^, I know that feel
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Newest Release : Raven

Plus, with time, everything became so depressed and dark. I mean, back in the old days (I talk like this, even though I'm pretty young :D ), every comic was so colourful and there was no problem in it. Sure, a death or two was there, but most of the time, the baddies started something (like a bankrobbery or something), the heroes arrived, saved the day, got the keys to city and stuff. Nowadays, everything is about drama, about personal issues and stuff. Saving people for the purpose of helping is not part of anything now. It's normally just super baddies vs super heroes (or heroes vs. heroes, like Civil War or X-Men vs. Avengers). They fight like they have to. And there are more and more death, sadness and depression in it. Back in the old days (again), the heroes were symbols for the readers. They stood tall and gave strength to the people. They showed, how you should fight for the better. When people felt weak, they could have just read a comic, be like: "Why do I feel weak, when all I have to do is work hard and achieve anything I want?". They were icons, role models. Now, they are just good names for good and easy cash. Sad, how even such simple things changed so easily and unneededly (is this a word? did I write it right?)

Agreed, just for old times sake, I think Marvel should realese a few comic books drawed like older ones ( and just some good old 1-comic book story in them

(with old drawings I meant this)

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Newest Release : Raven

Or, the ever classic, but still good enough sales wisely tactic: releasing very old stuff, with graphics from nowadays. Like HD remix video games. But the most important stuff is this: Either bring back the dead and give back the power to those, who lost it or just simply reboot the whole Marvel Universe somehow, with every change lost and everyone back to their former glory.

glory in comics pretty much died in the early 90's. when names like John Romita, Jack Kirby and Walt Simonson are replaced by names like Jim Lee and, worst of all, Rob Liefield, that's the end. DC had also went downhill but got to its lowest point right now by doing what Marvel did in the 90's when they were at the brink on bankruptcy. Marvel is actually better than at that time. think now is bad you should read Heroes Reborn or Cable's X-Force. ugly bottom line: ever since the early 90's good stories have been the exception.
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  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

Yeah, I heard about the so called Heroes Reborn storyline. It's But you know what? This is a great moment, for a "What-Will-Happen Marvel Lottery", where people could guess about what could happen next to certain characters. Because after all the things happened, I wouldn't be surprised about anything anymore. Stuff like: Wolverine being revealed to be Cyclops father. Now that would be a twist full of drama. And believe me, this wouldn't be surprising at all. Which reminds me, I'm waiting for some crappy soap opera twists in the comics. If you are at the bottom, you might as well enjoy it and give people the middle finger afterwards. :D

Quote from: Suigetsu on May 13, 2012, 12:51PM
If you are at the bottom, you might as well enjoy it and give people the middle finger afterwards. :D

LOL, that's so right ;).
My Releases -

  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."