
tommyboy2002's Mesh/Skin release thread:

Started by thetommyboy2002, December 16, 2006, 04:53PM

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That looks really cool. But are you using skinfilters? I mean, I just saw his uppertorso being the same as the.. new 52 one right?

October 08, 2012, 12:38PM #586 Last Edit: October 08, 2012, 01:00PM by thetommyboy2002
Quote from: Marvintage on October 08, 2012, 12:33PM
That looks really cool. But are you using skinfilters? I mean, I just saw his uppertorso being the same as the.. new 52 one right?
Nah, not using skinfilters yet, and may not bother, either. I don't want to have to make 4 versions of every form that has any "human" bits in.
I'll likely do a generic "nude" texture for everything.
The texture in the screenshot was just because I'm proof-of-concepting, it wont be in the final release. I might even stick the proper wolfhead texture I've done in there instead....
like so:

That looks awesome. and is otherworldly enough that it suits jonn imo.

Aand another form for the Manhunter from Mars:

I'm trying to script it such that each randomly chosen form changes something, gives him a bonus or improves something. I'm not having much luck yet, but that's the plan.
I now have nearly enough shapeshift forms to pick from, so I just need to fix his icons and should be able to release the whole mod in a day or three...

You should look at mystique. Gevth used scripts for her.

Quote from: thetommyboy2002 on October 09, 2012, 03:12AM
I'm trying to script it such that each randomly chosen form changes something, gives him a bonus or improves something. I'm not having much luck yet, but that's the plan.
I now have nearly enough shapeshift forms to pick from, so I just need to fix his icons and should be able to release the whole mod in a day or three...

This has the makings of an extremely cool mod!
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Quote from: Marvintage on October 09, 2012, 03:15AM
You should look at mystique. Gevth used scripts for her.
Thanks, I just looked, but he's not using anything that I'm not already doing.
What I'd like is the following to be able to activate when a form is picked:
1. more strength/damage done; possible how to; "setStrength("martian", 2.00)"?
2. more speed/faster anims; possible how to; "setAnimSpeed" or "setSpeed"?
3. Health regen activated or health returned to full: possible how to; "setHealth"?
4. take less damage for limited time : how to: "setInvulnerable("martian", "TRUE" )"
5. get more XP or more coins or something; how to:"awardXPToPlayable(100 )"

Any ideas would be welcome...

Skilfilters and affecters will help. Im sure of that

October 09, 2012, 08:54AM #593 Last Edit: October 09, 2012, 12:41PM by thetommyboy2002
Welp, I got a couple of my scripted "shapeshift" powers working.
1.Done:The temporary invulnerability (which is to represent the Martian's natural invulnerability to everything but fire) is activated on the giant ant form. This was already in the Mandarin script so I take no credit for it...
2.Done:I've also added a health boost when the wolf-head-snake-legs form is active. This gives a random health boost, but I've made the shapeshift power cost a fair bit of energy so don't expect to spam it back and forth building up your health. This one I actually wrote myself, so I'm going to brag about it endlessly...
3. Todo: Increase damage given by character; nothing I've tried yet works.. I want this for the big green spikefist form
4. Todo: Increase character's speed; nothing I've tried yet works...
5. Todo: Increase Energy level; pretty sure I can kludge this, it's not much of a bonus, I know. But take what ye can get..
6. Done: Fill extreme meter instantly; this is a nice bonus.
I think that these make a nice raft of "bonus" powers that make the shapeshift power worth using, and help differentiate him from all the mods I stole all his other powers from...

I've also given him weakness to fire as an innate talent. Seriously, stay out of flames. I may have overdone it, I'll have to see if I can put him against a flame weilding foe..
And from level 3 he gets an innate boost protecting against physical damage *cough*bothstolenfromMarvintage'ssupermanMod*cough*
If only I could get the stinking shapeshift/damage/speed going, I'd be happy.
But if I can't I can't. He has two nice little boosts in there with the health boost and xtremepip filler. That may well be enough.

October 10, 2012, 05:07AM #594 Last Edit: November 04, 2021, 06:15PM by Ceamonks890
Whilst I think about that,
Here, finally is my Flash Mod:

Includes 4 new meshes and skins; Barry (classic), Wally (90's), Jay (Original) and Max Mercury. Technically as four completely separate characters each should get his own Mod, they all have enough costumes, but for now, they get bundled up into this one.
I included all the older versions of my meshes and skins for him, partly because all the new ones are quite big, but just in case anyone preferred them.
He's pretty powerful just using the basic attacks, especially if you ramp up the costume passives. Therefore, many of his powers dont do massive amounts of damage, to try to make the game slightly challenging.
I tried to make him fun and different, using some powers speedsters haven't had before, so no "dash forwards" or "teleport", instead we have "speed bowling" and a "hammer toss", to break up the action with some light-hearted shenanigans.
I hope you like him, but if you don't, you don't. I'm sure somebody else will make a Flash Mod at some point....

ADMIN Note: This mod uses numbers which don't match up with that of Maegawa's Flash mod. Download these fixed files to have Tommyboy's variant use the same skin and animation numbers as Maegawa's-

October 10, 2012, 08:06AM #595 Last Edit: October 10, 2012, 02:53PM by thetommyboy2002
Green Arrow gets his first update, the Classic 50's/60's look:

More to follow...
Classic "modern" look:

Yay for Flash !

Quick question: Is the bow on Green Arrow part of the model or is it a Bolton? Cause I wanted to add an Artemis skin to him.

Quote from: Me on October 10, 2012, 04:02PM
Yay for Flash !

Quick question: Is the bow on Green Arrow part of the model or is it a Bolton? Cause I wanted to add an Artemis skin to him.
Part of the model.
There is a bolt on bow in the game, one of the asgard types has it, if I remember right. We used it for making Hawkeye before there were any Hawkeye models (ah...for the days of Wolverine re-skinned with a bolt-on bow...)

Thanks for Flash.  I think he will be fun to play!
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